Q. I have been stressing out over a wart on my face. I have tried every treatment mentioned in your column for over two years, including banana peel, vinegar, Listerine and duct tape.
Nothing worked, no matter how conscientious I was about applying the treatment. Finally I read about the aloe plant and how to apply it by peeling it and applying the juicy material directly to the wart. That worked! Now I don’t feel like a Halloween witch with her big facial wart.
A. We are delighted to learn that topical application of Aloe vera gel got rid of your wart. This is the first time we have heard of using aloe as a wart remedy.
Other readers have had success soaking warts in hot water, applying duct tape, castor oil, lemon juice, vinegar or the prescription antiviral drug amantadine. Others tell us that taping eggplant or banana peel to a wart will also make it disappear.