Q. My daughter had several warts on her hands and was able to kill them quickly with lemon juice. She dabbed the warts with a sliver of lemon three or four times a day and all of the warts fell off within four days.
A. Four years ago we heard from another mother whose daughter also had warts:
“Years ago my daughter had eight plantar warts on the bottoms of her feet. She could hardly walk and I tried everything to no avail.
“A friend of mine suggested squeezing fresh lemon juice on them three or four times a day. We had nothing to lose so we tried it. Those warts turned black and fell off so fast she was completely healed within four weeks. I hope this will help others.”
Other wart remedies include topical applications of castor oil, vinegar, Listerine or even instant glue. Some people report good results with duct tape and others get rid of warts by taping a piece of banana peel to them, fleshy side to skin.