Is there an antidepressant trap? Antidepressant research rarely lasts for more than 8 to 12 weeks, yet patients take such drugs for years.
Antidepressants are supposed to be antidotes to depression. There is also a link between antidepressants and suicide. How is that possible?
Data from both the UK and the US suggest that many people suffer from long COVID. New research from UCSF implies that the virus may persist!
Why has the FDA requested a duloxetine recall? Millions of capsules are being taken back. No one should stop duloxetine (Cymbalta) suddenly!
Prescription Gone Wrong: Antidepressant for Headaches Linked to Suicidal Thoughts in Teen. Why didn't the doctor warn parents to watch out?
Has your MD warned you about psychiatric side effects such as depression, suicidal thoughts, irritability, insomnia or anxiety? Why not?
A retired pharmacist reflects on the emotional toll of constant worry about making a serious pharmacy mistake.
Do doctors warn that antidepressants may be hard to stop? The discontinuation syndrome can be awful. Learn how to stop venlafaxine slowly!
Some drinking water contains excessively high levels of PFAS. Exposure to certain toxins increases the chance of depressive symptoms.
Antidepressant withdrawal symptoms were overlooked for decades. The FDA now warns about "discontinuation syndrome." Are patients informed?
Some people who take an antidepressant may gain weight. The risk is higher for those taking duloxetine, paroxetine or escitalopram.
There is growing evidence that ORAL ketamine can be helpful against hard-to-treat depression. It could be safer and less expensive than IV!
The anti-depressant Cymbalta (duloxetine) can cause a LOT of side effects, but stopping it suddenly could trigger nasty withdrawal symptoms.
The FDA has a designation for drug reactions it considers especially worrisome: BOXED WARNING. Do prescribers warn patients? Not always!
A psychiatrist and a patient each describes her perspective on the dangers of medicating normal emotions with psychotropic drugs.
If you find yourself struggling with anxiety, take a look at your food choices. You can calm your mind with real food, including greens.
Could lithium in water fend off dementia? Are you getting lithium in your water supply. What about low doses of lithium? Helpful or harmful?
Understanding our relationships is key to living a meaningful, happy life. Psychotherapy matters because it can help us see why we stumble.
Lithium is prescribed for bipolar disorder. Side effects are scary! Could low-dose lithium be safer for mood disorders or Alzheimer's?
How good are generic drugs? FDA reports problems in India! Authorized generic drugs (AGs) offer an alternative. GSK will make a Flovent AG.
Why don't drug companies, doctors or the FDA tell patients how to stop medications? This is a problem with benzos, antidepressants and PPIs.
In this interview, Dr. Aaron Carroll describes tools used to evaluate prescription drugs and the importance of personal experience.
People who eat the Mediterranean way are less likely to die prematurely, have heart attacks or develop diabetes. Vegetables, fish and olive oil are good for you.
Doctors believe they are practicing evidence-based medicine. What if data on alprazolam effectiveness for panic disorder is biased?
FDA approved the nasal spray esketamine (Spravato) for hard-to-treat depression. A new study shows that when it's added to an SSRI it helps!
Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, may affect mood and health during the winter. Light therapy, Rhodiola or fish oil may help.
Hundreds of commonly prescribed medicines can trigger severe depression. Can semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) cause psychological side effects?
An antidepressant combination, sertraline (Zoloft) and amitriptyline (Elavil) increased the risk for seizures. Did it lead to brain damage?
New research reveals how one dose of psilocybin may produce weeks of improvement. Healers have long known about psilocybin from mushrooms.
The question seems straightforward. Does the stop-smoking drug Chantix cause depression? The answer is confusing: Yes, No, Maybe.
Stanford scientists say antidepressants are less likely to work for people with a type of depression characterized by cognitive problems.
A reader experiences bouts of vertigo a month after stopping Lexapro. When will this withdrawal symptom disappear? What about duloxetine?
Corticosteroids are valuable medications. But drugs like prednisone can cause anxiety, depression and other serious psychiatric side effects.
A follow-up study after several years found that high-dose vitamin D supplements during infancy improved kids' mental health.
Ketamine infusions seem promising against life-long depression. A new study reports ketamine worked as well as electro-convulsive therapy!
Depression is common and disabling. Modern antidepressants are not as effective as many think. Are older MAO inhibitors worth consideration?
