Several years ago we shook up the Food and Drug Administration when we complained about a generic form of the Wellbutrin XL antidepressant. We had received hundreds of complaints about a branded generic called Budeprion XL 300 distributed by Teva. Starting in February, 2007, people who had been treated successfully with Wellbutrin XL 300 reported that they experienced side effects on Budeprion XL 300. Symptoms included headache, tremor, irritability, anxiety, nausea, panic attacks and insomnia. Even worse, many people reported that their depression returned on the generic form of the Wellbutrin XL antidepressant.
Reports from Readers About Wellbutrin XL 300:
Between 2007 and 2012 we received so many complaints about Budeprion XL 300 that we lost count. Here are just a couple of examples:
Donna figured out the problem quite quickly:
“At the end of 2006, my insurance company restructured their drug tier system, putting my Wellbutrin XL 300 in the top [most expensive] tier. The pharmacy filled my prescription with the generic Budeprion XL 300.
“Within a few days, it was obvious the generic was not working. I felt anxious, upset, shaky, sad–-all the feelings I had had which prompted the initial anti-depressant prescription for Wellbutrin. In addition, the Budeprion reeked of chlorine. Upon noticing these problems, I immediately quit taking the generic and demanded a refill with the brand name Wellbutrin. I had my doctor include “no substitution” on my prescription. It is apparent to me that this generic is NOT the same as the brand name drug and DOES NOT work!”
Jen had classic symptoms of too much bupropion too fast:
“After taking the generic form of Wellbutrin XL antidepressant called Budeprion XL, I would have extreme nausea and anxiety. These symptoms would begin about an hour after taking my medication and begin to get better after 12 hours.
“I began having this sense of doom, shortness of breath, chest pain, crying episodes, dizziness, nausea and feel out of it. Finally, I put it together that this was related to the drug because when I wouldn’t take it I would begin to feel better. Not normal, but better. I have reported this to the FDA and will be seeing my doctor this week. I believe Budeprion XL is making me very sick and will not take it ever again.”
We have received hundreds of similar messages over a decade ago.
What Went Wrong with the Wellbutrin XL Antidepressant?
The FDA had approved Budeprion XL 300 with no actual testing. The agency relied on a different formulation, Budeprion XL 150. After we badgered the agency mercilessly for years, the FDA finally ordered bioequivalence testing on several generic bupropion XL products as well as the generic Budeprion XL 300.
On Oct. 3, 2012 the FDA revealed that there were indeed problems with generic formulations of the Wellbutrin XL antidepressant. This left lots of people feeling vindicated. But it didn’t help them figure out what to do about their depression.
When Insurance Companies Require Generics!
Very few insurance companies are willing to pay for a pricey brand name medicine if there are generic products available on the market. Such is the case with Wellbutrin.
This mother relates a sad story:
Q. My husband, son and I have all been diagnosed with major depression and prescribed Wellbutrin XL. We can’t afford the brand name for all of us, so I’ve looked for an authorized generic. I couldn’t find it. Is there one?
Recently my son’s prescription was filled with bupropion from an Indian manufacturer. After reading Katherine Eban’s book, Bottle of Lies, I’d like to return the generic drug. But I don’t know which manufacturer to request instead.
A. As far as we can tell there is no authorized generic version of Wellbutrin XL. An authorized generic drug is manufactured with the same formulation as the brand name medicine, frequently on the same production line. That is why people who are concerned about generic drug quality often request the authorized generic, if there is one.
People are still complaining about generic bupropion. Here is a link to more recent messages from readers.
The Irony of the Wellbutrin XL 300 Price!
You may still be able to save money on your antidepressant, however. Although Wellbutrin XL 300 could cost more than $2,000 for a month’s supply in the U.S., ordering this brand name medicine from a legitimate Canadian pharmacy would result in a monthly bill between $43 and $60 for 30 pills.
This information comes from www.PharmacyChecker.com, a site that vets online Canadian pharmacies.
Here is the kicker, though. The company that now sells the brand name Wellbutrin XL 300 is Canadian. Biovail acquired the rights to market and distribute Wellbutrin XL 300 in the U.S. from GlaxoSmithKline. It can sell this brand name antidepressant in the U.S. for as much as it wants.
According to data from GoodRx, some pharmacy chains charge as much $2,300 for a month’s supply. In Canada, where the brand name drug originates, the cost is usually less than $85 for a three month’s supply. That’s for the brand name, not a generic. What’s wrong with this picture? In our opinion, everything!
To learn more about authorized generic drugs and ordering online, you may wish to consult our eGuide to Saving Money on Medicines. You will find it in the Health eGuide section of www.PeoplesPharmacy.com. Please share your own experience with with generic drugs and brand name prices in the comment section below.