Dennis Miller, R.Ph., likes RFK, Jr.'s efforts to blame processed foods for chronic disease. Will his initiative make America healthy again?
Stevia is a sugar substitute derived from a South American plant. It may be safe, but it is not clear whether it will help people lose weight.
Semaglutide can help people lose serious weight. But what happens to Wegovy weight loss when you stop using the drug? Will you regain pounds?
Research suggests intermittent fasting to reduce the risk of diabetes could help lower cholesterol and help with weight loss.
Mice and monkeys do better on a Mediterranean diet rich in olives. Will a Mediterranean diet help you control your weight?
Non-sugar sweeteners may not offer the expected health benefits. In fact, sugar substitutes may increase inflammation or blood clotting.
A study of American adults shows that people who manage a step count of at least 8,000 a day have a lower chance of dying in the next decade.
If you find yourself struggling with anxiety, take a look at your food choices. You can calm your mind with real food, including greens.
Medicare Part D will now pay for Wegovy (semaglutide) to help millions of overweight people reduce their risk of heart attacks and strokes.
A low-carb high-fat ketogenic diet might be helpful for people struggling to lose weight, lower blood sugar or manage mental illness.
In this interview, Dr. Aaron Carroll describes tools used to evaluate prescription drugs and the importance of personal experience.
Shedding pounds fast has become a hot topic with new weight loss medicine liraglutide and semaglutide (Wegovy). What are the pros and cons?
Ozempic and Wegovy are in short supply. Weight loss is a BIG market! What do you think about the name Zepbound? It's the latest obesity drug!
Restricting eating time to early in the day may improve insulin sensitivity, reduce blood sugar response to meals and help with weight control.
In this episode, we consider the benefits and considerable risks of drugs like Wegovy for treating obesity. Our guest says eat real food!
Time-restricted eating that limits meals to the same 8 to 10 hour period every day improves metabolic markers and promotes weight loss.
Prescribing new medicines for treating obesity has let our guest help many patients unable to lose weight by other means.
Women with PCOS frequently have trouble controlling their weight. Semaglutide (Wegovy or Ozempic) can help when diet and exercise don't.
A large meta-analysis concludes that curcumin from turmeric can help heavy people reduce their body mass index and waist circumference.
When your knees, hips or shoulders hurt, you want rapid relief. Cortisone shots seem like a simple and fast solution. Are there any risks?
Alli is an over-the-counter weight loss pill that lowers cholesterol too. Can you safely take Alli for a long time?
Pediatric neuroendocrinologist Robert Lustig explains what everyone gets wrong about weight loss and why drugs are not the best solution.
Financial incentives to help people stick to their diets are not perfect, but they can help folks lose excess weight.
Our guests are challenging the dietary dogma on weight gain, that we put on weight because we eat too much and move too little.
In studies that coupled step counters with coaching by health professionals, volunteers increased their physical activity.
Putting calorie information on prepared supermarket foods helped reduce the purchase of high-calorie bakery and deli items slightly.
Does the FDA do its job? A new study asks: are dietary supplements contaminated? Some companies get warning letters but their products remain
Data indicate that American youngsters are becoming obese at an alarming rate. How can we prevent this problem?
Dr. Robert Lustig describes how processed food is driving inflammation and subcellular pathologies that underlie chronic disease.
Scientists find that sleeping a little longer is associated with eating a bit less. This could be an important tactic for weight control.
Parents have been urged to offer their kids skim milk once they are more than two years old. That's thought to keep them slim, but the data don't hold up.
What do scientists believe about weight gain–and what do they really know? The answers could make a difference for all of us.
Agricultural subsidies of crops like wheat and corn make processed foods affordable, but they may be undermining public health.
A 5-pound difference among weights measured on doctors' scales in the office suggests a lack of attention to detail and accuracy.
Analyses of many long-term studies shows that eating whole grains for a longer life works best when people get at least three servings a day.
Practicing tai chi can help reduce the waistline, control body weight and raise good HDL cholesterol. It also helps improve balance and sleep.
Exercise at any time can be helpful, but an evening workout offers special advantages for blood sugar control.
Have pandemic restrictions interfered with your exercise routine? Dr. McGonigal describes how to feel better with new approaches to movement.
