Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS shares many symptoms with long COVID or long vax. Why did medicine dismiss long-suffering patients so long?
Hydroxychloroquine has antiviral activity against COVID and kept some patients out of the hospital. But hydroxychloroquine harm is also real.
Several research papers link low vitamin D levels to infection rates. We need clinical trials to see if supplements help you avoid infection.
The CDC is considering a change in its guidelines for behavior after COVID. People wouldn't have to self-isolate if they feel good.
Vegetarian diets provide important immunity-boosting nutrients such as vitamin C or vitamin A that help people avoid infection.
Health officials note an increase in cases, so scientists are vigilant about JN.1, the latest COVID-19 variant appearing in the US and abroad.
In the fall of 2023, you can choose the vaccination you get–from Pfizer, Moderna or Novavax. All should lower your chance of hospitalization.
A study from Kaiser Permanente shows that virtual visits were nearly as good as in-person office visits for addressing patients' problems.
Doctors attribute heart disease to LDL cholesterol. What if infections also harm your heart? COVID and other microbes may also cause CAD.
COVID-19 and many other diseases are caused by airborne germs. Revisiting ventilation and improving filtration of indoor air can reduce them.
If scientists use wastewater monitoring carefully, it could give us advanced warning of the next pandemic or serious infectious outbreak.
Some people insist that COVID isn't that bad. They haven't experienced long COVID! Long haulers say that the loss of a sense of smell IS bad!
When we pay attention to fixing sick buildings, the people in them become happier, healthier and more productive.
Corticosteroids, anticonvulsants and certain other medicines suppress your vitamin D levels. That could make you more vulnerable to infection.
What are the results from the latest COVID study with ivermectin? Researchers tested a HIGHER dose of ivermectin for twice as long! Find out!
Several studies have produced conflicting results on the potential value of vitamin D3 for survival of COVID-19 patients. Which is right?
COVID-19 cases among children have bumped up by 90% in the past month. Youngsters are not immune to the infection and can also spread it.
Scientists found SARS-CoV-2 virus throughout the bodies and brains of people who died from COVID-19. They retrieved viable virus days later.
With cases of several viral illnesses rising, pharmacies report shortages of children's fever medicines. Some limit purchase of these drugs.
In a tripledemic with high rates of flu, COVID and RSV cases, hospital emergency departments may have trouble coping.
Officially, over 100 million people have caught COVID worldwide. The number may be far higher. Long-term consequences could be devastating.
Nearly half of the individuals in a large online survey admitted they had not told the whole truth about their behavior during the pandemic.
In this interview, Dr. Richard Corsi describes why we need better air quality and how to achieve it through ventilation and filtration.
Our expert guests explain the basics of avoiding germs, along with some surprising finer points. Which rooms are most likely to be germy?
Many people are uncertain about the new coronavirus vaccines. That's because they are so new. What about the 100-year-old BCG vaccine?
COVID vaccination may lead to postmenopausal bleeding as well as temporary changes in menstruation among younger women..
More than 2/3 of eligible people have not gotten a second COVID booster. Experts do not all agree on who should roll up their sleeves.
Neurologists worry that SARS-CoV-2 infection may affect the brain and raise the possibility of later dementia as a consequence.
How can you avoid airborne transmission of COVID-19? Even if you caught COVID once or got 4 shots, you are not protected! Dr. Fauci got it.
In our interview this week, Dr. Aaron Carroll discusses when the COVID pandemic will be over and how to improve our response.
Ventilation is crucial when it comes to preventing the spread of airborne virus. Why is nobody listening? Learn how to protect yourself!
In Memoriam: Dr. Paul Farmer, co-founder of Partners In Health responded to the Ebola epidemic of West Africa. He died far too young.
Long COVID symptoms such as brain fog, sleep problems, shortness of breath or fatigue may be mistakenly attributed to old age.
There are still a lot of questions about aerosol transmission of the coronavirus, but scientists now know a lot about how COVID-19 spreads.
