The story on grapefruit juice and medicines can be confusing. The interaction is fairly long-lasting, but only certain drugs interact with grapefruit.
A new study shows that people who enjoy a bit of dark chocolate frequently are less prone to diabetes. Isn't chocolate health food?
How much time do you spend sitting on average? Chances are it's way too much and it's surprisingly bad for your health. How can you counteract the harm?
Anal absorption of a vasoconstrictor like PE found in Preparation H can interact dangerously with a beta blocker like metoprolol. Watch out!
Some people describe it as the cough from hell. Others, call it the cough of death. It's not infectious, but it can easily be misdiagnosed.
Measuring blood pressure is NOT easy! A new study reveals that proper technique is "commonly overlooked." That includes correct cuff size!
Beets are not sexy, though they may improve your love life. Beet health benefits may also include lower blood pressure and brain protection.
Do you REALLY know your blood pressure? Millions of blood pressure measurements are taken incorrectly daily! Beware cuff size & arm position.
Is low blood pressure always healthy? Many think that 120/80 is ideal. Research shows that low BP may sometimes raise dementia risk in elders
Many people become upset with conflicting advice on nutrition. Are eggs good or bad? What about salt? Butter vs. margarine?
Do you measure your BP at home? Is the cuff size correct? What about in a doctor's office? Was your blood pressure measured correctly?
Although beta blockers have long been prescribed for high blood pressure, cardiologists caution that they should rarely be the first choice.
A continuous glucose monitor (CGM) is now available over the counter! Home tests and devices empower patients to take charge of their health.
Many people are finding the news of the day overwhelming. Insomnia ups the risk of hypertension. Tips on getting to sleep during anxious times
You've been told to avoid the sun by wearing protective clothing and applying high SPF sunscreen. Is some sun exposure good for health?
How low should your blood pressure or cholesterol go? A controversy has erupted within the cardiology community about cholesterol guidelines.
Regular sauna bathing lowers blood pressure and other risk factors for heart disease. It may also help prevent lung disease and dementia. Exercise plus sauna is synergistic.
A Danish study found that people who eat chocolate are less likely to have atrial fibrillation. Does chocolate really help prevent Afib?
Beet juice drunk daily has been shown to lower blood pressure even in people with hypertension. Don't like beets? How about beet lemonade?
Few health professionals think hydrochlorothiazide side effects are serious. But a Danish study links HCTZ with squamous cell skin cancer.
Ibuprofen is one of the most popular pain relievers in the pharmacy. Do you read labels and stay alert for scary ibuprofen side effects?
Animal and human research suggests that grapefruit lowers blood pressure. It's incompatible with many drugs, however, so beware interactions!
Diuretics such as HCTZ or chlorthalidone are frequently prescribed for high blood pressure. Which drug performed better after heart attacks?
People don't think they will suffer a medical mistake. Deadly drug interactions seem irrelevant. They are more common than most people think.
How do you control high blood pressure? Has anyone ever mentioned minerals like magnesium or zinc for hypertension?
Should everyone, regardless of age, control hypertension rigorously? Is there such a thing as overtreating high blood pressure?
Scientists have shown that you can consume beets for better blood pressure. Does it matter if they are cooked or juiced?
Beta blockers such as atenolol, metoprolol and propranolol are prescribed for hypertension. Readers ask about metoprolol side effects.
People in pain face a dilemma. Can they control pain safely? NSAIDs can cause hypertension. But will acetaminophen raise blood pressure too?
Studies show a potassium salt substitute can lower sodium intake and reduce blood pressure. Could you benefit?
If you suffer from aches and pains in your joints, do you take a pain reliever? There is a link between ibuprofen and high blood pressure.
Our guests are expert herbalists. They share their knowledge on medicinal herbs to help you stay healthy, from Andrographis to thyme.
A study comparing tai chi practice to aerobic exercise finds better blood pressure control following tai chi training.
Suzy Cohen, RPh, is known as America's Most Trusted Pharmacist. She often writes and speaks about the value of natural healing.
A very small study suggests that morning to midday is the best time to eat for better metabolism and lower blood pressure. Other studies support this approach.
