Research on duct tape was published in the *Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine* (Oct. 2002). Parents were told to cover the wart with a piece of duct tape for six days. If it fell off, they were to replace it. At the end of the six days, they removed the tape, soaked the wart in warm water and then filed it down with an emery board.
The duct tape was replaced the following day and the process was repeated for two months or until the wart disappeared. In this study, 85 percent of the children treated with duct tape were cured. Most warts disappeared within the first month. In fact, the study found that duct tape worked better than freezing warts off.
There are many other remedies for warts, including banana peel, castor oil or turmeric. Search for “warts” on this website to find something that appeals to you.
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