Listen to learn about home remedies that work for hiccups, warts or leg cramps. Better yet, call in with your own favorite!
The best way to find out if the old wives were right about a home remedy might be to give it a try. Do you have a favorite?
We've been collecting wart remedies for 50+ years. The challenge: topical vs. systemic treatment. We offer LOTS of options including Tagamet!
Even though warts are caused by a virus, they are susceptible to suggestion. Some people make warts disappear by buying them.
Can you cure your plantar warts by soaking your feet in hot water? Some readers have. Others use duct tape, Listerine or nail polish.
On our Saturday broadcast, Dr. Jane Andersen will discuss your foot problems and how you can fix them. Call in your question–888-472-3366
We have learned a lot about the benefits and risks of the Moderna vaccine over the last few months. Here are more unanticipated pros and cons
Although the research is not promising, many readers report that taking cimetidine (Tagamet) can help plantar warts go away. Medical supervision advised!
Castor oil has been used for thousands of years. Readers report success with this ancient remedy to ease knee pain. Will it work for you?
A reader used water-soluble vitamin A to cure warts on the sole of the foot. Scientific research is inconclusive about this and other wart remedies.
One reader made a serendipitous discovery of a supplement to banish plantar warts. It contained dandelion root, milk thistle, turmeric and acerola cherry.
Silver nitrate is an old-fashioned caustic compound that can be used to treat warts on the soles of the feet. It may leave a dark scar.
One reader discovered a way to get rid of warts by coating them with instant glue. Many other home remedies may also work against warts.
Many different home remedies can help you get rid of plantar warts on the feet. If one does not work, you might have success with another.
Have you ever had warts? How did you get rid of them? Did they go away by themselves or did you use a home remedy? How about eating olives?
Some readers report that applying the inside of a banana peel to the skin can help cure a wart quickly; other remedies may also be helpful.
Fingernail warts, also called periungual warts, may return even after treatment, but applying Vicks VapoRub to the nails vanquished the warts in this case.
When all else fails it is possible that OTC cimetidine (Tagamet) may solve the problem of stubborn warts.
A Dead Sea salt soak home-remedy was just the trick to get rid of stubborn warts.
A reader was able to get rid of a huge wart by soaking the affected hand daily in a solution of Dead Sea salts. Have you tried this remedy?
Getting rid of a stubborn wart can be a real pain. Readers have reported success with either powdered or fresh turmeric root on their plantar warts.