To choose a diet that lowers blood pressure, look to a very low carb diet with less than 35 g carbohydrate daily.
How does your health care provider determine which blood pressure medications work best for any given individual? You may be surprised.
A multi-year study of nearly 500,000 individuals shows that loneliness increases the risk of Parkinson disease significantly.
According to a new study, if we have your pharmacist help you manage your blood pressure, you save money and stay healthy longer.
What's better, blood pressure readings at the doctor's office or at home? A new study will surprise many health professionals. BP strategies!
Do you assume that doctors and pharmacists double check for drug interactions each time doctors type electronic prescriptions? You'd be wrong!
What are the pros and cons of your medications? Do you know? Why not ask your doctor how well your medicine works in real numbers?
Serious lisinopril side effects can occur after many years. Doctors may miss the diagnosis if lisinopril and angioedema affect the abdomen.
You have been told that salt is your enemy. But is a low salt diet dangerous for some people? Can too little sodium be life threatening?
Americans trust nonprofit patient organizations educating about cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer disease. Beware Conflicts of Interest!
Dr. Alan Greene discusses home tests, tech and tools for health that he likes. Joe and Terry invite listeners to share their own.
Are you sure you have hypertension? The wrong cuff size could falsely elevate your BP! Blood pressure measurement mistakes are common.
Amlodipine is one of the most popular blood pressure meds in the pharmacy. But amlodipine and dizziness is a common complication. What else should you know?
Could extra virgin olive oil rich in plant phenols be a key to the benefits of the Mediterranean diet? Perhaps we should all take olive oil.
Anything over 120/80 is considered elevated blood pressure. But is intensive blood pressure control problematic in hospitalized patients?
Amlodipine (Norvasc) is thought to be a super safe blood pressure medicine. Many visitors report side effects from rashes to swollen feet.
Clonidine is prescribed for hypertension and ADHD. Learn about side effects. Missing even one dose could be disastrous. Rebound is scary!
A study found that not every home blood pressure monitor gives an accurate measurement of blood pressure. 30% were off by 10 points or more.
Should doctors "personalize" your blood pressure treatment? How would you know which BP drug works best for your biology and temperament?
A rigorously conducted, multi-year experiment with cocoa compounds vs placebo showed that they may reduce cardiovascular mortality.
An international study finds that positive relationships are linked to lower stress and heart rate and better blood pressure control.
Blood pressure medicines are helpful but they often have side effects. What are the best ways to lower blood pressure naturally?
Studies show that coffee drinkers are less likely to get heart failure or die of heart disease. Unfiltered coffee, though, is bad for you.
Three more companies have recalled blood pressure drugs. Some quinapril (Accupril) pills had a dose of carcinogens (nitrosamines). Enough!
Are you sick and tired of being told to eat a well-balanced diet? Health professionals rarely get specific. We do! Here's a list of veggies!
Readers' reports that the dietary supplement CoQ10 has heart benefits are supported by scientific studies.
Sipping hibiscus tea a few times a day can help get blood pressure under control. Studies show hibiscus may act like an ACE inhibitor.
Home monitoring of blood pressure helps people see how well they are controlling it. The results help people choose effective approaches.
The FDA wants food companies to cut back on salt. AHA guidelines are much stricter. Are the low-salt targets practical? Are they healthy?
In these interviews, we discuss PFAS, known as forever chemicals. Consumer Reports found them in some but not all restaurant food wrappers.
Establishing a drug-induced cancer risk may take 5 to 10 years or longer. The FDA rarely requires such long-term research. What can you do?
Cocoa compounds can increase blood vessel flexibility and help them relax. That lowers blood pressure and improves cardiovascular health.
Does dragon fruit juice have health benefits? One study shows it improves blood vessel flexibility, but we need more research.
Drinking beet root juice may help lower high blood pressure, along with other non-drug approaches to control hypertension.
Is low blood pressure always ideal? Many think that 120/80 is ideal. Research shows such low BP may sometimes increase cognitive decline.
Decongestants can boost blood pressure. People with high blood pressure should look for cold medicine without phenylephrine.