Blood tests reveal that nearly 60 percent of Americans (including 75 percent of youngsters) have had COVID, whether they know it or not.
Prone positioning, a common hospital strategy during the pandemic, was not beneficial for patients not on a ventilator.
Is it possible to practice safer sex even in the middle of a pandemic? Dr. Ina Park tells how people can manage this challenge.
Research now reveals a link between COVID and Diabetes. Millions of people could now be at risk for type 2 diabetes because of long COVID.
When is the last time you had your vitamin D levels monitored? How much is necessary to create adequate levels of Vitamin D for COVID-19?
A study shows that COVID-19 infection can harm your gut microbiota, reducing diversity and beneficial bacteria. Will probiotics help?
Parents of pre-schoolers hope that the FDA will soon authorize effective COVID vaccines for little children. Under-fives are unprotected now.
For decades, doctors dismissed vitamin C as worthless against the common cold. But could vitamin C help combat COVID-19? Trials are underway!
The pandemic has put enormous strain on young people, health care workers, and a range of other people. We have tips for managing stress.
N95 masks can help protect you from breathing virus particles. The Omicron variant is so contagious you need N95s even if vaccinated/boosted!
Insurance data show that youngsters under 18 have been coming down with diabetes after they recover from COVID-19 infections.
Investigators from Walter Reed Army Institute of Research are testing a universal vaccine to provide immunity against all coronaviruses.
An estimated 40% of people with confirmed cases of COVID-19 are without symptoms. They could spread the infection unwittingly.
Laurie Garrett, author of The Coming Plague, describes the failure of international systems that should have contained COVID-19.
Has the health agency overcounted the number of seniors who are fully vaccinated? Kaiser Health News explains why it matters.
Something extraordinary is happening in Japan. Daily COVID cases in Japan dropped from a high of 30,000 in August to 50 last Monday. Why?
Coronavirus hunter Dr. Ralph Baric helps you understand the future of COVID-19. How can we become better prepared for the next pandemic?
Both Pfizer and Merck (with Ridgeback) have developed an oral antiviral drug against COVID. Early at-home administration could stop illness.
Dr. Eric Topol has been following the course of COVID-19 closely. Tune in to find out about learning lessons from the pandemic.
Most people never heard of coronaviruses until the COVID-19 pandemic. A new antibody against coronaviruses could be a game changer!
Medical innovation teaches us a lot we didn't know before. How do we evaluate benefits and risks of medical breakthroughs?
FDA and CDC may soon authorize a COVID-19 vaccine for younger kids, ages 5 to 11. That extends the protection for families.
In Israel, researchers found that low-dose aspirin helps protect older individuals with cardiovascular conditions from catching COVID-19.
New information from Israel provide evidence about myocarditis from COVID vaccination. Should the shot be given in the old-fashioned way?
Do you wear a face mask in public? Will you be able to celebrate winter holidays with loved ones? COVID spread remains very controversial.
Some people who were infected with SARS-CoV-2 continue to suffer symptoms for months afterwards. How can they manage long COVID?
New Zealand beat back the coronavirus and prevented a COVID crisis. It's now in lockdown! What happened? Why is New Zealand shutting down?
The Delta COVID variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is causing a great deal of misery. Even people who are fully vaccinated are catching it.
Months after they expected to be recovered, some people still feel bad after COVID-19. They report fatigue, headache or other symptoms.
Many people who have been vaccinated believe they are home free. But the Delta variant is nasty. Even vaccinated people catch COVID.
Research utilizing the UK Biobank data demonstrates that drinking a cup of coffee a day can reduce your risk for COVID.
Kids are happy to go to summer camp this year, but in many places COVID cases are rising. Some camps have had outbreaks.
The COVID critics want to forget about the coronavirus. But long COVID won't let us. An astonishing number of people may continue to suffer.
Even small gatherings like children's birthday parties can spread COVID when infection rates in the community are high.
