Q. I would like to tell you about a remedy for leg cramps or spasms. One evening we were playing cards with some friends, and suddenly my husband bent over with a severe leg cramp.
Our host went to the refrigerator, got the jar of pickles and poured 1/4 glass of pickle juice. He told my husband to drink it, and the leg cramps eased almost immediately. Have you ever heard of such a remedy?
A. We have heard from many other readers that pickle juice can ease leg cramps. Scientists at Brigham Young University recently tested the pickle juice remedy on 10 college students. A mild electrical current was applied after exercise to induce a muscle cramp. The volunteers were given water or pickle juice. Water did nothing but pickle juice helped to relieve the cramps about 40 percent faster (Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, May, 2010). Pure vinegar may work just as well, if not better.