How do you describe the taste of pomegranate? Tart, sweet or both? Is this exotic fruit healthy? You will be amazed at the many benefits!
Have you taken an NSAID such as celecoxib, diclofenac, ibuprofen or naproxen. All can raise BP. Meloxicam raised blood pressure too high!
Investigators found a small but significant increase in blood pressure during 2020, possibly due to pandemic stress and how people reacted.
If blood pressure drops too low overnight, it can aggravate optic nerve damage. That is the last thing glaucoma patients need!
Carcinogenic contaminants keep showing up in BP drugs like losartan and valsartan. The latest scandal involves an irbesartan recall. HELP!
A reader got better blood pressure control if he took his pills at night instead of in the morning. Should you take your BP pills before bed?
People who have high blood pressure in the doctor's office may need to confirm that it is sustained throughout the day with home blood pressure measurement.
Some readers report that dandelion extract lowers blood pressure without strong side effects. Clinical studies are lacking.
When prescribing blood pressure pills, should doctors choose ACE inhibitors or ARBs? ARBs are equally effective with fewer side effects.
Many people are low in potassium. That's because they take thiazide diuretics to control blood pressure. Is it possible to overdose on potassium-rich foods?
Practicing tai chi can help reduce the waistline, control body weight and raise good HDL cholesterol. It also helps improve balance and sleep.
Killing off oral bacteria with strong mouthwash could make it much harder to tap the blood pressure benefits of beets.
If you have hypertension why did your doctor choose one med over another? You might be surprised to learn which BP drugs score highest.
Studying people who moved shows scientists that your home address really does influence depression, blood pressure and diabetes.
A new study shows that more than half of Americans with elevated blood pressure have uncontrolled hypertension. Can you lower yours?
A dose of baking soda in water signals the spleen to produce anti-inflammatory immune cells. This may help reduce swelling.
Two decades ago beta blockers were routinely prescribed for hypertension. Not so much anymore. Why Not? What are atenolol side effects?
Lisinopril is the go-to treatment for hypertension. Cough is a relatively common side effect. We never made a connection with lisinopril and hand tremors.
British researchers found that snacking on almonds instead of mini-muffins boosts blood vessel flexibility and lowers LDL cholesterol levels.
Blood pressure measurements seem so simple. Yet you would be amazed how often professionals get this procedure wrong. Stress can lead to elevated readings.
In a new meta-analysis, the investigators found that people taking blood pressure medicines are slightly less likely to develop dementia.
Scientists confirm that drinking beet juice could be a helpful blood pressure remedy. However, it might increase the risk of kidney stones for some people.
Was your blood pressure measured correctly? What time of day was it taken? What were you doing prior to the reading? Blood pressure can vary dramatically.
If you plan to take ginseng supplements, be sure to learn what benefits you might expect and what possible side effects you might encounter.
Are you struggling with hypertension? You may be able to use ginger for a double-duty effect: reduce blood pressure and ease arthritis pain in joints.
One reader found that using eggplant for dinner, browned in olive oil with herbs, is a tasty approach to lowering blood pressure. Research confirms this.
Researchers have found that people can lower their blood pressure with cherries, specifically 60 ml of tart cherry concentrate daily.
If you want to lower your risk of heart disease or stroke, you should learn to take your blood pressure accurately. Hypertension is a risk factor.
This is a stressful time of year. Shopping puts a strain on the budget. Family gatherings can be contentious. That's why holiday blood pressure can soar!
How do you take your pills? Are you a morning person or a nighttime person? What beverage do you swallow them with? You'll be surprised to learn it matters.
Tens of millions of people take ACE inhibitors to lower high blood pressure. Is there an association between drugs like lisinopril and lung cancer?
Canadian scientists have found a link between losartan and suicide that also implicates similar drugs such as irbesartan or valsartan.
Benzodiazepines like alprazolam, clonazepam, diazepam and lorazepam remain popular to ease anxiety. If stopped too quickly, benzos can cause withdrawal!
Scientists are excited to learn how many herbal medicines lower blood pressure. They activate a potassium channel KCNQ5 that relaxes blood vessels.