A team of investigators checked which surfaces may carry coronavirus in a hospital. Computer keyboards and linen hampers were common culprits.
If someone gets over the coronavirus will that person be immune to COVID-19 reinfection? Will somone who has recovered no longer spread the virus to others?
A nasty variant that is creating havoc in India is in the US. Find out where B.1.617.2 is found and the race of the vaccines vs variants.
The CDC has flipped and flopped on the aerosol spread of COVID-19. There's nothing magic about 6 feet of separation. What's a micro droplet?
Dr. Peter Hotez explains vaccine diplomacy and how it can help us avoid another global pandemic.
Maintaining six feet of distance between people indoors is less effective than avoiding crowds for preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Dr. Tieraona Low Dog describes how to use vitamin D, zinc and botanical medicines to keep your immune response optimal. Also, an herbal first aid kit.
Researchers found a modest but significant benefit for women taking probiotics, omega 3 fatty acids, multivitamins or vitamin D.
Some people suffer devastating consequences after an acute coronavirus infection. Fatigue and dizziness from POTS may be part of this post-COVID syndrome.
Evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, moves like an aerosol. How can we avoid airborne viral transmission?
Will vaccines protect against the new variants? Did our focus on vaccines delay the development of drugs to treat COVID-19?
During the pandemic, intensive care units and hospitals have been pushed to their limits. What is the impact of COVID-19?
Results are out on the Regeneron antibody infusion for COVID-19. People receiving this treatment are less likely to have bad outcomes.
Readers are anxious to find ways to treat COVID-19 with herbs, but investigators have not yet published the results of clinical trials.
Vaccination may lead to swollen lymph nodes on the same side as the shot. Radiologists are learning to recognize such false positive mammograms.
We never thought we would see one of our favorite home remedies in the NYT. We've been writing about gin-steeped raisins for decades!
Have pandemic restrictions interfered with your exercise routine? Dr. McGonigal describes how to feel better with new approaches to movement.
Scientists are concerned that homegrown variants of SARS-CoV-2 may be more easily transmitted or more difficult to treat.
Many people lose their senses of smell and taste early in a COVID infection. How often do they regain these senses? Does ALA help?
Have you been paying attention to the latest coronavirus updates? There's good news! COVID cases are dropping! Do the experts know why?
You know a lot already about the pandemic, but what do you know about COVID-19 vaccines and variants? We bring you up to date.
When Pfizer submitted clinical trial data to the FDA it looked good. Now, Pfizer Vaccine protection has been confirmed in a real world study!
Scientists named the coronavirus variants that have arisen in the US after birds like this bluebird, as well as robins and pelicans.
To protect yourself from airborne coronavirus, double up your face masks. That also helps protect others if you are infected.
The National Football League (NFL) had billions at stake because of the coronavirus. Avoiding COVID was a high priority. How did teams do it?
Dr. Bill Rawls describes how the herbal therapies that helped him overcome chronic Lyme could help people with post-COVID syndrome.
Masks, travel restrictions and working from home haven't stopped the COVID-19 pandemic, but they have led to many fewer flu cases.
A COVID-19 long hauler offers a testimonial to the benefits of vitamin D and vitamin C pills as well as zinc picolinate supplements.
Investigators reviewing medical records found that people with schizophrenia were 2.7 times more likely to die from COVID-19.
Have you been using hand sanitizer during the pandemic? Some products are contaminated with wood alcohol. Why can't the FDA ban bad drugs?
Some shreds of truth lend medical myths credibility, and couching them in stories helps make them memorable. How can we tell what to trust?
The new SARS-CoV-2 variant, B.1.1.7, appears to be significantly more contagious. It has already spread to many states in the USA.
Remember the controversy surrounding the idea of "death panels" over a decade ago? The COVID surge has led to "surge officers." Same thing!
Waiting to be tested for the coronavirus can be challenging. How would you know if you are coming down with COVID-19 and SHOULD be tested?
