This conversation is about the cooking oil controversy. Could common seed oils be contributing to our risk for cancer?
Is abiraterone (Zytiga) a game changer for men with high-risk prostate cancer? A new study suggests that when combined with other drugs it is.
People who skip meat in favor of fish, dairy or vegetable protein seem less likely to develop cancer of the breast, prostate or colon.
Vigorous exercise increases tissue glucose usage, leaving tumors without the ability to spread easily from organ to organ.
Men who drink coffee and metabolize caffeine quickly have better outcomes with prostate cancer. Three or four cups daily help.
Berberine, a natural component of Oregon grape holly, has some fascinating biological activity. Could it be helpful against prostate cancer?
Abiraterone (Zytiga) is a key advance for treating prostate cancer. The cost: over $100,000 a year. Taking it with food could save big bucks!
Aggressive prostate cancer (Gleason score of 8 or higher) requires aggressive treatment to prevent recurrence. A statin plus metformin might be helpful.
While doctors argue about how well a statin prevents heart disease in healthy people, researchers have found an unexpected benefit from a statin for men.
Determining the best treatment(s) for PCa is challenging. Hormone suppression is common. Is there a link between this prostate cancer therapy and dementia?
Aspirin prevents clots but it also increases the chance of bleeding. So deciding whether to stop taking aspirin before a procedure is a tough call.
Oncologists are studying how could immunotherapy help men with prostate cancer. In one trial, 10 to 15 percent of the men had an excellent response.
Should men get a PSA test every year? The experts have been sending contradictory messages and leaving many men confused. What's the latest recommendation?
A combination of anticancer supplements that includes aspirin as well as curcumin and blackseed might reduce the risk of recurrence, but could lead to bleeding.
Activity against a wide range of chronic diseases, from Alzheimer to cancer to fatty liver makes turmeric so wonderful that it is a very popular supplement.
Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric. It has shown intriguing activity against breast, prostate & colorectal cancer. What about pancreatic cancer?
Is sex really good for the prostate? Do more male orgasms protect men from prostate cancer? This question has been asked for decades. Now there's an answer.
The US Preventive Services Task Force has changed its mind. The recommendation on PSA screening for prostate cancer is that each man should decide.
Men undergoing radiation therapy to treat prostate cancer had less fatigue and fewer side effects than men assigned to the control group.
Men taking Zytiga with a low-fat breakfast need only one-fourth the dose to keep their prostate cancer in check.
Padeliporfin, a compound from bacteria that live on the sea floor, may offer a way to use laser light to kill small prostate tumors selectively.
Evidence is limited but growing that some culinary herbs like turmeric or rosemary may help prevent a recurrence of prostate cancer.
Should men have PSA tests? What if a diagnosis of prostate cancer is made? Is it best to have surgery, radiation or watch and wait? Answers to these Qs.
How important is vitamin D for prostate cancer patients? Do levels of this nutrient matter and how reliable are supplements? Is the FDA protecting us?
Could drugs for diabetes and high cholesterol reduce the likelihood that prostate cancer would recur? Metformin might have surprising anti-cancer activity.
Reviewing the records of men diagnosed with prostate cancer between 2004 and 2013 shows that the rate of high-risk prostate cancer is increasing.
Maintaining a healthy level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D may help prevent cancer recurrence; what dose of vitamin D3 is appropriate for supplementation?
Will fish oil protect the heart while increasing the risk for prostate cancer? Millions of men would like an answer to this complicated question.
Is it safe for men to take testosterone? Swedish research shows that it does not increase the chance of a prostate cancer diagnosis.
Men who take aspirin on a regular basis are at lower risk of prostate cancer death, according to a large study of male doctors.
Drugs for blocking testosterone are helpful in fighting prostate cancer but they may increase the possibility of developing Alzheimer's disease.
Urologists are concerned that more men will be found with aggressive prostate cancer in a few years because they are not getting routine PSA screening now.
Men who did yoga twice weekly suffered less from radiation treatment effects such as cancer-related fatigue, urinary incontinence or erectile dysfunction.
How well will the combination of aspirin plus metformin work to prevent prostate cancer or its recurrence? This study should find out.
Men who took vitamin D supplements had less aggressive prostate cancer than those taking placebo pills.
Older men with aggressive prostate cancer did best when treated with both hormone suppression and radiation, compared to hormone reduction alone.
Ginger compounds inhibit prostate cancer cells in the laboratory, but clinical trials are needed.
Male pattern balding in a horseshoe pattern is associated with a greater risk of aggressive prostate cancer in later years.
Most people do not look forward to surgery. Even great surgeons can sometimes make mistakes. Are there ways to reduce the risks. What questions should you ask BEFORE surgery?