You won't believe this. There is a nitrosamine drug recall for the BP med losartan. Other countries are recalling ranitidine (Zantac) for heartburn. Why?
Home blood pressure measurement predicts complications of hypertension more accurately than clinic measurements.
How does green tea interact with nadolol? Green tea compounds can lower blood levels of this heart drug, but does not seem to affect metoprolol.
Antibacterial mouthwash is supposed to kill germs. What if it has an unexpected side effect? Could mouthwash increase blood pressure by killing good germs?
Deciding whether drinking alcohol has greater risks or benefits is tricky. Drinkers are more likely to have hypertension, but less likely to break a hip.
Increasing blood pressure medication at hospital discharge might do more harm than good for older people without heart disease.
Do you ever buy anything online? Would you consider visiting online doctors or prescriptions on demand? Online prescribing and dispensing are expanding.
Beta blockers like atenolol, metoprolol and propranolol used to be very popular BP drugs. But the beta blocker blahs can be problematic. What else works?
In an experiment that pitted a high dairy diet against a low dairy diet, milk and yogurt lovers lowered their blood pressure significantly.
Could compounds created in your body from pomegranate have anti-aging properties? Swiss scientists think so. Pomegranate power goes back thousands of years!
It is hard to believe that yet another potential carcinogen has been found contaminating ARBs. The carcinogen DMF was detected in some valsartan BP pills.
Nitric oxide can help keep blood pressure under control. Some evidence suggests that people who take l-arginine supplements make more nitric oxide.
A patient who came to the emergency department in a hypertensive emergency with blood pressure of 196/66 had been drinking licorice tea for a few weeks.
The scientific consensus is that if you grind flaxseed, you get more of the fiber, lignans and omega-3 fats that make it a healthful food.
After nine months the recall of contaminated generic BP drugs continues. Now it's a losartan recall from Teva. Why hasn't the FDA cleaned up this mess?
Cutting salt from our diets has been dogma for many years. Yet there is not very much evidence to support the extreme efforts some people make.
Research shows that evening is the most effective time to train to lower your blood pressure with exercise. Regularity of workouts also counts!
Have you lost count of all the blood pressure medicine recalls? Sorry, here is yet another ARB recall. This time it is for losartan from Legacy. Enough!
Most people are alert to drug side effects that arise after a few days or weeks. But what about a delayed cough with lisinopril that takes years to show up?
Nitric oxide created in the body relaxes blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Should you be eating more beets and spinach to boost your levels?
The ARB recalls have generated surprisingly little outrage from physicians and pharmacists. But a perspective in the NEJM reveals that some docs are upset!
There are new ARB recalls. Camber and Torrent Pharma companies are recalling large lots of losartan. How did this happen? A new carcinogen rears its head!
Do you know the right dose of baking soda to calm your indigestion? Sodium-sensitive people need to be careful not to take too much.
There have been so many reports of problems with FDA's oversight of generic drugs, we have lost count. A new one from Bloomberg is the most shocking yet!
One reader reports that taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar lowers occasional high blood pressure. Research in rats suggests vinegar inhibits ACE.
Lisinopril and amlodipine are prescribed for hypertension. Side effects are swollen ankles from amlodipine and swollen tongue from lisinopril.
The FDA has issued yet another drug recall because of contamination with a probable cancer causing chemical. It involves amlodipine plus valsartan. Enough!
Are you one of the millions of people taking an ARB for hypertension like losartan or valsartan? Did you know there's a NEW losartan recall? Are you fed up?
If your blood pressure is at or above 130/80 you are considered hypertensive. Did you know that exercise for blood pressure control may be as good as drugs?
American generic drug manufacturer Mylan has issued a multi-lot valsartan recall. Check your blood pressure pills to make sure they are not included.
First came a valsartan recall because of suspected carcinogen contamination. Then irbesartan was recalled. Now there is a losartan recall. What's going on?
Half the American adult population has hypertension (HTN) according to guidelines. Why doesn't blood pressure treatment with meds for mild HTN save lives?
