What do you call brain fog–confusion, forgetfulness or memory loss? It can be devastating! Do some drugs increase the risk of dementia?
An ambitious review of studies shows links between medications and dementia. Some increase the risk, while others protect the brain.
While there are no guarantees, eating right and keeping our bodies and minds active may help us prevent dementia.
The US has a large gap between healthspan (years free of disease and disability) and lifespan (total years lived). Exercise could improve it.
A personalized approach considering multiple factors may be helpful for changing the course of Alzheimer disease.
To get the Mediterranean diet benefit for cognitive and cardiovascular health, eat mostly plants, use olive oil and avoid processed food.
Researchers plan to find out if infections disrupting the brain microbiome are responsible for the devastation of dementia.
Our underwriter, CocoaVia, offers a 30% discount on cocoa flavanols with the coupon BFCM2024. Take advantage of it until Dec. 5, 2024.
Several studies lead to the conclusion that cocoa flavanols improve health. They can improve blood vessel function after a high-fat meal.
Eggs are rich in cholesterol but also in choline. Several studies show that adequate choline boosts brain function in older adults.
You don't have to live near the Mediterranean Sea to benefit from a traditional diet rich in vegetables, legumes, fruit and olive oil.
Is low blood pressure always healthy? Many think that 120/80 is ideal. Research shows that low BP may sometimes raise dementia risk in elders
Including berries in your meals–blackberries, blueberries, raspberries or strawberries–should improve your chance of successful brain aging.
People who eat lots of vegetables and healthy fats like olive oil may avoid dementia better than those following a pro-inflammatory diet.
To maintain your brain at its proper size and best function, eat a diet high in nutrients. That means plenty of veggies and not many cookies.
Increasing evidence links viral infection to a higher risk for dementia. LIsten for good news about vaccines and Alzheimer disease.
Scientists hope that a blood test for Alzheimer disease that measures a protein resulting from nerve cell breakdown will permit early diagnosis.
In this episode, learn about medicinal mushrooms that can modulate the immune system or possibly reduce the risk of dementia.
Regular sauna bathing lowers blood pressure and other risk factors for heart disease. It may also help prevent lung disease and dementia. Exercise plus sauna is synergistic.
The gut microbiome has an important impact on emotional resilience in humans and cognitive capability in mice.
Non-sugar sweeteners may not offer the expected health benefits. In fact, sugar substitutes may increase inflammation or blood clotting.
Use discount code BRAIN2024 to get a 20% discount on CocoaVia™ products for cognitive function during Brain Health Awareness month.
Older people have a lower risk for dementia if they can address several risk factors such as sedentary habits, depression or hypertension.
The COSMOS-MInd study show that seniors taking a daily multivitamin are more likely to stay sharp. A high-veggie diet might also help.
The FDA approved 2 new anti-Alzheimer’s treatments. Leqembi is left. Will it approve donanemab? MABS may shrink the brain. Isn't that Bad?
Randomized controlled trials answer the question: Could exercise save your brain? with yes. Following a DASH diet as well may help even more.
Active people may improve their memories with a single exercise session. To make the benefits last, they need to keep exercising.
The anesthetic propofol may be somewhat less likely to result in post-operative cognitive dysfunction. Speak with the anesthesiologist before your surgery.
An expert pharmacist helps healthcare providers determine which medicines may be doing more harm than good. The next step is deprescribing.
Studies show hearing impairment is associated with cognitive decline, but with better hearing people stay sharp longer.
The burden of dementia is heavy. Not only are there physical and emotional challenges that come with cognitive decline, medical costs soar.
When middle-aged people participate in adult education courses, they maintain many aspects of intelligence and reduce the risk of dementia.
Fluorescent "flowers" in mouse brains give us a new look at Alzheimer disease. And laboratory mice given a dietary supplement run mazes well.
For soccer players, heading the ball may be bad for the brain. Should soccer balls come with warning labels? Scottish researchers say yes!
A type of retina scan known as optical coherence tomography angiography, or OCTA, can detect changes indicative of Alzheimer Disease before symptoms appear.
Older people with low vitamin D levels are more vulnerable to dementia. A new study shows that taking vitamin D may help prevent dementia.