A green Mediterranean diet relying on plant protein instead of meat or fish lowers LDL cholesterol, blood pressure and insulin resistance.
People who eat a late dinner have higher blood sugar levels overnight and burn less fat than those who eat earlier in the evening.
When we need to make healthy decisions about what we eat and drink, we need to find ways to deflect the allure of sugar for our brains.
A gold-standard randomized controlled trial of diet found it is very difficult to change your microbiota long-term.
The FDA has just asked the maker of lorcaserin (Belviq) to lose weight to withdraw it due to an increased risk of a cancer diagnosis.
If you've ever wondered, "What should we be eating?" you'll want to listen to Dr. Mark Hyman tell why cooking tasty food doesn't have to take lots of time.
Contrave is a combination drug for obesity. Is it a good way to lose weight safely?
Spanish scientists find that a mostly vegetarian diet with vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and olive oil may help you control your weight.
American corporations are exploiting our desire for pleasure and hacking our bodies and brains. It doesn't make us happy. How can we reverse this trend?
New research shows that women who leave the TV on while they are sleeping are more likely to gain weight over the next five years.
One reader reports that following a keto diet eliminated her knee pain. Researchers have confirmed that a low-carbohydrate diet can reduce pain.
Dog-walkers get more exercise, but they must take care not to end up in a tumble that could break a bone.
Data from the Women's Health Initiative suggests that heavy diet soda consumers are more likely to suffer strokes and heart attacks.
New research shows that people use more energy on a low-carb diet. It suggests that people cutting calories should pay attention to which calories they cut.
Researchers found that mindfulness training helped volunteers resist fast food and lose weight. Might this approach help you?
Does it matter where your calories come from? A new study shows that maintaining weight loss is easier on a low-carb dietary pattern.
Many readers are upset about the new low-carb diet study published in the BMJ. Find out what the fuss is all about and read their comments in this post.
An interesting new study pits low-carb against higher-carb diets. When it comes to maintaining weight, the low-carb diet wins handily.
Conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, has a reputation for fighting belly fat. Studies show it doesn't work very well and has some drawbacks.
Manufacturers are replacing the endocrine-disrupting plasticizer BPA with other compounds. Are these BPA substitutes really safer?
In a long-running cohort study, people getting about half their calories from carbohydrates had a better chance of long life than those eating either low carb or high carb diets.
The last fifteen years have seen some increases in diet quality for most Americans, but not for poor people on SNAP assistance. Disparities in diet quality are increasing.
A study suggests that children under two years old have a sweet tooth. Their diets have a surprising amount of added sugar.
Scientists tested low-carb vs low-fat and tried to find markers that would show which one is best for who. Your best diet is the healthiest one you can follow indefinitely.
American adults who embrace five elements of a healthy lifestyle can expect to live a decade longer, on average, than those who are less conscientious.
Research shows you should time your meals to get more calories early in the day. That eating pattern improved blood sugar control and reduced insulin requirements. It also led to weight loss.
Fenofibrate taken to lower cholesterol or triglycerides could end up triggering gallstones. A gallstone attack may result in a severe stomach ache.
Researchers conclude that calorie counts on menus or menu boards may help people choose less caloric items when they eat out.
No one diet is right for everyone; people who want to lose weight need to pay attention to exactly how they respond to a healthy diet.
Living near several exercise facilities (and using them?) can help you keep your waistline from expanding. Watch out for the fast food joints!
How can you use cinnamon to lower your cholesterol, control your blood sugar or help you stay slim? Try a water-based extract for safety.
Research on mice suggests that tea drinkers may have better intestinal microbes for maintaining a healthy weight. Both green and black tea work.
If your hectic life means you don't have regular meals, learn how when you eat can affect your health almost as much as what you eat.
Walking the dog accounts for at least 20 minutes a day of moderate physical activity for older people in Great Britain. How long do your walks take?
The American Academy of Pediatrics has a new policy recommending that infants under a year old should not drink fruit juice.
Have you tried to shed pounds but given up because you were tired of feeling hungry? Dr. David Ludwig offers a solution that makes sense.
A reader has gained a lot of weight while taking olanzapine and now would like to lose those pounds. Can she find a way of stopping Zyprexa safely?
