Q. I spent three years crippled by a Vitamin D deficiency. I was in constant pain, and for five months I was homebound and in a wheelchair. I had loss of balance, resulting in falls in which a bone was dislocated. I had neurological and cognitive deficits.
Vitamin D2 did not work for me, but within six weeks of starting a vitamin D3 supplement my pain started to let up and my balance is improving. My mind is sharp again. Vitamin D3 treatment costs me less than $10 a month. It is amazing that more doctors do not know about this. I hope you will tell your readers to insist on vitamin D3 if they are diagnosed with a deficiency.
A. Your experience is extreme, but low vitamin D levels are linked to an increased risk of falling as well as to muscle pain and weakness. Researchers are debating whether vitamin D2 or D3 is better for treating deficiency.
Vitamin D has been getting increased attention because so many people are low in this crucial hormone. Inadequate levels contribute to arthritis, asthma, dementia, depression, diabetes and hypertension.
We are sending you our brand new Guide to Vitamin D Deficiency with discussions of interpreting lab tests, selecting supplement doses and avoiding toxicity.