Aspirin costs pennies a day. New breakthrough research explains how aspirin keeps cancer from spreading. Will medicine pay attention?
An analysis of six studies suggests that if you eat red meat you may run a higher risk of heart problems. Are gut microbes responsible?
It's time to make physical activity a part of our daily hygiene. Our guests describe why we all need an exercise prescription for life.
Are you confused about alcoholic beverages? There is contradictory advice. A meta-analysis of 25 studies suggests wine is good for the heart.
The US has a large gap between healthspan (years free of disease and disability) and lifespan (total years lived). Exercise could improve it.
Seed oils from corn or soybeans have been linked to higher risk for cancer. Omega-3 oils from avocado, fish or olives seem safer.
Glyphosate, also known by its trade name Roundup, has shown up in several different foods, not just oats. Might it harm the brain?
For decades Americans have been told to eat lots of vegetable oils. They are also in our favorite crunch foods. Are there hidden dangers?
The gut microbiome has a significant impact on Parkinson disease and on the response to checkpoint inhibitor cancer drugs to treat melanoma.
A surprising amount of research supports the biological benefits of practicing kindness, forgiveness, compassion and gratitude.
Mainstream medicine has criticized vitamin C for cancer and the common cold. But new research suggests that Linus Pauling was right all along!
Trump's choice of Dr. Marty Makary to head FDA is interesting. Will Dr. Makary stand up against Big Pharma?
FDA ruled that aspartame is safe. Some people have unanswered questions. For example, does this sweetener lead to erectile dysfunction?
Multiple studies indicate that people drinking coffee regularly reap benefits such as a lower risk of liver cancer or dementia.
Why has the FDA requested a duloxetine recall? Millions of capsules are being taken back. No one should stop duloxetine (Cymbalta) suddenly!
A research article in a prestigious dermatology journal reports that benzene is found in many acne products. Benzene is a known carcinogen!
If you have type 2 diabetes, paying attention to exercise, diet and supplements could help you manage your blood sugar more naturally.
Is the diabetes drug metformin a miracle because of anticancer, anti-COVID and anti-aging activity or a menace due to serious side effects?
A physician who survived a close call with death has dedicated his life to unlocking the lifesaving potential of old drugs.
A review of mobile phone use has concluded that a cellphone brain cancer risk does not exist. A different study found a link to heart disease.
Studies show that a plant-based diet may help cancer survivors live longer. Whole foods are preferred to ultraprocessed foods.
Blockbuster drugs like Januvia and Jardiance have been busting Medicare's budget. Now the government has negotiated big price reductions!
Do you wash your fruit and vegetables? Is that good enough? New research reveals that washing fruit does NOT get rid of pesticides.
Some drinking water contains excessively high levels of PFAS. Exposure to certain toxins increases the chance of depressive symptoms.
A diet high in junk food like soda pop or salty snacks significantly increases the risk of several types of cancer .
When doctors have to spend hours appealing health insurance company rejections of claims, they have less time for patient care.
The practice of hypnosis can help patients manage a wide range of health problems, so long as they are hypnotizable.
People born since 1990 are more likely to develop colon cancer. Gen X, born between 1965 and 1980, are at risk of many cancers.
Why is skin cancer increasing despite high SPF sunscreens? Is some sunlight actually healthy? How can we make sense of sunlight confusion?
Swedish epidemiologists suspect that tattoos increase the risk for lymphoma, but call for more research to confirm causality.
In this episode, Susannah Fox, author of Rebel Health, describes the patient-led revolution in health care.
People who eat more ultra-processed foods are at a greater risk for developing cognitive decline and strokes than those eating fresh foods.
Your car seat may be contributing to air pollution inside your vehicle. What can you do to reduce exposure to flame retardants and PFAS?
We used to say that aspirin was the Rodney Dangerfield of didn't get much respect. Aspirin as an anticancer agent should!