Laboratory research shows that non-sugar sweeteners found in diet beverages can increase inflammation and the activity of fat storage genes.
People who eat home-cooked family meals without television are less likely to be too heavy than those who eat TV dinners.
Many of us worry that consuming saturated fat will boost our chance of a heart attack. A study from Norway suggests we should worry about processed food.
Preliminary research suggests that skipping supper by eating earlier can reduce hunger pangs and may help people drop pounds.
Women who drank water instead of diet soda were slightly more successful in their weight loss efforts.
Dieters were able to manage more weight loss when they ate more of their daily calories at midday rather than in the evening.
An analysis of artificial sweetener research finds that many studies have conclusions in line with the interests of the reviewers.
Ordering your food hours before mealtime helps people make healthier food choices and eat better. How could you put this to work for yourself?
Italian scientists report that people eating pasta as part of a Mediterranean eating plan are able to maintain their weight and their waist size.
New data shows that more Americans than ever are overweight, which puts them at risk for arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and premature death.
It makes sense to ask Could diet soda protect you from blood sugar problems, since you're not consuming sugar. But a recent study has disappointing news.
While it seems safe or even beneficial to sip green tea, taking green tea extract in a product with herbs for weight loss could result in liver injury.
A new study links mom's diet soda consumption during pregnancy to a greater risk that the infant will be overweight at one year.
In 21 studies, people who ate more peas and beans lost a little bit more weight than those whose diets did not contain legumes.
Concerns about endocrine disruptors have consumers searching for BPA-free products, but research suggests that a substitute makes fat cells grow.
Eating fewer packaged snacks, especially sweet snacks and baked goods, would help Americans cut sugar from their diets and control their weight.
Losing a little weight, even 5 percent of the initial poundage, can lower liver fat, improve organ-specific insulin sensitivity and reduce triglycerides.
A high BMI of 30 or above may classify a person as obese, but it does not tell enough about their state of health.
In one study, scrambled eggs were the best breakfast for getting children to eat fewer calories at lunchtime. Cereal or oatmeal weren't as good.
To prevent weight gain, a new study suggests it makes sense to pile your plate with colorful vegetables and fruits every day.
Because cash register receipts contain BPA, cashiers have higher body burdens of this potentially harmful chemical.
If you skip breakfast, you may consume fewer calories, but it is not clear that you will lose weight or live longer.
Weight loss surgery can achieve dramatic results, but without significant changes in behavior, the pounds and metabolic disturbances may creep back.
Contrave is a hot new weight loss pill. How well does it work and what are the side effects? Is this the magic answer to obesity or an overhyped drugs?
The repurposed diabetes drug liraglutide, under the brand name Saxenda, works better than placebo injections to help people lose weight.
Dietary guidelines that limit total fat have been counterproductive, say nutrition scientists. Instead, forget about fat and have people eat more veggies.
Stepping on the scale and recording weight every day makes a difference for weight loss; scientists do not know why men benefit more than women.
The new diet drug Belviq can help modestly with weight loss, but patients should be aware of dangerous complications and interactions.
Children who frequently listen to their caregivers reading stories have more activation in language-learning areas of the brain.
Relatively few good studies establish the effectiveness of well-known weight loss programs.
Inflammation contributes to chronic disease; pollution from pesticides lodges in fat and triggers inflammation.
San Antonio seniors who drank diet soda added inches to their waistlines.
Swedish volunteers following a modified Mediterranean diet using walnut or canola oil instead of olive oil improved their blood fats and lost weight.
How well do phone apps work for tracking activity?
The FTC has ruled that ads touting green coffee bean extract as a weight loss aid were misleading and consumers deserve refunds.
In changing habits to healthier behaviors, spousal support makes a big difference.
Using a fitness tracker to provide feedback on exercise and its results can be a great way to reinforce healthy habits.
When calorie counts show up on menus, consumers will be better able to estimate how much they are eating.
Action-packed TV programming encourages overeating.
It seems logical that switching to non-caloric carbonated beverages would help you lose weight, but it doesn't work. Drink water instead!
People who eat chocolate at least twice a week are no heavier (even a little lighter) than those who eat no chocolate.