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A message from Joe and Terry Graedon of The People's Pharmacy®

Have we written about your question in our columns, guides, and other resources of People’s Pharmacy®? We answer e-mail questions each week in our columns, newsletters and on our weekly public radio show. If your question is answered in either of those places, you’ll find a written version of the answer on the site. Find out now by clicking the magnifying glass / search icon at the very top of the page, and then performing a keyword search. Results will appear as soon as you begin to type, so it’s a super fast way to find out if your answer is already covered.

If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, fill out the form below or e-mail us at questions@peoplespharmacy.com, and we’ll see if we can answer your question in an upcoming column. Because the Graedons get so many email messages and questions every day it is not possible to answer every question personally.

If you want to stay informed about all the topics and questions covered in our columns and on our weekly radio show, be sure to sign up for The People’s Pharmacy® Newsletter, our e-mail newsletter that brings you summaries and links to in-depth information on the topics and questions we cover each week.

If your question is not selected for use in our columns or on-air, we’re sorry. We hope you’ll find plenty of useful information on the site. Thanks for visiting The People’s Pharmacy® online.

Joe and Terry Graedon

* all fields are required

Contact us if you were unable to use the information above to resolve your inquiry

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