A study of American adults shows that people who manage a step count of at least 8,000 a day have a lower chance of dying in the next decade.
Many doctors believe that FDA's standards for approving new drugs are very high. How come there are many ineffective drugs on the market?
A meta-analysis finds that regular aspirin use can help prevent colorectal cancer. A new study offers a reason for such an anti-cancer effect
Overuse of drugs, especially for food production, has led to antimicrobial resistant infections. These could become a huge challenge.
Many consumer products, including personal care items like hair spray, contain toxic chemicals such as formaldehyde.
We're fed up asking: "Will drug shortages ever end?" They've been going on for decades. A study reports that the problem is worse than ever.
Studies suggest that calcium supplements don't prevent osteoporosis and broken bones, and may even have troubling side effects.
Daily exercise including muscle strengthening and aerobic activity reduces the risk of premature death from a wide range of conditions.
Diagnostic mistakes are common, often leading to permanent disability and death. A study says nearly 1 out of 5 patients are misdiagnosed.
Studies show that exposure to psilocybin in a supportive situation can help cancer patients reduce depression and death anxiety.
Orphan drugs are huge money makers for drug companies. These medicines save lives but the cost is unlikely to be sustainable for much longer.
Instant oatmeal raises blood sugar more quickly than cooked oatmeal. As a result, people eating it may get hungry sooner.
In this episode, we consider the benefits and considerable risks of drugs like Wegovy for treating obesity. Our guest says eat real food!
Metformin helps manage blood sugar. It is the miracle of metformin. It also helps prevent long COVID, dementia and some common cancers.
Aspirin, and its kissing cousin salsalate, can lower blood sugar as well as ease inflammation. Is aspirin a miracle or a menace? New data!
Americans trust nonprofit patient organizations educating about cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer disease. Beware Conflicts of Interest!
A mother whose child relies on medicine to prevent transplant rejection found that his medicines lose potency during shipping.
Here’s one pharmacist’s perspective on what’s causing the cancer epidemic. Can you avoid carcinogens in modern life?
Before starting a daily regimen, carefully consider the benefits and risks of aspirin. Will you be helped or harmed by this amazing drug?
One drawback of narcotics for pain relief is opioid-induced constipation. Several drugs may help counteract this complication.
Scientists are learning how statin drugs may work against both breast and prostate cancer. Statins may help against many other cancers too.
A study of vitamin D supplements demonstrated that these pills do not protect people from heart disease or cancer.
A rigorously conducted, multi-year experiment with cocoa compounds vs placebo showed that they may reduce cardiovascular mortality.
The FDA has issued numerous warnings about drugs & cancer. Many either cause cancer in animal studies or are contaminated with carcinogens.
People who skip meat in favor of fish, dairy or vegetable protein seem less likely to develop cancer of the breast, prostate or colon.
How were your medications shipped to your pharmacy or mailbox? Who monitors mail-order pharmacy? Oklahoma has proposed a revolutionary rule!
Vigorous exercise increases tissue glucose usage, leaving tumors without the ability to spread easily from organ to organ.
N-acetylcysteine is both a medicine and a dietary supplement that protects liver, lungs and kidneys from damage.
In these interviews, our guest experts suggest that use of psychedelic compounds could revolutionize the treatment of some mental illness.
Drug price gouging is becoming commonplace. Desperate people are being charged thousands of dollars a month for critical medicines.
Many cancer patients in pain are treated humanely. But the opioid crisis has scared some doctors away from prescribing adequate pain relief.
Last summer we were told about benzene in sunscreen. 25 million products were pulled off shelves. But is benzene gone? Where's the FDA?
Are drug companies killing the golden goose? High drug prices are breaking the bank. It is almost impossible to figure out the pricing system
Corticosteroids are prescribed to millions of people. Many may not be informed about side effects or strategies for prednisone withdrawal.
How good are the alternatives to colonoscopy, such as FIT or Cologuard, for detecting colorectal cancer? When should you start?
