Do you know your vitamin D status? What about vitamin B12? It can be difficult to discern what your nutrient levels are unless you have the results from a laboratory test.
If you have been reading about health, you are aware that such nutrients are crucial. In his interview on how to reverse Alzheimer’s disease, Dr. Dale Bredesen described how he uses tests to determine which of many different factors might be contributing to a person’s risk of dementia. That way, the intervention can be precisely tailored to correct just those deficits the individual actually has. But what if your doctor is reluctant to order such tests for you?
Do-It-Yourself Tests for Nutrient Levels:
Q. Do you know the names of labs that test for nutrients or provide a nutrient profile without a doctor’s prescription? You mentioned on the broadcast with Dr. Tieraona Low Dog that there are several, but you didn’t say what they were.
A. Many states now permit people to order their own laboratory tests to determine nutrient levels as well as thyroid panels and other data. Some of the companies to look for include AnyLabTestNow.com, HealthTestingCenters.com, HealthCheckUSA.com, Life Extension, SpectraCell Laboratories and WellnessFX.com. Be sure to figure out first which nutrient levels concern you most so that you can compare the prices for the various tests.