New study shows how cocoa flavanols work to improve cognitive function. Can you use high-flavanol cocoa for brain health? How can you find it?
Would sunshine be responsible for better cognitive function? Studies are suggestive, not definitive, but it does seem possible.
Millions of Americans suffer with long illness. Conventional medicine doesn't always have treatments for these conditions.
Donanemab is the latest anti-amyloid drug against Alzheimer's disease. Is it a breakthrough? Here's the back story.
Numerous studies show that anthocyanins in blueberries help lower systolic blood pressure and improve cognitive performance of impaired individuals.
Compounds in Lion's Mane mushrooms help nerve cells connect and boost memory in mice. Could they help slow cognitive decline in humans?
Research in mice shows that cinnamon-laced chow can help slow learners improve their performance. Could cinnamon make you smarter?
Staying mentally active and following a diet rich in colorful produce can help you keep your brain healthy. Having fun helps too!
Several studies suggest that flu shots protect older adults from dementia as well as from infection. Regular immunizations seem to work best.
This week we interview two scientists who describe the benefits of tart cherries for mental alertness and physical stamina.
Are you experiencing more brain fog than usual? Did you catch COVID without even knowing it? Brain shrinkage and cognitive decline can result
This week, we speak with two scientists who are challenging dogma about how the brain works and how we can treat it.
Steroids (corticosteroids, glucocorticoids or cortisone-like drugs) are popular. A new study asks if drugs like prednisone shrink the brain.
In studies that coupled step counters with coaching by health professionals, volunteers increased their physical activity.
A meta-analysis indicates that ADHD drugs like Ritalin or Strattera could help people with Alzheimer disease improve cognition.
Neurologists worry that SARS-CoV-2 infection may affect the brain and raise the possibility of later dementia as a consequence.
A new supplement, Memory & Focus, from CocoaVia is designed to help you maintain cognitive function at optimal levels.
Blueberry powder may be able to reverse mild cognitive impairment. Older people getting cranberry powder have better visual memory.
Certain herbs, such as basil, lemon balm, rosemary and sage, as well as some spices like cinnamon, ginger and turmeric, may help protect your memory.
Studies suggest produce rich in flavonoids and folate are among the foods you should eat to reduce your risk for dementia.
Data linking herpes virus infections (HSV-1) with a higher risk of dementia offer hope that taking L-lysine might prevent Alzheimer disease.
According to a study, older people who drink cherry juice score better on tests of cognitive function after three months.
Scientists tested dark roast and light roast coffee as well as decaf to see what components of coffee may prevent amyloid plaques.
Symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency may mimic senility, with poor concentration, constipation, balance problems and tingling or numbness in hands or feet.
Some people who were infected with SARS-CoV-2 continue to suffer symptoms for months afterwards. How can they manage long COVID?
Young adults were able to improve cognitive performance on a range of tests when they took EPA-rich fish oil for six months.
Many people are retiring early because of the pandemic. But a new study suggests that if you delay retirement it may preserve brain function.
Dr. Dale Bredesen has invited the first survivors of Alzheimer's to describe how they saved their brains with his protocol.
A few simple measures could delay or reverse the aging process. Take care of your mental health, don't smoke, skip meals and sleep enough.
ACE inhibitors that can get into the brain may protect memory in older adults. ARBs that cross the blood-brain barrier also seem to work.
Millions take statins to prevent heart problems. Can statins affect memory? This question still remains highly controversial after decades.
Exercise and diet helps older people maintain their brain power. The MIND diet combining the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet seems best.
Middle aged people skimping on sleep may be putting themselves at risk for dementia in old age.
The latest study shows that taking high-dose cocoa flavanols can help improve memory for lists. People with poor diets get the biggest boost.
Scientists find that seniors who eat lots of veggies full of carotenoids are less likely to have plaques and tangles of Alzheimer disease.
Cheese and wine were identified as foods associated with better cognitive function over the long term. Will you indulge?
It's easy to feel depressed or anxious in times like these, but you can improve your mood with food. Listen and learn how!
Find out how women can reduce their risk for dementia with diet, exercise and the proper timing of hormone therapy.
Four out of five patients recovering from COVID-19 reported neurological effects such as headache, confusion or dizziness at some point.
