Have you ever felt ashamed of your nasty nails? This man has had his feet banished from public view.
Q. My wife says I have ugly feet. What she really means is that she hates to look at my toenails. Every single one is brown, thick or misshapen. She makes me wear socks under my sandals and she never lets me go barefoot in the house.
I am not the sort of person who would ever go to a doctor because of ugly feet. Do you have any remedies for nail fungus? My wife would be grateful.
A. Ouch. Ugly feet? Really? That seems rather harsh. It’s true that nail fungus can cause nails to look thick and brown. That is not necessarily attractive, but we’re not sure it qualifies for the category of ugly feet.
When fungus-infected nails get really bad they may turn black. Now that is a condition that one might describe as ugly feet. Your situation does not sound that daunting.
Home Remedies for Nail Fungus:
Readers have shared many remedies for nail fungus. Very few have been tested scientifically, and all require patience since it takes months for nails to grow out.
Linda R. reported:
“It is strange how some toenail fungus treatments work for some and not for others. I have tried all the remedies like cream from the podiatrist, Listerine, iodine, Vicks, cornmeal, peroxide, vinegar and more. I tried for 7 years to get rid of it and nothing worked for me for long until I tried a paste of water and sea salt. After the first application, the fungus stopped receding my nails and my nails are growing back. I’ve used only 2 applications in 3 months and I see no reoccurance of the fungus.”
Listerine may not have worked for Linda, but something like it worked for CC’s mother:
“My 90 year old mom finally found relief from horrible toenail fungus after soaking her foot in mouthwash. She is diabetic and has had specialized foot care for 30 years . We have spent thousands of dollars on prescriptions from a variety of doctors to no avail.
“I ran across the mouthwash item and decided to give it a try. We had immediate results. Every doctor we saw was amazed and so pleased with our success. With so many other health issues, it feels great to mark one off the list.”
RLM is enthusiastic about the results he is getting with Vicks VapoRub:
“Hello all. I’m a 51 year old healthy male. But I’ve been a toenail fungus sufferer for over 8 years now. With the typical thick yellowish, smelly toenails that break off easily and hurt if allowed to grow too thick. Yes, it’s very gross and embarrassing. I was determined to do my own personal research online. And (BY FAR) the most positive testimonials and feedback I’ve encountered have been in favor of VICKS VAPORUB for “CURING” toenail fungus!
“So, I decided to try Vicks on all my affected toenails. And it was a very pleasant surprise to see that on my very first application of Vicks on my toenails, it brought VERY noticeable results! Within 2-3 hours of generously applying Vicks to my affected toenails they became a slightly discolored brownish color. So, I immediately knew it was working. Strangely enough, I did not even apply Vicks daily and it has still worked for me.
“I was only applying Vicks twice a week. I even forgot to apply it at times. But I was somewhat consistent. After about 4 months I looked closer one day and saw that THREE smaller nails had completely cleared up and were “pink” in color again. Both my big toenails took 6 months or so before they showed a VERY CLEAR pink growth starting from my cuticles. I now have very evident BRAND NEW PINK NAIL GROWTH COVERING OVER HALF OF MY BIG TOENAILS!! I’m SO HAPPY to finally be FREE from nasty toenail fungus! I can actually buy a pair of nice sandals again and go barefoot at the beach if I want!
“My only regret is that I didn’t apply Vicks every night if not every other night. But I am now, so as to speed up the process even more! I had no choice but to try an alternative method, since my family doctor would not prescribe Lamisil pills for me. This was only AFTER a blood test revealed that I had “high liver enzymes” which then ruled me out as a candidate for the prescription due to potential dangerous liver side affects. I just wanted to share my experience and encourage other people out there that may be suffering from the embarrassment of unsightly, annoying toenail fungus. VICKS VAPORUB REALLY WORKS! And it’s cheap. I sound like I sell it, but I don’t! I’m just a happy satisfied customer. God Bless.”
You may want to try daily applications of hydrogen peroxide, vitamin E oil, tea tree oil, oregano oil or Vicks VapoRub. Consider soaking your toes in a solution of Listerine, vinegar or Pau d’Arco tea a few times a week.
We are emailing you our Guide to Hair and Nail Care for details on these remedies. It can be downloaded for $2 from the website: www.peoplespharmacy.com. You will find many more approaches to fighting fungus in our book, Quick & Handy Home Remedies.
Share your own success overcoming nail fungus below in the comment section.