Will vaccines end the pandemic? We sure hope so, but it will take awhile. Most people will still need masks after COVID vaccination. Why?
COVID-19 has killed too many. Some people believe it is only lethal for old and sick people. Young healthy people can also die from COVID-19!
Don't take high-dose vitamin D once you are ill. Instead, get your blood levels up before you encounter infection.
The King of Sweden has admitted that Sweden's strategy “failed.” What happened to herd immunity? It didn’t work! What is the new strategy?
Dr. Ralph Baric provides listeners with a coronavirus update for the end of this pandemic year. What will the future hold?
A new British variant of the coronavirus is spreading rapidly. Mutations have made it more infectious, and Britons are taking precautions.
Have you tuned out the headlines about daily deaths from COVID-19? It's overwhelming. But now the coronavirus has become our top killer.
I am fed up with the message that COVID-19 is no worse than the flu. It's not true. We are running out of ICU beds and morgues are maxed out.
Research indicates a link between low vitamin D and COVID-19 infection risk. What should you know about this essential vitamin?
People with COVID-19 should be identified as early as possible to prevent spread of the virus. Can the Oura ring help diagnose COVID-19 fast?
Hospitals in the US are overwhelmed with COVID cases. They may be tempted to discharge COVID patients to make room for new cases. Bad Idea!
What better way to learn about COVID vaccine side effects than to ask volunteers who got shots? Visitors to this website provide answers.
A person became infected with COVID-19 after only 5 minutes at a distance of 21 feet. Six feet of distance may not protect you from COVID-19.
Would macho men be more cautious about the coronavirus if they knew erectile dysfunction was another one of the complications of COVID-19?
Pressure on pharmacists may worsen when they struggle to administer lots of COVID-19 vaccinations despite chronic understaffing.
Do you wear a face mask correctly? Does your mask have ear loops? That could be a big problem! Does your mask slip below your nose? Not Good!
The stresses of this pandemic year pose mental health challenges for many people. How can you manage and help your children cope?
British health authorities have different guidelines for who should get access to the vaccine than the CDC experts. What's the difference?
Are you planning to get the coronavirus immunization? Why is it important for you to know what side effects to expect from the COVID vaccine?
Blood samples collected late last year in the US reveal antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. This shows the coronavirus was in the US before we knew it.
Hospitalized patients who got high dose vitamin D fared no better than those who took a placebo pill in a scientific study.
The development of effective vaccines against COVID-19 can help bring the pandemic to an end, but it will take time to immunize people.
A Danish study failed to show that face masks reduce transmission of the coronavirus when only a few people wear them.
Sweden has done a U-turn when it comes to COVID-19. The relaxed Swedish model has been reversed. The Prime Minister says "CANCEL" gatherings!
Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 were found in blood samples dating to September, 2019. The virus must have been able to reach Europe earlier.
Earlier in the pandemic, rural states may have felt protected from infection. Now, though, many have become coronavirus hotspots.
A new study shows most people are immune to COVID-19 for at least 6 months after infection, based on immune cell responses.
What we know and don’t know about the differences between the Moderna vaccine and the Pfizer vaccine vs. COVID-19. How good are these shots?
COVID-19 is surging. The FDA has just given some people access to bamlanivimab, a monoclonal antibody. Who can get it? Learn the rules NOW!
Data from cell phones show which locations are linked to higher infection rates. Reducing capacity could slow the spread of COVID-19.
Herd immunity has been highly controversial. Some hoped that Sweden's COVID experiment might lead to this outcome. That has NOT been the case.
Dr. Paul Ewald describes how microbes evolve and interact with our immune systems to become more or less virulent.
When researchers analyzed 10,000 blood samples from New Yorkers, they found about one in five had been infected with COVID-19 by late May.
A natural experiment with face masks in Kansas and another in Tennessee demonstrate their effectiveness in slowing the spread of COVID-19.
Understanding innate immunity can help us appreciate how can the immune system overcome viruses, including SARS-CoV-2.
