Nocturnal leg cramps can disrupt sleep. Taking a magnesium supplement or vitamin K2 might help prevent these cramps.
Hockey player Oliver Peer uses pickle juice against leg cramps. Joe and Terry discuss the science supporting home remedies.
Health care is as divided and polarized as politics. For many people it's herbs and home remedies or drugs. Why not both...when appropriate?
What is it about quinine in tonic water that eases leg cramps? Can we explain this benefit? We think the bitter taste stimulates TRP channels!
Scientists love data! That is why they embrace drugs. Do home remedies deserve equal respect? There is surprising evidence that many work!
The best way to find out if the old wives were right about a home remedy might be to give it a try. Do you have a favorite?
Have you ever wondered how could mustard relieve muscle cramps? We have a probable explanation that works through nerves and their receptors.
Although magnesium gets little attention in office visits, it is critical for good health. Many people find this miracle mineral very useful.
The FDA lists myositis and rhabdomyolysis as serious statin side effects. What is the connection between statins and severe muscle damage?
Will taking a big dose of vitamin D alleviate nighttime leg cramps or trigger them? The answer may vary from one individual to another.
Some readers report that dandelion extract lowers blood pressure without strong side effects. Clinical studies are lacking.
Coenzyme Q10 supplements appear to prevent painful muscle cramps, including those associated with statin cholesterol drugs.
You might worry about whether pomegranate juice will react badly with your medication, but it should not create problems with rosuvastatin (Crestor).
Could selenium supplements cause horrible muscle cramps? Animal research suggests that an excess of the mineral can affect muscles and nerves.
A reader reports that smearing liquid soap on the legs can stop muscle spasms quickly.
Readers report that they can prevent most muscle cramps at night by taking magnesium supplements. Few scientists have studied this treatment.
Anyone with concerns about heart rhythms or blood pressure should take it easy on licorice. Too much can be dangerous and even lead to leg cramps.
Are you getting tired of reading that a bar of soap can ease muscle cramps? We get it. We frequently write about this remedy. But here are some new soap stories, including laryngospasm.
Would you like to stop leg cramps and muscle spams really fast? We've got lots of home remedies that might do the job, including the old lip pinch technique!
You have read all about muscle cramp cures here at the People's Pharmacy. Have you ever heard that an ice pack could cure leg cramps? We didn't think so.
Have you ever had a Charley Horse? This is a muscle cramp that is excruciating! Would you believe olive juice cures muscle cramps?
Rubbing soap on the neck stopped a scary throat spasm almost instantly. We don't know how that works, but we suspect it is through neurons.
Here is a homemade recipe to ease muscle cramps. The person who came up with this formula based it on research from two distinguished neuroscientists.
A Nobel prize winning scientist has come up with an explanation for why mustard, pickle juice or hot chile peppers could ease muscle cramps.
Swallowing a spoonful of yellow mustard can stop cramps within a minute or two. There is new research explaining how this works.
Who would ever imagine that drinking tea could cause muscle cramps? Surprise! Earl Gray tea could be a culprit. Some people may react to green tea too.
For some susceptible people, exposure to soap results in a red itchy rash as well as relief from nighttime leg cramps.
Reader is convinced that mustard for leg cramps is bogus at best and junk science at worst. Do we always need an explanation for why something works?
Painful foot cramps at night may be prevented by taking magnesium or B vitamin supplements.
One of our readers' favorite home remedies is soap for cramps. Have you heard of this crazy remedy that calls for slipping a bar of soap under your sheets?
Hand cramps can be incredibly uncomfortable. A professional fisherman wrote in and alerted us to a great home remedy to fight painful hand cramps.
Is there a scientific explanation for why a bar of soap in bed may relieve some people's nighttime leg cramps? Research is providing some good theories.
A doctor who disdained yellow mustard for leg cramps as an old wives' tale changed his tune when a spoonful eased his nighttime cramps.