Health professionals have been arguing for decades about how much coffee you should drink. Some say none. Others say coffee boosts longevity.
Scientists report that intestinal microbes affect our overall health. In this interview airing 5/28/22, learn about managing the microbiome.
In these interviews, we discuss PFAS, known as forever chemicals. Consumer Reports found them in some but not all restaurant food wrappers.
In this week's interview, a high-powered study called VITAL revealed that vitamin D and omega-3s can reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases.
Establishing a drug-induced cancer risk may take 5 to 10 years or longer. The FDA rarely requires such long-term research. What can you do?
Opioid prescriptions are down dramatically but deaths from illicit fentanyl are up. People in severe pain are suffering without relief!
If you do not want benzene in hand sanitizers or sunscreens, why would you want benzene in antiperspirant body sprays? Where is the FDA?
An individualized immune therapy called chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy, or CAR-T, could be a game changer for multiple myeloma!
People in pain are being victimized by the war on opioids. As a result, the CDC is offering new guidelines for opioid prescribing.
We used to worry about aluminum in antiperspirants. There's a new concern: BENZENE. What's it doing in your aerosol spray? It's a carcinogen!
New data suggest that CAR-T for cancer may be performing better than oncologists imagined possible. Can CAR-T "cure" some patients with CLL?
Plants like thyme and oregano produce compounds that give them their special smell and taste. They also have medicinal uses.
Drugs commercials want you to "ask your doctor" for an Rx. Ads for cancer drugs are very persuasive. How can the FDA permit this? Stop them!
People who consume a flavonoid-rich diet full of colorful veggies and berries are less likely to die prematurely of heart disease or cancer.
Data from two different studies show that vitamin D may help prevent colorectal cancer, especially among younger individuals.
What are we to make of FDA flip flop flips on ranitidine/Zantac? For many people the ranitidine weirdness is overwhelming. Now Zantac is BACK!
Analyses of many long-term studies shows that eating whole grains for a longer life works best when people get at least three servings a day.
English walnuts may have the advantage for heart health, but black walnuts appear to have anticancer activity.
Have you been slathering on the sunscreen? Are you concerned about reports that there is benzene in some sunscreens? Read the benzene backlash
Listen to find out when your digestive distress might signal a serious problem and when you could manage it at home with simple remedies.
A study of older Americans show that people who eat nuts live longer. However, peanut butter eaters get no advantage.
Benzene is a bad actor. Do not breathe it or get this carcinogen on your skin. And yet some hand sanitizers are contaminated with benzene.
For over 30 years, millions of people took ranitidine (Zantac) for heartburn. Is there a link between ranitidine and cancer? There's new data!
Some day you may sing during an ultrasound to see if you have thyroid cancer. Another approach–a trained dog sniffing urine.
Dr. Vinay Prasad explains why clinical trials are crucially important, especially when it comes to killers like cancer and COVID-19.
You might imagine your immune system as an army fighting off invaders. What if it behaved more like a peacekeeping force to maintain harmony?
Bayer will settle longstanding Roundup litigation although it disputes the claim that exposure to glyphosate causes non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
A court of appeals in Missouri reduced the amount of baby powder damages for women with ovarian cancer. Johnson & Johnson may appeal the $2.1 billion award.
The FDA admits that several metformin diabetes formulations are contaminated with a probable carcinogen. Which metformin is OK? How would you know?
A new study finds that the combination of adequate vitamin D and magnesium helps patients with colorectal cancer avoid an early death.
Is fish oil helpful or useless? Does eating red meat make any difference for heart health? Can you keep up with changing nutritional guidelines?
Benefits from psilocybin have persisted for years. A new study reveals that 2 doses of this psychedelic helped ease depression over 6 months.
The FDA has just asked the maker of lorcaserin (Belviq) to lose weight to withdraw it due to an increased risk of a cancer diagnosis.