COVID-19 antibodies appear to be dropping in prevalence in the UK, instead of increasing as expected. What does this mean?
Dr. Marvin Singh takes an integrative approach to digestive health and precision medicine. How can you assess your biomarkers at home?
This year it is more important than ever to fight flu. Many of the same tactics that stop COVID-19 transmission also work against influenza.
Noting President Trump's list of medications, readers wonder: can melatonin help in treating the coronavirus? It can help with sleep.
Australian research shows SARS-CoV-2 can be viable on glass for up to 28 days. Can people be infected with COVID-19 by touching cell phones?
Holds on vaccine trials are not unexpected, but they could delay development of an effective protection against COVID-19.
Even young healthy people may have trouble when COVID symptoms don't go away for weeks or months. Find out what it's like.
Four out of five patients recovering from COVID-19 reported neurological effects such as headache, confusion or dizziness at some point.
Fatigue, headache, cough, shortness of breath and other COVID-19 symptoms last for weeks or even months after recovery in some people.
Dr. Vinay Prasad explains why clinical trials are crucially important, especially when it comes to killers like cancer and COVID-19.
The CDC used to be the most respected public health agency in the world. But missteps have now led some to question the CDC's integrity.
Indian and Chinese researchers found fewer people who wear eyeglasses every day landed in the hospital with a COVID-19 infection.
What can we learn about the spread of COVID-19 from a Millinocket, Maine wedding? At last count over 175 people caught the virus and 7 died
New research from Spain and Chicago indicates that people with very low vitamin D levels are more vulnerable to COVID-19 infection.
Can you prevent COVID-19 with a shot of MMR for adults? A new study will help answer this question, but we don't yet know.
AstraZeneca has resumed its big coronavirus trial in the UK. The vaccine pause is still in effect in the U.S. Why is there a discrepancy?
Dr. Ralph Baric, the coronavirus hunter, gives you an update on the pandemic and what we might expect in the future.
New research suggests that hydroxychloroquine works to reduce the risk of death by 30% in hospitalized patients. Confused? We don't blame you
Wearing a face mask so that it doesn't cover your nose nearly defeats the purpose. The nose is extremely vulnerable to infection with SARS-2.
Be careful not to mix up statistics on relative risk with those on absolute risk like the Commissioner did. Here's an explainer.
People are still debating the pros and cons of hydroxychloroquine to treat or prevent COVID-19. Is there any research to support prophylaxis?
Dr. Paul Offit, a leading expert on vaccinology, discusses how we will get good evidence on vaccines for COVID-19.
Must we wait for a vaccine to achieve herd immunity to the coronavirus? Read radical opinions about herd immunity in this COVID-19 update.
Investigators in Houston found that antibodies to the coronavirus spike protein correlated with ability to neutralize the virus.
Many lupus patients take hydroxychloroquine for their autoimmune condition. That does not keep them from catching COVID-19.
A test tube study on oleander extract is making headlines, but don't try this at home. This flowering shrub is quite toxic.
Face masks remain polarizing. There have been fights and deaths over facial coverings. Why are Americans still so confused about face masks?
New research demonstrates something critical to our understanding of COVID-19 spread. Coronavirus particles are viable in air beyond 6 feet!
There are now so many face masks on the market it is hard to know which to buy. A new Duke study investigated which face masks work best.
COVID-19 vaccines are living up to their promise. They are very effective at preventing hospitalization, but people still need to be vigilant.
This study of the mRNA vaccine in nonhuman primates is promising. If the results hold up in further clinical trials in humans, it should prevent COVID-19.
Dogs can learn to detect COVID-19 with a sniff test. They are quick and accurate, so Finland is putting them to work at Helsinki airport.
A study of SARS-2 antibodies in blood tests shows many more people were infected than tested. Yet the vast majority of us are still vulnerable to COVID-19.
People are dying! At last count the number of coronavirus deaths in the U.S. is over 139,000. But people are also dying when they fight over face masks!
