Q. You have responded to many questions about curing toenail fungus with home remedies, but here’s one you’ve never mentioned. Put about an inch of cornmeal in plastic dishpan. Pour in hot water, stir it so the cornmeal gets dissolved and when it is cool enough not to hurt, soak your feet for an hour.
If you do this regularly, it will get rid of the fungus. You can also sprinkle dry cornmeal on the dirt around roses to ward off black spot fungus infection.
A. Cornmeal has been used for centuries to make cornbread, hushpuppies and muffins. Using this grain to fight fungus is a fascinating adaptation.
Gardeners have also tried cornmeal to fight fungus (black spot disease) on roses. They sprinkle cornmeal on the soil around the plant in the early spring and then water it in.
Soaking feet in cornmeal glop is certainly a low-tech, low-cost approach to nail fungus. We don’t know how effective it is or how frequently you’d have to do it.
People who would like to know more about other approaches to nail fungus may want our Guide to Hair and Nail Care.