An Indian fruit known as bitter melon appears to block some cancer cells' ability to get energy from sugar or fat. Watch for further research!
In examining how our diets can alter angiogenesis, Dr. Li has turned up plenty of evidence for using food as medicine to beat cancer.
Although the FDA has known for decades that some talcum powder might be contaminated with asbestos, for most of that time it overlooked the risk.
A study of over one million people found that those who ate the most yogurt and foods rich in fiber had less chance of lung cancer.
Many children with cancer count on treatment with vincristine for recovery. This medication is now in critically short supply.
No one knows quite how many diagnostic errors doctors make each year, but the number is high. Some have serious or deadly consequences.
Public health experts have told us for decades that red meat causes heart attacks and cancer. But new studies question that dogma. Is meat OK after all?
Epidemiologists find that Puerto Rican women who eat lots of onions and garlic have a lower chance of breast cancer.
Is ranitidine (Zantac) tainted with a carcinogen called NDMA? Should it be recalled? The FDA says NDMA is in ranitidine, but no worries. We're not so sure.
People with non-small-cell lung cancer that didn't respond to chemo have a much better chance of survival if they are given the immunotherapy nivolumab.
The USPSTF says a woman at high risk can benefit from taking a drug to prevent breast cancer. A woman whose risk is low will probably benefit very little.
People getting most of their protein from plants and consuming a healthful plant-based diet are more likely to live longer and less likely to get diabetes.
Hear how an American physician decided to mix allopathic and Ayurvedic medicine to treat his metastatic neck cancer. Should we all learn to combine them?
Will the new cancer drug Xpovio work well enough to justify its extremely high price tag? Oncologists are also worried about dangerous side effects.
According to a new study, men who eat yogurt twice a week or more have a lower risk of colon polyps and possibly colorectal cancer.
French people who consume sweet drinks frequently are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer.
Grill safely this summer by paying attention to how you clean the grill as well as marinating, pre-cooking and flipping your meat frequently.
Patients with hard-to-treat cancers are desperate for new and better cancer drugs. The FDA's accelerated approval process is supposed to do that. Does it?
Johnson & Johnson will pay a billion dollars to people who received the company's bad hip implants and had poor outcomes. Legal action on Roundup too.
After nine months the recall of contaminated generic BP drugs continues. Now it's a losartan recall from Teva. Why hasn't the FDA cleaned up this mess?
There are new ARB recalls. Camber and Torrent Pharma companies are recalling large lots of losartan. How did this happen? A new carcinogen rears its head!
Dr. William Coley developed the first immunotherapy for cancer more than 100 years ago. How did this bacterial toxin work to overpower tumors?
Colonoscopy is a life-saving procedure to detect and prevent colon cancer. Does the stringent colon cleansing process result in changes to the gut flora?
People who have failed traditional treatment for B cell lymphoma have few options. But two new studies report that CAR-T immunotherapy offers new hope.
We talk with two eminent experts about how to heal your digestive tract. Dr. Shaheen treats Barrett's esophagus. Dr. Bretthauer treats C diff.
Fish oil supplements prevent fatal heart attacks, especially for people who don't eat much fish. However, they can also increase AFib.
In the VITAL trial, vitamin D strikes out for preventing heart disease and cancer. Are such supplements completely useless?
The VITAL study looked at fish oil to prevent heart attacks. The results were mostly disappointing, but fewer people taking fish oil died of heart attacks.
People who eat organic food more often are less likely to come down with cancer, according to a big French study.
A long-running study suggests that people who eat fish and shellfish regularly are less prone to chronic disease as they age.
People who work the night shift may need help sleeping during the day. Is melatonin safe for this purpose? We need more research to know for sure.
How well do doctors follow the evidence in choosing treatments? Might they be swayed by their relationship with a pharmaceutical or device manufacturer? This show will air Sept. 22, 2018.
Manufacturers are replacing the endocrine-disrupting plasticizer BPA with other compounds. Are these BPA substitutes really safer?
