Q. You receive many letters about nail fungus and I wanted to share my experience. Our daughter contracted a foot fungus while swimming at a local club when she was six. We’ve tried a lot of different anti-fungal products but I didn’t want to give her oral medicine.
The podiatrist suggested a mixture of half white vinegar and half Listerine. I dab it onto her toes every morning with a cotton ball. Finally her toenails are pink and healthy-looking. It works but it takes a very long time.
A. We first wrote about using a mixture of white vinegar and Listerine for nail fungus in the spring of 2005 after hearing about its potential from one reader. Some people dab it on their nails while other soak their feet in the solution. (It can be reused several times.)
The herbal oils in Listerine have anti-fungal activity, as does the alcohol. Vinegar makes the toes acidic, which discourages the spread of fungus. Perhaps they provide more power together than individually.