How many people need to have antibodies to COVID-19 to offer herd immunity to others in their communities? We still have no answer to that question.
A new study in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases says hydroxychloroquine worked. It saved lives! No, this wasn't a placebo-controlled trial.
Physicists say flushing could create a toilet plume that could carry virus particles. The CDC says it has no reports of transmission from a toilet.
We were told today that there are likely 10 times more cases of COVID-19 than previously projected. What does that mean for you going forward?
A number of countries that had reduced coronavirus infections significantly are now seeing a resurgence in COVID-19 cases.
COVID-19 cases are soaring in many states that have been relaxing restrictions on social and economic activities.
Have you postponed medical care during the pandemic? A Kaiser survey suggests that 48% have. If you experience chest pain, get to the ER immediately!
A new study shows the value of an old steroid medication dexamethasone for COVID-19. Patients needing oxygen or ventilation were less likely to die.
Dr. Tieraona Low Dog offers advice on vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements you can use to help keep your immune system strong and healthy.
FDA's Emergency Use Authorization for HCQ in late March gave a lot of people hope in the fight against COVID-19. What happened to hydroxychloroquine?
When you flush the toilet, fine droplets become airborne. To reduce the risk that they will lead to infection, we all need to learn to close the lid.
Evidence is building that wearing a face mask can protect you and others around you, even in the risky environment of a long-distance flight. This tactic works best when everyone adopts it.
Our guest has a rare disease that can cause cytokine storm, threatening his life. He is applying his research on that to find ways to treat COVID-19.
The world has been awaiting real data about the effectiveness of HCQ against COVID-19. The first RCT has produced disappointing hydroxychloroquine results.
Dr. Dale Bredesen describes how to boost your immune system to defend your brain from infection, toxins and inadequate nourishment.
A cruise to Antarctica provided an inadvertent experiment in viral transmission. Many people on board had a silent infection with COVID-19.
Two separate publications in respected journals conclude that the use of face masks can help make us safer as institutions start to re-open.
Researchers have found that dementia genes are twice as common among hospitalized COVID-19 patients as in the general population.
A study of hamsters demonstrates that face masks can reduce transmission of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19.
Learn how COVID-19 affects your heart and what you should do to keep your heart as healthy as possible during the pandemic and afterwards.
A grandmother's words of wisdom, together with some special supplements, could help you stay healthy during the pandemic.
Should we have followed the Swedish model to avoid mandatory regulations regarding the coronavirus? Or, has "soft" Swedish approach led to extra lives lost?
Are you being careful about trying to avoid catching the coronavirus or do you think the danger has passed? Many are wearing face masks, but lots aren't.
Everyone wants an effective treatment for the coronavirus. Negative hydroxychloroquine studies have readers up in arms. They do NOT want to read bad news!
Have you been out lately? If so, you have probably noticed that some people are being careful. But many others do not wear a face mask. How risky is that?
Please do not shoot the messenger. Another study (JAMA, May 11, 2020) just reported that HCQ alone or HCQ plus azithromycin did not reduce COVID-19 deaths.
We've been told that HCQ is either a miracle cure or a very dangerous drug. A study published in the NEJM presents disappointing news on hydroxychloroquine.
Dr. Ralph Baric has been dubbed the coronavirus hunter. He has been studying these pathogens for 35 years. Find out what you should know about SARS-2.
An early case in Paris diagnosed retroactively suggests that COVID-19 spread globally before anyone anticipated it would.
We are all hoping for an effective medicine to treat COVID-19. But are there drugs to avoid? A new study suggests you might be wary of DXM Cough Medicine.
Scientists at Los Alamos report that they have found the SARS-2 virus mutating to become more transmissible and possibly more dangerous.
This week, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of NIAID, looked at results from a clinical trial and announced that remdesivir shows promise against COVID-19.
Are you worried about catching the coronavirus? How far away from others do you have to be to stay safe? Is it possible to catch COVID-19 just by breathing?