With the expanded recall of valsartan from China, it makes sense to learn where your valsartan was made. This might be more of a challenge than it seems.
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like Nexium and Prilosec can prevent heartburn and heal ulcers. But they do have some frightening side effects and might even promote liver cancer.
Who's responsibility is it to take back recalled valsartan? Should patients get a refund for a contaminated drug? What happens when a pharmacist refuses to honor a recall?
When people with thyroid problems feel tired all the time, they may benefit from T3 as well as T4 replacement. Trouble converting from T4 to T3 is now recognized as a possible contributor.
A study from New Zealand showed no reduction in the chance of cancer for people taking pills with 100,000 IU of vitamin D each month.
Many herbs and spices contain phytonutrients that seem to have health benefits. They may work together synergistically, so it makes sense to eat them with a meal.
Are frequent flyers at risk from cosmic ionizing radiation? What about cabin crew? A study examines the health risks for flight attendants. What did they discover?
A new study in the New England Journal of Medicine describes poliovirus therapy against glioblastoma. This heretofore incurable cancer may respond to this unique immunotherapy. What are the pros and c
Those who cannot get adequate vitamin D from sun exposure should take vitamin D pills. Scientists have not yet determined, however, if such supplements can protect people from cancer.
A careful analysis of cancer rates around the world found that they seem to be higher among relatively wealthy populations.
A study shows that women over 50 with a common type of breast cancer and an intermediate score on a genetic test could skip chemotherapy and just take anti-estrogen drugs.
A special immune therapy using a patient's own T-cells was able to reverse Ms. Perkins' metastatic breast cancer and return her to health. Will it work for others?
Many people with a terminal illness are willing to take almost any risk to improve their odds. Will the new right to try bill passed by Congress help? What are the downsides?
Can the drug companies justify extraordinarily high orphan drug costs? If a new cancer treatment can cost up to a million dollars, who will pay? Will insurance premiums skyrocket?
A combination of anticancer supplements that includes aspirin as well as curcumin and blackseed might reduce the risk of recurrence, but could lead to bleeding.
In Japan, people with higher levels of vitamin D are less likely to develop cancer. Research has not yet determined whether vitamin D supplements will help prevent cancer.
People who frequently eat nuts reduce their risk of a recurrence of colon cancer. Nut consumption has other health benefits as well, especially for cardiovascular health.
A large study in China suggests that people who smoke or drink alcohol have a much higher risk of esophageal cancer if they also slurp scalding tea.
Do you play doctor by medicating yourself or those you love with over-the-counter medicines? Do you understand the pros and cons of such drugs? Our faves and our fears on OTC meds!
Dutch scientists have uncovered a link between breast implants and a rare cancer, anaplastic large-cell lymphoma of the breast. This deserves further scrutiny.
The diabetes drug metformin is showing significant promise for preventing and treating cancers such as those of the thyroid, breast, prostate and colon.
An anti-inflammatory diet rich in vegetables and fruits, even spices, can help reduce the risk of cancer of the colon. Soda pop and refined grains are pro-inflammatory.
A prospective study found that people with infected gums were more likely to develop lung or colorectal cancer.
A familiar and inexpensive beta blocker like propranolol may make cancer immunotherapy for melanoma and other tumors far more effective.
Blackseed oil has anti-inflammatory properties. It may also have anti-cancer activity. Does this natural product have any scientific support?
It is estimated that 95% of Americans have a cell phone. Most kids now have one. Is there a link between a cell phone and cancer? New guidelines from CDPH.
People with lymphoma are more likely to survive when they are more physically active before diagnosis and during and after treatment.
Drinking often and drinking more increase people's likelihood of getting cancer. ASCO calls for moderation in alcohol consumption.
A new study linking PPIs to stomach cancer made headlines. A pharmacist with a long memory found a 1994 warning about omeprazole and cancer in the PDR.