Multiple studies show that people with chronic conditions can overcome depression with regular physical exercise–swimming, tai qi, running or hiking.
Tens of millions of people take antidepressant medications. What's shocking is that many of these drugs may also trigger thoughts of suicide.
Medicines should NOT cause the problem they are supposed to treat! Surprisingly, though, the drug boomerang effect is far too common.
Have you ever swallowed cough medicine? A surprising number of drugs can lead to a cough remedy interaction. Serotonin Syndrome can be awful!
This week, we speak with two scientists who are challenging dogma about how the brain works and how we can treat it.
There are old inexpensive drugs that may work surprisingly well for depression, COVID or even cancer. Can we teach old drugs new tricks?
Fenofibrate (Tricor) has been used for over 20 years to lower triglyceride levels. There may be new uses for fenofibrate for the brain.
In these interviews, our guest experts suggest that use of psychedelic compounds could revolutionize the treatment of some mental illness.
In this interview, many American teens are experiencing a mental health crisis. The pandemic didn't cause it but has made it worse.
Why has the chemical imbalance theory of depression and other mental illnesses lasted so long? What does the latest research reveal?
It's easy to start taking a new med. You just pop a pill in your mouth and hope for the best. But stopping duloxetine (cymbalta) can be tricky.
Two of the country's leading experts in managing depression and bipolar disease discuss conventional and unorthodox treatments.
Are drug companies killing the golden goose? High drug prices are breaking the bank. It is almost impossible to figure out the pricing system
Ketamine has been controversial for decades. This anesthetic is now used to treat depression. What about chronic pain? Does it have a role?
When depressed college kids tried eating the Mediterranean way, they began feeling better. Less junk food meant lower scores on a depression scale.
Many readers report problems with some generic sertraline products to treat depression. What has happened to Greenstone’s authorized generic?
Can you trust all generic drugs? Readers say some generic Prozac pills don't work. Is it psychosomatic? We share a dog story that says no!
If a medication you have taken for years stops working, it can be disastrous. In the case of fluoxetine, we call it Prozac Poop Out.
Cold weather, lack of sunlight, COVID-19 and world turmoil can add to seasonal affective disorder. Was SAD solved with light plus Wellbutrin?
We hoped that problems with the generic antidepressant for Wellbutrin (bupropion) were over. They're still coming! But Wellbutrin is PRICEY!
The pandemic has put enormous strain on young people, health care workers, and a range of other people. We have tips for managing stress.
Are you anxious, confused and worried? Headlines have been scary. How can you manage anxiety and deal with depression?
Millions of people take antidepressants for anxiety, arthritis, depression, nerve pain or fibromyalgia. Are they told how to stop duloxetine?
Loading your diet with mushrooms may cut your chance of being diagnosed with depression. Will you eat them on pizza or in stir-fry?
Symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency may mimic senility, with poor concentration, constipation, balance problems and tingling or numbness in hands or feet.
A large study in England shows that youngsters who eat more vegetables and fruits score higher on tests of mental wellbeing.
Research shows that lonely older people are more likely to be prescribed potentially risky drugs for depression, anxiety, insomnia or pain.
During an extremely stressful year, most people were not able to have therapy face to face. How does online therapy fill the void?
Ketamine has been in the headlines for its unusual antidepressant effect. Now esketamine is approved. Will the high cost of Spravato make it hard to access?
Have pandemic restrictions interfered with your exercise routine? Dr. McGonigal describes how to feel better with new approaches to movement.
Lithium is being rediscovered for mood disorders. But Lithium damages kidneys if doses get too high. Low-dose lithium for depression is new.
Many people don't worry about mixing OTC meds and prescription drugs. It might be a bad idea to combine Benadryl with SSRI antidepressants.
The stresses of this pandemic year pose mental health challenges for many people. How can you manage and help your children cope?
It's easy to feel depressed or anxious in times like these, but you can improve your mood with food. Listen and learn how!
Studying people who moved shows scientists that your home address really does influence depression, blood pressure and diabetes.
New prescriptions for anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants and sleepings pills have increased recently. Americans are anxious and depressed.
Dr. Daniel Amen argues that a healthy mind needs a healthy brain. How can you help your brain function more effectively for good mental health?