Millions of ARB prescriptions are taken each year to control blood pressure. Batches of valsartan were recalled. Now some irbesartan is contaminated. Help!
How high is your blood pressure? The AHA and ACC say that if it is over 130/80 you have hypertension. Does treating mild hypertension make a difference?
Millions of people take blood pressure pills like lisinopril every day. They work well, but is there an association between ACE inhibitors and lung cancer?
Americans with gum disease are more likely to have high blood pressure and less likely to be able to control their hypertension with medication.
Millions of people have high blood pressure. A lot of them would like a better blood pressure pill. How can you find out which will work for you?
New guidelines define many more Americans as having high blood pressure. Medications to treat it may have side effects. Can you lower your blood pressure naturally?
Taking two pills–quinapril and HTZ–separately saves money over taking the combination pill. This depends upon the specific prescription drug insurance coverage.
With the expanded recall of valsartan from China, it makes sense to learn where your valsartan was made. This might be more of a challenge than it seems.
Substituting losartan for valsartan takes care of the valsartan shortage caused by the recall. It might result in unexpected side effects, however.
Is your blood pressure ever over 130/80? If so, you are now labeled hypertensive. Drugs can have side effects. Are there any effective nondrug ways to lower high blood pressure?
Is the valsartan recall disaster a metaphor for other generic drug problems? Many, if not most, of our generic medicines are now made abroad. They are cheaper, but are they safer?
You have doubtless read about the valsartan recall because of contamination. Could it be the biggest consumer recall in history? Will some people develop cancer as a result?
Who's responsibility is it to take back recalled valsartan? Should patients get a refund for a contaminated drug? What happens when a pharmacist refuses to honor a recall?
The valsartan recall over cancer concerns may be turning into a much bigger drug scandal than we imagined. European regulators are reported to believe the problem could date back to 2012.
Has your doctor prescribed valsartan blood pressure pills to control hypertension? You may want to check to make sure your specific medicine has not been recalled.
A deadly drug interaction likely resulted in high levels of potassium and cardiac arrest. There was no mention of an interaction in the death certificate. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
Have you ever gone sauna bathing? This reader says he thought it was a lazy indulgence. Now he knows there are proven health benefits of a sauna bath.
A new study compares blood pressure measurements taken in the doctor's office with 24-hour home readings. Find out which is best and why.
Planning ahead and knowing what your insurance plan will cover can help you sidestep unpleasant surprises at the pharmacy checkout counter.
Have you ever suffered from minor drug side effects? What is a mild adverse reaction anyway? Is it hair loss? what about a cough? When can seemingly minor symptoms turn deadly?
Millions of people take metoprolol for high blood pressure. Do they know that many experts doubt the drug is appropriate as a first-line treatment? Can it raise blood sugar?
With salsalate, you may be able to ease arthritis pain safely. It is far less likely to irritate the digestive tract or cause cardiovascular problems than most NSAID pain relievers.
Do you wonder whether garlic has earned its reputation as a heart-healthy flavor? Studies suggest that garlic may lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, at least a bit.
If you have hypertension there is a better than even chance you are taking a diuretic. HCTZ is the most commonly prescribed. But hydrochlorothiazide triggers gout. The pain can be excruciating.
Are your smoothies too sweet? Too many carbs? How about Joe's Brain Boosting Super Smoothie with lots of protein or a Beet Juice Smoothie to lower BP?
In the last several years before death, people experience falling blood pressure. The drop is steepest toward the end of life.
Half the population of the United States has high cholesterol and blood pressure according to the official guidelines. Why is this so controversial?
Exercise and weight loss are crucial. Following a DASH diet and drinking hibiscus tea or cocoa can also help lower blood pressure without drugs.
Do you need to lower your blood pressure below 130/80? That is the new cutoff you know. Above that and you are considered hypertensive. How can you do it?
The FDA anticipates that the atenolol shortage will ease within a few months. In the meantime, a patient may need to switch to metoprolol.
Is your blood pressure below 130/80? If not you are now labeled hypertensive. Should you be lowering blood pressure to achieve the goals of the guidelines?
New blood pressure guidelines will likely translate to millions more taking diuretics. Do people know about hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) side effects?