A new study suggests that long-term use of acid-suppressing drugs might pose a substantial risk for stomach cancer in patients treated for H. pylori.
A new study finds that too many new cancer drugs are approved without solid scientific evidence of benefit.
Do you take aspirin for granted? It's one of the cheapest drugs in the drugstore. How effective is aspirin against cancer? You just might be surprised.
Have you been horrified by the hurricane's destruction of Puerto Rico? This disaster may seem far away but drug shortages from Puerto Rico could affect you.
If you are not sleeping as much as you need to, your health could suffer. That's why you should tell your doctor, and look for nondrug approaches to overcome insomnia.
There are many challenging side effects from cancer treatment. One that is not always appreciated in advance is peripheral neuropathy from chemotherapy.
A new analysis show that the cost to develop a new cancer drug is high, but not as high as the industry has claimed. Moreover, the cost is recouped quickly.
Two-fifths of breast cancer survivors in a recent study reported troubling nerve pain two years after treatment with chemotherapy.
Activity against a wide range of chronic diseases, from Alzheimer to cancer to fatty liver makes turmeric so wonderful that it is a very popular supplement.
How much is a life worth? Will new cancer treatments bankrupt the American health care system? CAR-T gene therapy is revolutionary, but can we afford it?
The anti-inflammatory drug canakinumab cut the risk of dying from lung cancer by as much as 50 percent among participants in the CANTOS trial.
New research shows why vitamin C might protect both mice and humans from cancer, particularly leukemia. Stem cells need vitamin C!
A review of data since 1970 shows that colorectal cancer is killing more white Americans between age 20 and 55.
Millions of people pop metformin for diabetes every day. It's the world's most popular diabetes drug. Did you know this amazing med came from mother nature?
Tens of millions rely upon hair dye to provide a more youthful appearance. But is there a connection between hair dye & breast cancer? New research say yes.
Americans spend more on medicine than people anywhere else in the world. How can you afford your medicine when prices keep skyrocketing?
When colon cancer patients exercise and eat right, they are less likely to have the cancer return and more likely to survive.
Research suggests that aspirin blocks a key inflammatory pathway cells utilize when they are becoming cancerous and could prevent esophageal cancer.
The anti-cancer potential of metformin lies in its ability to alter the metabolism of cancer cells and to alter their surrounding environment.
The overall picture looks promising for cancer survival, but some regions have more than their share of cancer deaths. Are the risks higher there?
Even people smoking only a few cigarettes a day are putting themselves at risk of dying prematurely.
Evidence is limited but growing that some culinary herbs like turmeric or rosemary may help prevent a recurrence of prostate cancer.
Cleansing the bowel in preparation for a colonoscopy may deplete the digestive tract of many types of beneficial bacteria. Probiotics might restore them.
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme taste great and are good for you. Scientists are rediscovering the healing power of many culinary herbs and spices.
People who engage regularly in moderate to vigorous physical activity are less prone to chronic health problems such as heart disease or diabetes.
Could drugs for diabetes and high cholesterol reduce the likelihood that prostate cancer would recur? Metformin might have surprising anti-cancer activity.
Where do the ingredients for your medicine come from? Chances are good that they are made in India, China, Hungary or some other country. Are they safe?
Metformin is one of those widely prescribed but under appreciated drugs for diabetes. It may gain new converts because of anti-cancer activity. Is it safe?
People now depend on cellphone and wireless technology to communicate. They assume such devices are safe, but is there a link between cellphones and cancer?
The FDA has been designating a number of new treatments as cancer breakthrough therapies. What does "breakthrough" actually mean?
Regular aspirin use significantly cuts the chance of developing unusual but hard to treat bile duct cancer.
Metformin, a mainstay of treatment for type 2 diabetes, resulted in a lower risk of death from cancer of the colon, pancreas, endometrium or liver.
The FDA plans to test corn and soybeans to determine if they have remnants of the herbicide glyphosate (Roundup) in 2016.
