Natural products were an essential part of the pharmacopeia until the end of the 20th century. Starting around 1950, scientists valued synthetic medications more than botanical products. Few, if any, physicians are aware that grapefruit has health benefits. A human and animal study demonstrated that grapefruit pectin (Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association, 1988) could lower cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and decrease plaque formation. An article in the American Journal of Hypertension (Oct. 1, 2005) reported that high-flavonoid (HF) Sweetie Fruit (a grapefruit/pummelo mix) lowered blood pressure. Now there is new evidence that grapefruit lowers blood pressure.
More Than Grapefruit Interactions:
Many health care professionals were shocked when a publication in 1991 demonstrated that grapefruit juice could increase blood levels of several medications (Lancet, Fe b. 2, 1991). Once that realization sunk in, many prescribers warned people taking statin-type medications to avoid grapefruit juice. Atorvastatin (Lipitor) and simvastatin (Zocor) are especially susceptible to this effect.
People taking certain blood pressure pills, such as felodipine (Plendil), verapamil (Calan)and nifedipine (Procardia) are often warned to skip grapefruit. That’s because there may be an exaggerated drug effect due to grapefruit that can lead to toxicity. Here is a link to a free guide to Grapefruit Interactions.
Once it was accepted that these interactions were real–and could be risky at times–health care providers started to warn patients. But they often overlooked an important fact: grapefruit itself can have beneficial effects for human health.
Grapefruit Lowers Blood Pressure:
Here is one reader’s experience:
Q. From about 1985 till about 2005, my blood pressure ran about 150/90 and I needed antihypertensive medications. In 2003 I planted several citrus trees, including two pink grapefruits.
When they started to bear fruit, I ate lots of them and made gallons of juice (which I froze). I enjoyed the juice as the harvest faded.
The past several years my blood pressure has been about 130/75. Two doctors told me to keep up my routine and cut back on the meds! I feel wonderful.
A. Both animal and human research suggests that grapefruit may indeed have an impact on blood vessel flexibility and lower blood pressure (Phytotherapy Research, July, 2009).
The authors of this research wrote:
“Citrus paradisi (grapefruit) consumption is considered as beneficial and it is popularly used for the treatment of a vast array of diseases, including hypertension.
“In humans, Citrus paradisi juice decreased diastolic arterial pressure and systolic arterial pressure both in normotensive and hypertensive subjects. Citrus paradisi juice produced a greater decrease in mean arterial pressure when compared with Citrus sinensis (orange) juice, cow milk and a vitamin C-supplemented beverage.”
A randomized controlled trial published in the journal Metabolism (July, 2012) reported that half a fresh Rio-Red grapefruit three times a day led to a “significant reduction in systolic blood pressure compared with baseline values. Both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol were also reduced.”
Another Reader Reports that Grapefruit Lowers Blood Pressure:
Q. I have been taking amlodipine and benazepril for many years to lower my blood pressure. Two days ago, I decided to skip the meds and try a grapefruit instead.
My early morning BP was 143/90. That is normal since I hadn’t had my meds for 24 hours. I then ate a grapefruit, and less than an hour later my bp was down to 128/83. This is a greater reduction than my meds provide.
Consequently, I am going to ask my nurse practitioner if I could replace my meds with a grapefruit. Or why not have a grapefruit twice a day?
A. Thanks for sharing the results of your experiment. Your nurse practitioner might tell you not to eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice the same day you take amlodipine. Your body uses an enzyme called CYP3A4 to metabolize this calcium channel blocker.
Grapefruit can slow CYP3A4, which could in theory lead to higher blood levels of the drug. Although that does not appear to be a significant interaction for most people, individuals vary and you might be sensitive to this reaction (Journal of Personalized Medicine, March 22, 2022).
Your one-day experiment with grapefruit is not long enough to prove that this citrus fruit could substitute for your BP medicine. On the other hand, some data lend additional support to the idea that grapefruit lowers blood pressure (Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Feb. 2017).
What About Grapefruit Juice and Beet Juice?
An intriguing randomized controlled trial published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (Feb. 2021) reported that combining grapefruit juice with beet juice lowered systolic blood pressure. Other foods that can help lower blood pressure besides beets and grapefruit include green leafy vegetables and dark chocolate.
Grapefruit Juice Boosts the Benefit of Beet Juice:
A reader wonders about combining beet juice and grapefruit juice:
Q. Did you really mention grapefruit juice in conjunction with beet juice for blood pressure control? Or was I dreaming?
I love grapefruit and its juice – and I live in Florida. Can I drink the juice without the health police chasing me?
A. You were not dreaming. We wrote about this research two years ago (British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Feb. 2021). In a small randomized controlled study, participants had their blood pressure (BP) taken after consuming beet juice or placebo beet juice with grapefruit juice at various visits. On one visit, they also consumed beet juice with water.
The participants did not know which combination they were drinking. The authors reported that grapefruit juice enhanced the blood pressure lowering effect of beet juice.
They conclude:
“Given that the taste [of beet juice] was improved by grapefruit juice, this combination has potential for use as a dietary approach to improve BP.”
The only reason the “health police” might disapprove is if you are taking a medicine that interacts with grapefruit. Our free Guide to Grapefruit Interactions summarizes many of these incompatibilities.
Learn More:
Readers who want to learn more about natural ways to control hypertension may wish to consult our Guide to Blood Pressure Treatment. Israeli researchers have found that red grapefruit not only lowers blood pressure but also cholesterol and triglycerides (American Journal of Hypertension, Oct. 2005; Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, March 8, 2006). We talked with Dr. David Bailey, the scientist who first discovered grapefruit-drug interactions, several years ago.
Please share your own experience with grapefruit juice or beet juice in the comment section below. Thank you for sharing our articles with friends or family.
- Bailey DG et al, "Interaction of citrus juices with felodipine and nifedipine." Lancet, Fe b. 2, 1991. DOI: 10.1016/0140-6736(91)90872-m
- O'Gallagher K et al, "Grapefruit juice enhances the systolic blood pressure-lowering effects of dietary nitrate-containing beetroot juice." British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Feb. 2021. DOI: 10.1111/bcp.14420