Email your question or call in live to get Dr. Jane Andersen's advice on how to fix your foot pain? If you have bunions or corns, listen!
Applying colorless iodine to ugly nails may help clear the infection. Be careful not to use too much, so you don't absorb excess iodine.
Health care is as divided and polarized as politics. For many people it's herbs and home remedies or drugs. Why not both...when appropriate?
Have you avoided a trip to the dermatologist or podiatrist because of COVID or lethargy? Home remedies for nasty nail fungus to the rescue!
The best way to find out if the old wives were right about a home remedy might be to give it a try. Do you have a favorite?
Home remedies for treating nail fungus are less expensive than most prescription options. Decolorized ("white") iodine is a popular option!
Common drugstore items like Vicks and Listerine are the key ingredients to home remedies that may prove helpful for getting rid of nasty nail fungus.
In this episode, our dermatologist guests answer listeners' questions about how to have healthy hair and nails. Call 888-472-3366 to ask one.
Vicks is NOT promoted as a treatment for athlete's foot. How could Vicks VapoRub help? It has many essential oils with antifungal activity.
To cure toenail fungus, prescription medicines may work, but home remedies are less expensive. All require a lot of patience and persistence.
On our Saturday broadcast, Dr. Jane Andersen will discuss your foot problems and how you can fix them. Call in your question–888-472-3366
Vicks VapoRub is one of many different home remedies that may be effective for fighting unattractive nail fungus.
Did you know that there are several fungi that can cause nasty nails? Were you aware that there are studies to suggest that Vicks Vaporub Kills nail fungus?
Nail fungus pathogens are developing resistance to certain antifungal drugs. One reader reports success with an old compound, resorcinol.
Many people would love a simple, inexpensive cure for toenail fungus. One reader used topical vitamin E to good effect. What remedies have you tried?
The anti-fungal drug itraconazole (Sporanox) should be reserved for use against serious systemic fungus infections, not used off label for minor problems.
Call in your questions about foot problems and get helpful answers from Dr. Jane Andersen, board-certified podiatrist.
There are dozens of nail fungus treatments, from Rx drugs to home remedies. They all take months to work. The Vicks VapoRub cure is inexpensive and easy.
Can you clear up fungus on your toenails by soaking your feet in cornmeal? Should it be dry or damp for the best effect on fungus?
Readers report success using castor oil to clear nail fungus. Thyme oil and oregano oil may also be active against toenail pathogens.
Readers say that peeing on your feet can help you get rid of stubborn fungal infections like athlete's foot or toenail fungus.
In this interview for re-air on 9-15-18, Dr. Chris Adigun discusses common problems that affect nails and what to do about them.
One reader discovered that soaking the affected toes in urine was an easy and effective remedy for toenail fungus.
Perhaps castor oil can be used to treat your toenail fungus. One reader reported success with it when other home remedies did not work well.
One reader was inspired to put gentian violet on the excruciating splits in her thumbs. She discovered that resulted in healing and her thumbs are now pain free.
Gentian violet is an old-fashioned topical treatment for a variety of fungal infections. There is a drawback: it leads to purple toenails. It can also turn penises purple as you will soon read.
Gentian violet is an old-fashioned topical medicine that can treat fungal infections. It will turn your toes purple, though.
Do you ever look at your nails? Are you unhappy with what you see? Do you know how much Rx nail fungus treatment can cost? It's mind boggling! What about home remedies?
In this interview for broadcast March 10, 2018, find out how to avoid or treat the most common foot problems so you can keep your feet happy and healthy.
Applying Vicks VapoRub twice a day helped one person enjoy fungus-free toenails. This treatment, like most nail fungus remedies, requires patience.
In looking for a natural treatment to help toenail fungus, consider one with antifungal herbal oils, such as Listerine, Vicks VapoRub or tea tree oil.
A reader had success treating a fungal infection resulting in a black nail with Vicks VapoRub. What will work for your nail fungus?
Home remedies using Listerine or Vicks VapoRub may be successful against ugly toenail fungus, and they are cheaper than antifungal drugs.
Fungus-infected nails can be removed with urea paste instead of surgery. Afterwards, toes must be treated with antifungal medicine or remedies.
We've been writing about nail fungus remedies, including Vicks VapoRub, for decades. Now there are two studies that vindicate Vicks as a reasonable remedy.
Prescription drugs can treat onychomycosis (the technical term for nail fungus) but home remedies can also help and they cost much less.
How effective is your medicine? This simple question is surprisingly complex. In many cases benefits of these billion dollar drugs are barely detectable.
Nail fungus medicine available with a prescription can be surprisingly expensive if insurance does not cover it.
Toenail fungus can be stubborn and hard to treat, but with patience prescription drugs or home remedies may work.
Nail fungus can make feet look unattractive but readers have come up with dozens of home remedies that can turn ugly toes into beautiful tootsies.
Applying a capsaicin-containing liniment to toenails eliminated nail fungus.
The new prescription drug Jublia for nail fungus is costly, but only modestly effective.
Soaking the toes in cornmeal mush can sometimes clear away persistent nail fungus.
What's it worth to you to completely cure your nail fungus? Would you spend $50? What about $8,624? New prescriptions meds are really pricey!
To get rid of nail fungus, soaking the affected nails in hydrogen peroxide or iodine solution twice daily may work.
Many home remedies hold promise against nail fungus, but they require patience and persistence to allow the nails to grow out fungus-free.
Jublia (efinaconazole) is a topical liquid for treating nail fungus. How good is Jublia? Not that great. How pricey is Jublia? Very! Is it worth the cost?
There are lots of toenail fungus remedies but one of the strangest is the "cornmeal cure." Soaking your toes in cornmeal mush may seem silly until it works.
One of our favorite home remedies is a Listerine and vinegar soak to knock out nasty nail fungus.
Soaking your feet in old-fashioned amber Listerine is one home remedy our readers love for fighting hard to treat toenail fungus.
Cornmeal makes great muffins and biscuits. We're not sure how someone came up with the idea of soaking feet in cornmeal mush for nail fungus. Does it work?
We've heard from many visitors to this website that cornmeal is surprisingly effective against nail fungus. You don't eat it, you soak your tootsies in it!
Some time ago, we heard from a reader that soaking her feet in vinegar and Listerine cleared up her toenail problem, a yucky fungus.