Q. I have battled toenail fungus off and on for the past 25 years. I have been on Lamisil three times and tried all sorts of OTC and prescription topical medicines.
I decided to try two of the remedies I read about in your articles. I apply hydrogen peroxide with a cotton ball to my toenails after I bathe daily. Then I apply VapoRub to my feet and toenails and put on socks to sleep in.
Within a month, I had no more toenail fungus. I have the most beautiful toenails I have ever had in 25 years. I also like the fact that I can polish my toenails and still use these remedies. Thank you!
A. Toenail fungus can be tough to treat. Prescription medicines like Lamisil are expensive and require medical monitoring for liver problems and other potential side effects.
Success with home remedies like the ones you are using requires patience and persistence. Not everyone will benefit, but we are pleased that the remedies are working for you.