Q. I walked all around the house for 10 minutes last night with a cramp in my ankle that wouldn’t quit. Then I remembered my sister telling me to try mustard.
I went to the refrigerator and got a dab of Grey Poupon to put on my tongue. Within seconds the pain was gone and, best of all, it didn’t come back.
A. We are glad the Grey Poupon mustard worked for your muscle cramp. Most people have reported success with inexpensive yellow mustard. We assumed that is because it has turmeric in it as well as mustard seed and vinegar. Perhaps, however, the vinegar and mustard alone do the job.
You may be interested in these stories:
“I work at a senior center. So I mentioned this tidbit to a 72yr old man who had muscle cramps nightly. For him, it was a miracle cure! He now takes turmeric pills everyday and hasn’t had a cramp since.
“He is not the only person I have told about this and every single person who had tried it swears by it! Another woman now keeps a jar of mustard and a spoon in her bedside table and can’t believe how well it works.”
Another reader commented:
“I can’t believe how instantly the teaspoon of mustard works. I had reduced the number of my foot/leg cramps with the soap, potassium supplements and the heating pad, but the mustard is like a miracle drug.
“My niece is a high-school athletic trainer. I have urged her to try it for the athletes.”
You may also find the information in our Guide to Leg Pain is useful for overcoming muscle cramps day or night. Other affordable home remedies can be found in our book, The People’s Pharmacy Quick & Handy Home Remedies. Here is a link to our shopping cart.