Fatigue, headache, cough, shortness of breath and other COVID-19 symptoms last for weeks or even months after recovery in some people.
Get excellent strategies to help you think clearly, learn quickly and remember more. Jim Kwik makes it fun!
A study finds that, for older women, eating fish a couple of times a week can provide protection against brain shrinkage caused by air pollution.
By avoiding social isolation, following a healthful diet and engaging in physical and cognitive exercise, you can achieve maximum memory fitness.
A study among older Americans finds that moderate drinking is linked to cognitive benefits for white participants. Too much is not good!
When we need to make healthy decisions about what we eat and drink, we need to find ways to deflect the allure of sugar for our brains.
Dr. Dale Bredesen describes how to boost your immune system to defend your brain from infection, toxins and inadequate nourishment.
In a new meta-analysis, the investigators found that people taking blood pressure medicines are slightly less likely to develop dementia.
If you want to keep your brain healthy over the years, don't smoke, do exercise, get enough sleep and sip rosemary water. You can make it yourself.
Pharmaceutical scientists have been striving to get amyloid plaques out of the brain, but new research suggests that amyloid may be acting to protect the brain from microbes. What are the implications
Maintaining physical activity and consuming blueberries, turmeric and rosemary may help you stay sharp as you age. Which will you try?
Experts have been concerned that anesthesia for surgery might boost the risk of Alzheimer disease. Doctors from the Mayo Clinic have reassuring news.
If you want to lower your dementia risk with a drink or two, stick to just one or two a week. LIght drinking is linked to less plaque in the brain.
Should you be tested to see if you are likely to develop dementia? The answer is different for everyone. What will you do with the results?
Rodent research shows that grape seed extract can slow cognitive decline and the development of dementia. How well will it work for humans?
Statin-type cholesterol-lowering drugs such as atorvastatin, lovastatin, simvastatin and rosuvastatin remain highly popular. Can such statins impair memory?
A serious vitamin B12 lack due to PPI medication, vegan diet, or stomach inflammation can cause trouble with balance, cognition and fatigue.
Sometimes people fear that statins wreak havoc with cognitive function. A recent Australian study found no evidence of this effect.
Drug companies have long been thwarted in developing a cure for Alzheimer's disease. Now a Chinese firm is taking a different approach to the problem.
Soccer is a wonderful sport. It requires extraordinary stamina and great team play. Kids love it. But is there harm to the brain when players head the ball?
Doctors who use exercise as medicine offer personalized prescriptions for activity. This can be as powerful as medications for promoting health.
Do you know what foods you should eat to nourish your brain? You can improve your outlook and cognitive function by getting the 21 essential nutrients.
Research shows it's a mistake to take stimulants for better memory and attention. The gains are tiny, and the drugs interfere with getting good sleep.
This week, share your thoughts and learn about skeeter syndrome, how certain common drugs affect your ability to think and statin side effects.
Older adults who show signs of falling for scams may be at risk for mental deterioration over the next several years.
Some companies promoting products to treat Alzheimer's disease have received warning letters from the FDA: Don't sell dietary supplements for dementia!
A new study offers hints that aggressive blood pressure control with a goal of 120 for systolic pressure may reduce the chance of mild cognitive impairment.
Alzheimer's disease is devastating. No one knows what causes dementia. New research reveals that leaky blood vessels may be a key factor. What causes this?
The Health Professionals Follow-Up Study showed that men who usually eat six servings or so of vegetables daily have better memory and cognitive ability.
A new MRI technique, diffusion tensor imaging, may detect Alzheimer's disease before it damages cognitive function noticably.
New technology turns your eyes into the window to your brain. A non-invasive scan of the retina can tell who is headed for Alzheimer disease.
A long-running study suggests that people who eat fish and shellfish regularly are less prone to chronic disease as they age.
Even a short session in the gym–just ten minutes–may boost your brain by increasing the connections between the dentate gyrus in the hippocampus and certain parts of the cortex.
A study of French senior citizens shows that if you do a good job of helping your heart with diet and exercise, you also dramatically lower your likelihood of dementia.
Although fish oil has a reputation for soothing dry eyes, a recent randomized controlled trial found that placebo capsules of olive oil worked just as well.
Coffee drinkers are less likely to develop dementia, but not everyone can drink it. Is decaf coffee just as good?