New guidelines define high blood pressure as any measurement at or above 130/80. Millions of Americans will meet that criterion.
Following a DASH diet rich in vegetables and whole grains, with minimal processed foods, can help lower your blood pressure.
People who frequently use a sauna bath have lower blood pressure, fewer colds or flu and a reduced likelihood of dementia.
Getting a daily dose of capsaicin from hot peppers might help fight hypertension. It relaxes blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.
Your mouthwash might help your microbiome boost your blood pressure by changing the balance of bacteria from favorable to unfavorable.
Do you take an NSAID like ibuprofen or naproxen to ease your stiff joints and control your pain? Could it boost your blood pressure into the danger zone?
Diabetes should be avoided. Patients wonder whether blood pressure meds like HCTZ can raise blood sugar and trigger diabetes. Some docs say NO and get mad!
Do you like low-salt food? It is possible to train your taste buds to consume less. Humans have craved salt for millennia. Wars have been fought over salt.
One reader reports that quitting sugar lowered cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Will a low-carb diet have the same benefits for you?
People either love or hate the bitter-sweet taste of grapefruit. Many think this fruit has special health benefits. Will grapefruit lower blood pressure?
People worry about consuming too much salt. But what if someone on a low-salt diet takes a diuretic? Dangerously low sodium levels can kill!
A meta-analysis suggests that people live longer when their systolic blood pressure is kept between 120 and 124, but your blood pressure target may differ.
Are you sure you have hypertension? Do you react to doctors or nurses with a spike in blood pressure? White coat hypertension is quite common.
As many as 20 percent of patients have been misdiagnosed with hypertension and may be getting medication they don't need.
European experts are far less ready to recommend draconian salt restriction that renders food tasteless. The evidence is not there, they say.
The lovely and tasty red hibiscus tea can help you control your blood pressure, but if you are very sensitive it might also make you cough.
Was your high blood pressure based on an accurate measurement? It is surprising how frequently something as fundamental as blood pressure is measured wrong.
Chances are very good that if you take any prescription medicines some will be generics. In recent years high prices for generic drugs have prompted inquiry
If getting to the doctor is stressful, it might make blood pressure rise and contribute to white coat hypertension. How should that be treated?
When you find blood pressure high in the doctor's office but not at home, consider your other heart disease risk factors.
Tens of millions of people take NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen every day to ease pain. Is celecoxib (Celebrex) safer or just as bad for the heart?
We love licorice. High-quality natural licorice candy is wonderful. But too much licorice, whether as candy or in pills, can be dangerous in not deadly.
Do you know what your vitamin D levels are? Could your shampoo, conditioner, deodorant or insect repellent be lowering your levels of this crucial nutrient?
To avoid a heart attack or stroke, it is important to keep blood pressure under control. One-fourth of seniors skip doses of their medicine.
Blood pressure measurement is far more complex than most people realize. Wrist monitors may seem convenient but Italian researchers found big problems.
Lifestyle really can make a huge difference in many conditions, especially hypertension. Losing weight can reduce the need for blood pressure medications.
Would a free lunch influence your doctor's decision about which drug to prescribe? Most patients probably assume the answer is no. Data suggest otherwise.
Many doctors think it is a good thing that patients can monitor blood pressure and blood glucose at home. Should you be able to order your own blood tests?
Salt is safe and saturated fat won't kill you. Such heretical messages contradict decades of public health dogma. What does the latest research have to say?
Women who ate lots of vegetables and not much meat or sweets were 25 percent less likely to develop hypertension after gestational diabetes.
When blood pressure medications cause untenable side effects, there are natural ways to lower blood pressure with diet, exercise and meditation.
There is a great deal of debate within the medical community about when to treat hypertension and how low blood pressure should go. What about side effects?
A reader reports that a few drops of liquid cayenne daily drops blood pressure enough so that no medicine is needed.
Many blood pressure drugs leave patients feeling fatigued, dizzy and depressed. Can hypertension be controlled without making people feel bad?
Results from the SPRINT trial show getting systolic blood pressure to 120 can reduce the chance of a heart attack or stroke; be wary of side effects.
