Older people are at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency, which can lead to cognitive difficulties. Certain medications and a vegetarian diet increase the risk.
Low vitamin D levels in men with prostate cancer were linked to higher Gleason scores and more aggressive tumors.
Older people with low vitamin D levels are more vulnerable to dementia. A new study shows that taking vitamin D may help prevent dementia.
Beta carotene or vitamin A may increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers. Finding a vitamin formulation without them is difficult.
Many people are low in vitamin D. We used to say that liberal use of sunscreen could block vitamin D formation. Research now contradicts that view.
A study of vitamin D supplements demonstrated that these pills do not protect people from heart disease or cancer.
Corticosteroids, anticonvulsants and certain other medicines suppress your vitamin D levels. That could make you more vulnerable to infection.
A burning sensation in the feet or the tongue could be the result of inadequate vitamin B12 levels. Some drugs may contribute to reduced B12.
People with too little vitamin D in their bloodstreams were more likely to die early. Vitamin D scarcity carries many other risks as well.
Will taking a big dose of vitamin D alleviate nighttime leg cramps or trigger them? The answer may vary from one individual to another.
Symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency may mimic senility, with poor concentration, constipation, balance problems and tingling or numbness in hands or feet.
A randomized controlled trial determined that metformin does NOT affect vitamin D status, but it can lower vitamin B12 levels.
When was the last time you were tested for vitamin B12? What are the symptoms of a deficiency? Age and meds can cause a cobalamin deficiency.
Research indicates a link between low vitamin D and COVID-19 infection risk. What should you know about this essential vitamin?
Vitamin B12 injections are a common treatment for pernicious anemia. Injections are not affected by acid-suppressing medicines.
Vitamin supplements might help prevent recurrent canker sores that run in a family. Are there other remedies that might help?
When sunshine is limited, you may need vitamin D3 pills to bring your level of this hormone up to normal. However, some people report digestive symptoms.
A serious vitamin B12 lack due to PPI medication, vegan diet, or stomach inflammation can cause trouble with balance, cognition and fatigue.
Many people take biotin for strong nails, although there is limited scientific support for this use of the supplement. Can biotin interfere with tests?
A possible vitamin B12 deficiency could explain depression linked to metformin for blood sugar control. An additional supplement might help.
A meta-analysis in JAMA Cardiology shows no benefit from vitamin D supplements for heart disease. This is the latest in a series of such disappointments.
Even though vitamin D can be used as rat poison, that doesn't mean all supplements are risky for people. Get the right dose.
Millions of people are deficient in vitamin D. Without a blood test you wouldn't know if you are one of them. What about too much vitamin D? Is it a danger?
If your vitamin D level is low, you can use magnesium to boost vitamin D. You might also need to take supplemental vitamin D.
Do you need to take supplements to get adequate vitamin D? People who live in northern regions may need supplements during the winter.
In the VITAL trial, vitamin D strikes out for preventing heart disease and cancer. Are such supplements completely useless?
Don't count on vitamin D and calcium pills to keep your bones strong. Make sure you get plenty of green veggies in your diet and spend some time in the sun.
Spanish researchers found that rheumatoid arthritis patients with low vitamin D levels have more involved joints and more joint pain than those with adequate levels.
A study from New Zealand showed no reduction in the chance of cancer for people taking pills with 100,000 IU of vitamin D each month.
Those who cannot get adequate vitamin D from sun exposure should take vitamin D pills. Scientists have not yet determined, however, if such supplements can protect people from cancer.
A vitamin B12 deficiency has many potential symptoms. Among other things, it could interfere with your balance and make you fall.
Extra summer sunshine at the end of the season is associated with a less severe flu season afterwards. Perhaps that's because people have higher vitamin D levels.
Some common medications can mess with vitamin B12 and deplete body stores of this crucial nutrient. A supplement can be helpful.
Getting out in the sunshine and taking cod liver oil are two ways to improve flagging vitamin D levels.
If concave fingernails are caused by iron deficiency, as is often the case, addressing the cause of the iron deficiency will cure the nail condition.
Older people may be less efficient at absorbing vitamin B12. A vitamin deficiency could cause cognitive difficulties that go away with supplementation.
To get all your vitamins from your diet, you'll need to pay attention to eating very nutritious food and avoiding medications that can block nutrients.
College athletes who experienced muscle injuries that sidelined them from at least one game were more likely to have suboptimal vitamin D levels.
Roasted seaweed does not contain vitamin B12 and will not substitute in a vegan diet for a synthetic supplement of this crucial vitamin.
Uncovering and correcting a thyroid hormone problem and a vitamin deficiency made a long-term tingling sensation disappear.
Do you take vitamins and minerals? Many health professionals think you are wasting your money. What's the story on dietary supplements: healthy or harmful?
A Chinese study show cognitive decline is worse in those with too little vitamin D, so anyone who wants to stay sharp needs vitamin D.
Low vitamin D levels cause many health problems, but a 50,000 IU vitamin D2 pill may cause digestive distress. How can you raise vitamin D comfortably?
Whether taken to treat or prevent diabetes, or for another purpose, metformin users should have vitamin B12 levels monitored regularly.
For wintertime babies, moms' vitamin D supplements boost bone density.
If your primary care doctor will not test you for nutrient levels, you may be able to order your own tests. Use the results as a guide for supplementation.
When a low vitamin D level contributes to fibromyalgia pain, getting adequate supplementation can make a huge difference.
Two careful studies of the effects of extra prenatal vitamin D supplementation on a child's chance of developing asthma gave ambiguous results.
Boosting Vitamin D with high dose supplementation was associated with more falls rather than fewer and did not prevent broken bones.
A PPI for GERD and metformin for type 2 diabetes combined to cause vitamin B12 deficiency for this reader; what is the appropriate treatment?
Neither high-dose nor low-dose vitamin D supplements were effective at preventing falls in a study of older women.
Low levels of vitamin D are associated with a range of health problems, but why some people respond to supplements and others do not is still a mystery.
British public health authorities now recommend vitamin D pills for everyone.
Take vitamin D supplements with the largest meal of the day to get the best absorption; a meal with fat in it works best.
Getting vitamin D levels up into the normal range can help lower chronic inflammation; exercise and weight loss also help.
Sunscreen blocks vitamin D formation in the skin, but proper use provides skin protection from sunburn and still allows for some vitamin D manufacture.
Although some websites express concern that taking a shower after sunbathing will wash off all the vitamin D formed by the skin, this appears unlikely.
Spending time outside should provide skin the opportunity to make vitamin D precursor compounds, but this is not guaranteed.
Taking vitamin D supplements to reverse a documented deficiency helped one reader ease pain and forget the extreme fatigue the deficiency caused.
Acid-suppressing drugs can control heartburn symptoms, but they can also reduce absorption of important nutrients including magnesium and vitamin B12.
It's easy to miss the signs and symptoms of low vitamin D. Low levels can be linked to bone pain, muscle weakness, cognitive impairment, and falls.
Powerful acid-suppressing drugs such as omeprazole can ease heartburn but over the long term they may create nutritional deficiencies.
Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked to pain, increased risk of falls and mental fogginess.
The high doses of Vitamin D prescribed by the Dr. make some people ask: "Is high dose vitamin d dangerous?"