Too many nursing home residents are being given highly sedating antipsychotic drugs, even though these medicines may hasten death in people with dementia.
Older people with mild memory problems improved their cognitive ability by taking curcumin every day for a year and a half.
Comprehensive reviews of research find no single intervention works for preventing dementia. Combining physical and mental training with diet might help.
One study of an older cohort found that people who eat a serving of leafy greens every day have much slower cognitive decline over the years.
Synchronized brain waves during sleep appear to be linked to better memory for a recently learned task. Aging brains coordinate waves less well.
Is the medical profession ready when baby boomers retire? No! A tidal wave is coming and modern medicine is not ready. How can you protect yourself?
Are your smoothies too sweet? Too many carbs? How about Joe's Brain Boosting Super Smoothie with lots of protein or a Beet Juice Smoothie to lower BP?
Add spices to your ideal smoothie for pain relief and extra brain support.
If you are not sleeping as much as you need to, your health could suffer. That's why you should tell your doctor, and look for nondrug approaches to overcome insomnia.
The right amount of magnesium may help prevent dementia–not too much, not too little. Try to eat lots of green leafy vegetables, legumes and nuts.
Older people who spent less time in dream sleep were more likely to be diagnosed later with dementia.
Elderly people with highly variable blood pressure measurements at home were twice as likely to develop dementia as those with more stable blood pressure.
Both people and mice getting extra-virgin olive oil in their diets had better cognitive function. It could protect your brain as well.
Do you know someone with Alzheimer's disease? Can anything be done to reverse the terrible toll on caregivers? Medicaid cutbacks could be disastrous.
An Australian meta-analysis finds that people over 50 who exercise regularly do better on cognitive tests: aerobic, weight-lifting & tai chi all work.
Older volunteers who exercised after drinking beet juice first increased their brain neuroplasticity and strengthened their neural connections.
Taking many meds that interfere with the brain chemical acetylcholine can add up to a massive anticholinergic load, brain fog and memory problems.
Older adults who usually sleep more than nine hours nightly appear to be at a greater risk for dementia in the next decade.
Finnish men who frequented a sauna several times a week for several decades were significantly less likely to develop dementia.
Can regular consumption of cocoa flavanols improve your memory? Several studies suggest that it might, while one reader offers a testimonial.
A Chinese study show cognitive decline is worse in those with too little vitamin D, so anyone who wants to stay sharp needs vitamin D.
Ginkgo biloba is a Chinese herb with a reputation for fighting cognitive decline. This reader claims it is keeping his mind sharp. Is he right?
A meta-analysis of five controlled trials seems to indicate that acupuncture can help delay dementia. So can regular physical activity.
In a randomized, placebo-controlled trial, women taking postmenopausal hormones did just as well on cognitive tests, but no better, than those on placebo.
Beverages rich in polyphenols such as grape juice, cocoa or high-flavanone orange juice appear to improve cognitive function.
Whether taken to treat or prevent diabetes, or for another purpose, metformin users should have vitamin B12 levels monitored regularly.
Seniors with low vitamin D blood levels are at greater risk for dementia or memory loss. Would supplements help? We don't know.
Older people randomly assigned to twice-weekly exercise classes for two years improved their test scores no more than those who merely stretched their arms.
Common medications, both OTC and prescription can contribute to memory problems and confusion. Is someone you love taking an anticholinergic drug?
Baked goods and snacks that are high in trans fats are bad for verbal memory.
When older Spaniards ate a Mediterranean diet rich in vegetables plus olive oil or nuts they performed better on cognitive tests after four years.
A serving of high-cacao chocolate (low in sugar) can help boost attention and alertness in the early afternoon.
People with lower than normal weight for height appear more likely to experience cognitive difficulties as they grow older. Normal weight may be best.
Cancer patients are not crazy: chemo brain is real!
People consuming large amounts of cocoa flavanols perform better on tests of cognitive function.
Flavanol compounds from cocoa and berries help maintain good brain function.
Johns Hopkins researchers showed a significant increase in memory and attention amongst those given caffeine versus placebo.
Cognitive dysfunction may have an unexpected cause: celiac disease may mimic Alzheimer's. Following a gluten-free diet can help restore the brain.