Millions of Americans swallow five or more pills daily. Doing so dramatically increases the risk of a deadly drug interaction that prescribers may miss.
Research appears to support eating beets or drinking beet juice as natural ways of lowering blood pressure.
A lisinopril reaction called angioedema can be a life-threatening medical emergency.
The SPRINT study suggests everyone should get blood pressure below 120. What are the downsides to lower blood pressure? Can blood pressure go too low?
New guidelines suggest that older people may need less aggressive treatment of hypertension and might benefit from less blood pressure medicine.
Japanese scientists warn that high sodium diets appear to predispose people to developing hypertension later.
Older people in particular may not do well if they have to take too many blood pressure pills; what else can they do to help control hypertension?
There is solid evidence that consuming beets for blood pressure control is a good tactic, but we don't have data on the best dose.
Although supplements can help reduce blood pressure readings, potassium and magnesium may interact with losartan and similar drugs in a dangerous manner.
Blood pressure drugs can save lives by preventing heart attacks and strokes. But combining the wrong BP drugs can lead to life-threatening consequences.
Very high blood pressure (BP) is a killer. But there is accumulating evidence to suggest that aggressive BP control may have consequences including dementia
Beets increase levels of nitric oxide and lower blood pressure, but beets are high in oxalates that could increase the risk for kidney stones
Recommendations to lower salt intake drastically are not supported by evidence.
Eating a cup of blueberries a day is a tasty way to normalize blood pressure.
With a high-vegetable diet, whether the veggies and grains were likely to raise blood sugar quickly did not make a difference on blood pressure and insulin.
Processed foods are high in sugar as well as salt and can contribute to high blood pressure.
BPA from foods or beverages may raise systolic blood pressure an average of 5 mm.
White coat hypertension, in which blood pressure measurements are higher in the clinic or doctor's office than at home, can be difficult to control.
Seriously elevated blood pressure should be treated with effective medications, even if the patient also uses blood pressure lowering foods and exercise.
Probiotics in pills or yogurt can help control blood pressure naturally.
Careless blood pressure measurement can result in misdiagnosis and unnecessary treatment for hypertension.
Aggressive blood pressure treatment may lower the likelihood of a stroke but blood pressure can drop so much that a person faints or falls from dizziness.
Everyone knows that high blood pressure can be a problem. What we are not told, however, is that aggressive blood pressure treatment may also pose risks.
Two studies show that people who take their blood pressure readings at home may discover hypertension that wasn't apparent at the office visit.
Could hibiscus tea fight high BP? One study found that three cups of hibiscus tea daily lowered systolic BP significantly, without unpleasant side effects.
Will eggplant water lower blood pressure? This is not a remedy that has been well tested but there is a potential mechanism to explain the possibility.
Changing doctors helped one reader finally get rid of a cough caused by her BP medication. Her new doctor recognized a side effect the first doctor missed.
When a nonagenarian asks about managing blood pressure without drugs, we offer guidelines that anyone can follow for better health.
If you are looking for healthy ways to control your blood pressure using diet, there is good science to show that beets lower blood pressure.
Furosemide (Lasix) side effects are not always fully described. Be aware of side effects such as incontinence, dizziness, diabetes and kidney damage.
Is licorice dangerous? This reader experienced very high blood pressure from too much licorice. Can you enjoy the health benefits from licorice with DGL?
A constant horrible dry cough that just won't go away could be a side effect of Lisinopril.
Is there any evidence to support the benefit of Ginkgo biloba for memory and cognitive function? Can this herb overcome drugs that interfere with memory?
Too much licorice can raise blood pressure and lower potassium levels. That's why a licorice overdose can be so dangerous.
You have heard the expression "let food be your medicine," but did you ever think you would find food remedies in your kitchen to help lower blood pressure?
Drinking lemon water can help with weight loss and other health goals.
ACE inhibitors like lisinopril or ramipril help control blood pressure, but they can also trigger a side effect that should be recognized: an ACE cough.
Do free lunches influence doctors? Most physicians would say no way. They think they always do what is best for patients. But free pizza may have an impact.