Immune cell therapies have oncologists excited. New research on T cells shows the possibility that they may overcome cancers resistant to chemotherapy.
A connection between hair dye and cancer has been controversial for decades. Studies have produced conflicting results. What should this cancer patient do?
The common pain reliever diclofenac is showing significant promise against a range of cancers, but clinical trials are needed to confirm its benefit.
A large study of 200,000 twins shows that for certain malignancies, twins with cancer mean their other twins are at significantly greater risk.
Garlic has been used by healers for thousands of years but it is not a staple of modern medicine. Why has this extraordinary herb been dismissed by doctors?
Cancer-causing compounds formed when meat is cooked at high heat increase the risk of kidney cancer, especially in vulnerable people.
Garlic is tasty and good for us. Not only does it have cardiovascular benefits it may also have anticancer activity. But what can we do about garlic breath?
The cancer tracking agency of the WHO has determined that people eating lots of processed meats are at higher risk of cancer.
When the FDA approves new cancer drugs there are often exciting newspaper headlines about advances and breakthroughs. Do the data support the hype?
A placebo-controlled study found that vitamin D and calcium supplements did not prevent recurrence of adenomas, growths that may turn into cancer.
The cost of life-saving medicines has reached stratospheric levels. That's especially true for rare diseases. Without access to these drugs people will die.
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis or ulcerative colitis need to be aware of lymphoma as a side effect of the TNF blocker Remicade.
Long-term, low-dose aspirin use reduces the likelihood of developing colon cancer by about 27 percent. Be aware of potential side effects.
Should you worry about floating poop? The answer is complex. It could be nothing or a sign of something serious like celiac disease or pancreatic cancer.
Drug companies have finally infuriated cancer doctors to the point that they have started a movement to lower high cancer drug prices. Want to join them?
Cancer patient wonders, is ginseng safe? In most cases, the answer appears to be yes.
People who enjoy the recommended amount of leisure time exercise cut their risk of premature death.
A BCG drug shortage is holding up bladder cancer treatment and putting patients at risk of the cancer becoming invasive.
Most people have assumed that hair dyes are safe because some federal agency is protecting the public. A Swedish suggests there may still be problems.
Finding ways to alert the immune system to the presence of cancer is starting to pay off with a range of tumors.
A combination of new medications, Opdivo and Yervoy, helped shrink melanoma tumors more than either one alone.
New medications and regimens can help delay death from treatment-resistant melanoma.
A regular habit of taking as few as three drinks daily can increase the likelihood of developing cancer of the liver.
The pesticide glyphosate, also called Roundup, is considered a probable carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Glioblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer, may respond better to vaccine treatment if the patient is pretreated with an ordinary tetanus booster.
An anti-cancer compound that works to activate the immune system is effective in reducing mortality from two different types of cancer.
People with higher blood levels of vitamin D when they were diagnosed with cancer survived months longer.
An expensive new medicine will treat advanced melanoma by activating the immune system against the tumor.
Certain bisphosphonates used to treat osteoporosis also reduce the risk of endometrial cancer by 50 percent.
Metformin is not just for treating diabetes. It may become a powerful anticancer treatment, used to both prevent and treat malignancies.
Curcumin can slow the growth of cancer cells in the laboratory; can it be used for prevention or treatment?
Colon cancer patients taking low-dose aspirin are less likely to die of their cancer.
The diabetes drug metformin shows promise in making cells more susceptible to radiation or chemotherapy for lung cancer.
Aspirin is the Rodney Dangerfield of the drug world. It gets very little respect even though studies show this drug has powerful anti-cancer effects.
People who by hybrid cars are trying to be kind to the planet. But do they realize some hybrids may put out EMF radiation? Are there hazards from EMF?
Online support groups help cancer patients learn about treatments, side effects and coping strategies.
Aspirin use can reduce the risk of cancer.