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Turmeric Overcame Stubborn Wart

Getting rid of a stubborn wart can be a real pain. Readers have reported success with either powdered or fresh turmeric root on their plantar warts.

How do you get rid of warts? Sometimes they go away by themselves in due time, just as doctors say they will. But some warts are exceptionally persistent. Plantar warts that appear on the soles of the feet can be particularly obstinate. How do you get rid of a stubborn wart? One reader used turmeric.

Turmeric for a Stubborn Wart:

Q. Turmeric is magical! I tried duct tape on my plantar wart, but I got another one next to the first one. I tried OTC salicylic acid, but the wart just spread.

Freezing didn’t work. The podiatrist “beetle-juiced” me four times. I got big blisters and more warts. She prescribed 26 percent salicylic acid, and the wart grew to the size of a quarter.

Then I read about turmeric on your website. After two weeks of applying bandages over a mix of olive oil from the cupboard and turmeric from the local grocery store spice aisle, using a pumice stone every few days, my wart is gone!

Turmeric Against Viruses:

A. Readers have reported success with either powdered or fresh turmeric root on plantar warts. It is important to keep the turmeric covered with a bandage, because otherwise it can stain socks or sheets a bright yellow.

Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound that has anti-viral activity (Yang et al, Molecules, Oct. 20, 2016). Perhaps that is why it works against warts, which are caused by a virus. In fact, scientists have investigated its ability to disrupt papillomavirus, the type of virus that causes warts (Mishra & Das, Future Oncology, Sep. 2015).

Other Uses for Turmeric:

Of course turmeric (and its active ingredient curcumin) has been used for other purposes besides treating a stubborn wart. Here is a message from Kathy from July 24th:

“I started taking turmeric capsules for my osteoarthritis pain about 3 months ago. I have much less pain with no side effects. This has worked much better for me than gin soaked raisins.”

Then there is this from F. B.:

“Tumeric (curcurmin) is an incredible pain reliever. I have been through some incredible pain that the big time pain meds, yup, Morphine and Oxycodone, didn’t touch at all. My curcumin remedy did in fact take the edge off my pain. No it didn’t take it away completely but nothing ever has for me. I have a weird body!”

Of course turmeric is also found in curry. In fact curry wouldn’t be curry without turmeric. But what happens when you start taking large doses of a spice in pill form? That’s what Gerlinde wants to know:

“I have been reading about turmeric for stiff joints. Could you please tell me how much is a good dose to take a day? Does it interact with other medicines? I am also a diabetic.”

For more information about dosing and side effects you may wish to check out our book, Spice Up Your Health: How Everyday Kitchen Herbs & Spices Can Lengthen & Strengthen Your Life.

Risks of Taking Turmeric:

Just because this is a spice found in the kitchen does not mean it is safe for everyone, especially when taken in large doses in pill form. Here is a story from Kimimila:

“I took turmeric a few days in a row in a glass of water in order to find relief for a stomach ache.
The morning after the first time I got a painful rash on my back, but I did not associate this with the turmeric. I took turmeric again and the next day the rash was worse.

I’ve researched it on the net and it could be because of the turmeric. The description of the way it looks is like flea bites, bedbug bites and even shingles (minus the blisters and the fatigue). It is very painful but did not itch… phew.”

Idevere had an even worse reaction:

“Tumeric and curcumin DO NOT work for everyone (sadly, that includes me). People exploring this alternative treatment should know that it is VERY possible to develop severe stomach pain, no matter the form ingested. I developed crippling digestive problems within a few days of taking curcumin in pill form. I persevered despite this for a few more days, taking it with food, with milk, with antacids. Nothing helped. I developed serious nausea.

Since I experienced NO CHANGE in psoriasis (which was the reason I was taking it), I stopped taking it. Stomach pains were gone in less than a day. And no, I was not overdosing; was taking a minimal daily amount.

BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS STUFF! It can do a lot of damage, and not just stain your clothes yellow if used topically.”

Turmeric Interactions:

Turmeric and curcumin may also interact with the anticoagulant warfarin (Coumadin) to thin the blood excessively and increase the risk for bleeding. So, although this spice is amazing, it must be used with respect. People taking warfarin should not use it medicinally.

There are lots of fascinating uses for spices, herbs and foods in our book Recipes & Remedies from The People’s Pharmacy. You will learn about our Anti-Inflammatory Curcumin Scramble for breakfast on page 103, Curcumin Milk on page 60 and Curry Soup on page 119.

And if you love home remedies along with a big dose of grandma’s wisdom, check out our book, The People’s Pharmacy Quick & Handy Home Remedies. It also provides remedies for other common ailments such as arthritis, constipation, dandruff, insomnia and sinusitis.

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About the Author
Joe Graedon is a pharmacologist who has dedicated his career to making drug information understandable to consumers. His best-selling book, The People’s Pharmacy, was published in 1976 and led to a syndicated newspaper column, syndicated public radio show and web site. In 2006, Long Island University awarded him an honorary doctorate as “one of the country's leading drug experts for the consumer.”.
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