A high-dose IV form of the heartburn medicine famotidine is being tested for a surprising new use. Scientists hope it will help against COVID-19.
Some states are reopening restaurants, beauty shops and gyms. Can patrons still catch Covid-19 if they stay 6 feet apart? 10 feet may not be far enough!
Adequate sleep and taking several specific supplements could help you boost your resistance to infection. Don't overlook the probiotics.
New prescriptions for anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants and sleepings pills have increased recently. Americans are anxious and depressed.
How are parents and grandparents keeping kids healthy when they can't go to school or the playground? Dr. Alan Greene has suggestions for families, 4/18/20.
Do you trust the CDC's recommendation to stay 6 feet away from other people to prevent infection with COVID-19? Is that far enough? Is there any science?
Science is supposed to be apolitical. People are not supposed to take sides for or against a medication. The politics of hydroxychloroquine are crazy!
Scientists have begun two trials to see if BCG, the tuberculosis vaccination, will reduce the risk of COVID-19. Until they report results, we don't know.
Elevated temperature can help the body recruit the immune system against infection. That's why you may not want to treat a fever unless it is very high.
Doctors are divided about hydroxychloroquine vs. COVID-19. Some say it's promising. Others say the risk of sudden death from hydroxychloroquine is too great
A new large study from France suggests HCQ could be helpful against COVID-19. Health professionals are extremely polarized about hydroxychloroquine.
Focusing on for-profit health care rather than basic public health measures has left the US poorly prepared for a pandemic.
The CDC just flip-flopped on face coverings. Do you trust the CDC to protect you? Are such U-turns creating COVID-19 confusion? Has the CDC bungled things?
Excitement about hydroxychloroquine as a possible treatment for COVID-19 has led to shortages. People with lupus are having trouble getting their medicine.
If you don't have disinfectant wipes or spray, you can use dilute bleach solution or 70% alcohol for disinfecting doorknobs.
Should you wear some sort of face mask if you go out in public? How far should you stand away from others to prevent COVID-19 exposure? Data vs. old advice.
Research now indicates that people positive for coronavirus may have no symptoms. They can still be spreading the disease.
Scientists are scrambling to set up studies. They hope to learn if hydroxychloroquine can save lives during the coronavirus epidemic.
Public health officials have told us wearing face masks are unnecessary. Were they wrong? Could wearing a face mask help you avoid catching COVID-19?
The FDA just issued emergency use authorization for HCQ and CQ to treat the coronavirus. What's the latest on hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19? New Data!
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine pills will now be used to treat patients sick with coronavirus. How safe is hydroxychloroquine for widespread use?
What do you want to know about COVID-19? Dr. David Weber, infectious disease expert at UNC in Chapel Hill, NC, offers a live coronavirus update 3/28/20.
How effective is the old malaria drug HCQ against the coronavirus? Data are trickling in, but it's very early days . Here is a hydroxychloroquine update.
Some people are panic buying hydroxychloroquine in the hope it will help COVID-19. Rheumatoid arthritis patients who take it are worried about shortages.
How long can SARS-CoV-2 survive on door knobs? Surface spread of coronavirus might last over two weeks. RNA from the virus was found after 17 days on a ship
There is disagreement about how you can catch the coronavirus. Some say you can't catch COVID-19 from aerosols. The NEJM offers a different perspective.
There are NO FDA-approved medicines against coronavirus. Thanks to Dr. Roger Seheult, we learned about a few compounds that might help control coronavirus.
Will there be a test for you if you get symptoms of coronavirus? An equally serious question is: will your hospital have a bed for you if you test positive?
More cases of the coronavirus from Wuhan have been reported in the US. The center of the epidemic remains in China, though.
Is there a possibility of worldwide drug shortages? China makes key ingredients for many critical pharmaceuticals. Are we prepared for drug disruptions?
Coronavirus is capturing headlines. The World Health Organization just declared it a global health emergency. Is the coronavirus freak out justified?