Q. After dancing up a storm in high heels at a very fun wedding reception, I awoke with a terrible leg cramp in my calf. It was so intense I could barely move.
After trying to grab my toe to stretch out my leg with no relief, I hobbled to the kitchen for a teaspoon of yellow mustard. Within minutes my cramp eased and I returned to bed for a better night’s sleep.
This was in response to hearing about the yellow mustard cramp cure on your syndicated radio show. Thanks!
A. We can’t explain why yellow mustard works so quickly to relieve leg cramps, but you are certainly not the first to report success. Perhaps the turmeric that makes mustard yellow is the key ingredient, or possibly it is the vinegar. Regardless, swallowing a teaspoon of mustard is an easy inexpensive way to treat leg cramps. Our Guide to Leg Pain offers additional options.