Q. I have gone to a podiatrist for nail fungus several times. He has given me samples of prescription medicine that help as long as I use them. Once the medicine is used up, the fungus returns.
I love your advice and remedies on so many things. Can you please give me one for this problem?
A. Home remedies for nail fungus take a lot of patience because they need to be applied the entire time the nail is growing out. (Toenails grow especially slowly.) There are, however, several remedies that readers have found helpful.
Some people find that soaking the nails in a solution of vinegar and water discourages nail fungus. Others prefer to mix the vinegar with old-fashioned Listerine for their daily foot bath.
Vicks VapoRub, vitamin E and even cornmeal all have their enthusiasts. We are sending you our Guide to Hair and Nail Care so you can get more details about these options for treating nail fungus.