The FDA rarely admits a mistake. But after years of wrangling, we finally got the FDA to admit that a generic Wellbutrin XL antidepressant was a problem.
Benefits from psilocybin have persisted for years. A new study reveals that 2 doses of this psychedelic helped ease depression over 6 months.
Is your doctor stressed out, burned out or overwhelmed? Many MDs are beleaguered by a dysfunctional health care system. Depressed doctors are riskier.
Losartan is one of the most prescribed blood pressure pills. Is there a link between losartan and suicide? What about ACE inhibitors like lisinopril?
For decades, there was no research on the potential uses of psychedelic drugs. Scientists are now starting to explore how these drugs may help.
Why has the American health care system given up on psychotherapy and embraced drugs for depression? A new study says CBT could save money in the long run.
A meta-analysis of 30 studies finds that anti-inflammatory drugs such as NSAIDs or statins can improve antidepressants' effectiveness.
Commercials for Chantix, especially the "Slow Turkey" ads, are very compelling. What about side effects? Does Chantix trigger agression in some people?
Doctors who use exercise as medicine offer personalized prescriptions for activity. This can be as powerful as medications for promoting health.
Do you know what foods you should eat to nourish your brain? You can improve your outlook and cognitive function by getting the 21 essential nutrients.
A possible vitamin B12 deficiency could explain depression linked to metformin for blood sugar control. An additional supplement might help.
When patients have trouble with generic antidepressants, their doctor and pharmacist should act as allies to help them get the medication they need.
For decades anesthesiologists used IV ketamine for surgery. Then doctors reported that it worked against depression. This patient discovered it by accident.
Research in mice shows how resveratrol could help reverse the effects of stress and the consequent anxiety and depression that result.
American corporations are exploiting our desire for pleasure and hacking our bodies and brains. It doesn't make us happy. How can we reverse this trend?
Beta blockers like atenolol, metoprolol and propranolol used to be very popular BP drugs. But the beta blocker blahs can be problematic. What else works?
An analysis of ten studies indicates that people who start eating more vegetables and fruits could see an improvement in psychological health.
The FDA says that generic drugs are equal to brand name medicines. A new book, Bottle of Lies, reveals that generic drug approval and monitoring is flawed!
Spravato (esketamine) is a pricey new antidepressant nasal spray. It is a chemical cousin of the inexpensive generic ketamine anesthetic. Does it work?
Can you trust generic escitalopram (Lexapro) to treat depression. A number of visitors say the generic antidepressant doesn't work as well as the brand.
FDA is considering whether to approve esketamine nasal spray as a treatment for severe depression. An advisory panel recommends approval.
People experiencing severe grief or depression because of bereavement have elevated levels of inflammation. This could contribute to broken heart syndrome.
A nurse badly wants to quit smoking. Chantix makes her miserable. Bupropion helps against cravings and improves her mood. Others report sex is enjoyable.
Suicidal thoughts are scary. They require immediate attention. But what can health professionals do? Drugs take weeks to work. Would access to ketamine save lives? Where's the FDA?
A very large study from the UK has reinforced a link between anticholinergic drugs are dementia. Which drugs are most problematic? Might you be taking anticholinergic drugs without realizing it?
A study in Hong Kong found that people who learned to practice mindfulness meditation were less likely to become seriously depressed over the course of a year.
A vegetable-rich diet that resembles the DASH eating pattern can help lower blood pressure, prevent kidney stones, discourage diabetes and reduce the risk of depression.
Withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, nausea, dizziness and 'brain zaps' can make coming off duloxetine (Cymbalta) a terrifying ordeal.
Zoloft (sertraline) was one of the most popular antidepressants in the pharmacy. After it lost patent protection, many people complained about generic pills. Is there a sertraline that works?
Are you coughing? If so, you may reach for a cough remedy with DM (dextromethorphan). It might trigger serotonin syndrome if added to the wrong medications.
Suicidal thoughts are an immediate medical emergency. Health professionals have very few quick solutions to this crisis. Ketamine might be very helpful.
Tramadol has become a popular pain reliever, perhaps because of the opioid epidemic. Tramadol plus sertraline can pose a risk for serotonin syndrome.
Is Lyrica a miracle drug for pain? Many people say it is helpful against fibromyalgia. Others experience brain fog or depression. Stopping Lyrica is tricky.
Is there a link between antidepressants and suicidal thoughts? Many reject this idea but akathisia may explain the connection. Find out about akathisia!
For some people, sleep deprivation therapy may be an effective approach for treating severe depression. This seems counterintuitive, but data supports it.
Tens of millions of Americans take antidepressant medications. They think such drugs are safe. A new study brings the dangers of antidepressants into focus.
It can be hard to stop an antidepressant when discontinuation triggers horrible symptoms. Here's one way to get past them.
In one study, veterans practiced hatha yoga twice a week for two months. They report that yoga improves their moods and recommend it to others.
When someone is depressed and/or suicidal, there is no time to waste. Antidepressants can take take weeks to work. Could ketamine stop suicidal thoughts?
Minocycline (Minocin) has long been used to treat infections and acne. Could this old antibiotic be repurposed against major depression or schizophrenia?
Are prescription drug ads on TV making you mad as hell? If you are fed up with drug commercials, you are not alone. Even doctors have reached their limits.
Understanding the benefits and risks of antidepressants is not easy, but it is crucial to using these medications wisely for depression or other problems.
A new study finds no increased risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or autism in babies born to women taking antidepressants during pregnancy.
A large Canadian study showed that men taking prostate drugs are more prone to depression, although it found no risk of suicide.
Antidepressants are thought to be highly effective and quite safe. Millions take such drugs. An unexpected complication of antidepressants is worrisome.
When someone feels depressed it's common to wonder what triggered the negative feelings. A loss is a common cause, but many drugs can also cause depression.
Research demonstrates that either low-dose or high-dose curcumin extract can improve scores measuring depression and anxiety.
There have been lots of clues that hormonal birth control products might increase the risk for depression. A new Danish study confirms this association.
Have you ever considered that infection might trigger psychological depression? Most people wouldn't link infectious diseases to mental illness but read on.
Ketamine is an interesting drug for dealing with suicidal thoughts and severe depression that does not respond to usual treatment. How fast can it kick in?
When an antidepressant doesn't work it can lead to thoughts of suicide. Readers share their frustration with generic Remeron (mirtazapine). Where's the FDA?
Generic Cymbalta (duloxetine) is prescribed for depression and pain. We have heard from a number of people that the generic versions are not working well.
TV ads make it seem as if drugs like Abilify can solve problems of depression. Do people understand the devastating and sometimes permanent side effects?
Would a free lunch influence your doctor's decision about which drug to prescribe? Most patients probably assume the answer is no. Data suggest otherwise.
Getting adequate magnesium is one way to fight depression without a prescription
The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening for depression in all adult Americans, including pregnant women and those who just gave birth.
Research confirms that young people are more likely to experience aggression or attempt suicide while on certain popular antidepressants.
How effective is your medicine? This simple question is surprisingly complex. In many cases benefits of these billion dollar drugs are barely detectable.
A study from Sweden has found an association between antidepressants and convictions for assault, robbery, arson, sexual offense or homicide.
Antidepressants should prevent suicide. A new analysis of an old study suggests that they can induce suicidal thoughts. Could they also trigger homicide?
High glycemic index diets full of sugar and refined starches like cakes, cookies, bagels and bread can make women more susceptible to depression.
People selected for antidepressant drug studies are chosen so carefully that these investigations may not be representative of real world results.
In this randomized controlled trial, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy was as helpful as antidepressant medicine in preventing relapse of depression.
Rhodiola rosea is somewhat less effective against depression than the antidepressant sertraline, but it is far less likely to cause side effects.
Inhaled nitrous oxide ("laughing gas") lifted depression in some volunteers and may help scientists find a new treatment.
Professional education of health professionals often overlooks herbal medicines, despite its popularity among patients. This could cause serious problems.
Research is accumulating that shows infusions of ketamine can produce dramatic and often immediate responses in some severely depressed patients.
Abilify (aripiprazole) is an antipsychotic drug for people with schizophrenia. It's also prescribed for depression. Know its side effects!
Stopping anti-anxiety agents or antidepressants suddenly is a mistake. Sertraline withdrawal can cause "brain zaps." Is there a better way?
Sleep issues and depression may be linked and seem to intensify each other. Melatonin is the supplement most often considered for natural sleep treatment.
Do free lunches influence doctors? Most physicians would say no way. They think they always do what is best for patients. But free pizza may have an impact.