What's the story on drugs for influenza: Tamiflu (oseltamivir) and Xofluza (baloxavir)? What about Tamiflu side effects? Beware nausea!
If you could see there were COVID or flu viruses in the air at your local supermarket, what would you do? New technology can do exactly that!
A home flu vaccine will be available next year in the form of a nasal spray. It is intended for people between 2 and 49 years old.
Human cases of H5N1 influenza in Missouri have officials worried that this infection might spread from person to person.
Several research papers link low vitamin D levels to infection rates. We need clinical trials to see if supplements help you avoid infection.
Are you aware that the flu is back? In truth, it never went away! But the CDC implied it was going away. Not so fast. How long will it last?
Our guests are expert herbalists. They share their knowledge on medicinal herbs to help you stay healthy, from Andrographis to thyme.
Why did it take FDA SO LONG to realize the decongestant phenylephrine is ineffective? Have Americans wasted billions on worthless products?
A reader shares the details of her condiment recipe. It is full of hot peppers and garlic, which may help people fight off colds.
Elderberry extract has antiviral activity in laboratory tests, but there are too few good clinical trials to show if it works for the flu.
Strengthen your immune system and stay away from sick people as much as you can if you want to protect yourself from the flu this winter.
Respiratory tract infections are spreading. Here's a new influenza update. Get the latest data and find out what's happening. Tripledemic?
What do you take for sniffles, sneezes, congestion and fever? Many OTC cold and flu remedies contain APAP. Avoid overdosing on acetaminophen!
Flu season is here! How would you know if you have a cold, COVID or influenza? There is now a home flu test (LUCIRA). It also reveals COVID.
People may be wondering, is there influenza near here. In most parts of the country right now, the answer is yes.
How do we separate a symptom from an underlying illness? An elevated temperature is often a response to infection. Should we lower a fever?
COVID-19 and many other diseases are caused by airborne germs. Revisiting ventilation and improving filtration of indoor air can reduce them.
The COVID pandemic is over, right? Dr. Robert Wachter chairs the Department of Medicine at UCSF. He will tell you that COVID is still here!
Have you stopped wearing a face mask? Most people have. But COVID is spreading! Why don't we try to improve indoor air quality to avoid COVID?
Influenza was virtually nonexistent for the last three years. But now we could be facing a very bad flu season. Australia is being hit hard!
Evidence supports taking the herb Andrographis paniculata to relieve cold and flu symptoms. It helps more than placebo.
Elderberry juice can keep influenza virus from infecting cells and also keep the flu virus from replicating.
Adequate sleep and vitamin D supplements could help boost immunity against colds or the flu during the winter season.
Did you catch influenza during this year's flu season? If so, how bad was it? We have good news for a change. Influenza is fading fast!
Over the last few decades, nurses and pharmacists have changed their standard injection technique. Does that affect patient reactions?
The CDC wants you to get a flu shot before you come down with the flu. How well will it work? In past years, it wasn't all that great.
With cases of several viral illnesses rising, pharmacies report shortages of children's fever medicines. Some limit purchase of these drugs.
Flu season is here and cases are spreading fast. Hospitals are overwhelmed! Is it too late to get a flu vaccination? Can it still protect?
In a tripledemic with high rates of flu, COVID and RSV cases, hospital emergency departments may have trouble coping.
Flu cases are climbing. Australia had a BAD flu season! We may be next. Will COVID cases and deaths go up again? Are we facing a TWINDEMIC?
In this interview, Dr. Richard Corsi describes why we need better air quality and how to achieve it through ventilation and filtration.
Some readers have experienced lasting pain in their shoulders following a vaccination. This may be due to the shot being administered to the wrong site.
How does the COVID-19 vaccine compare to the polio, flu, tetanus or whooping cough vaccines? What you should know about vaccine effectiveness!
The CDC warned us that this year's flu season would likely be bad. How good was the prediction? Was flu a problem or an influenza fizzle?
Evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, moves like an aerosol. How can we avoid airborne viral transmission?
Masks, travel restrictions and working from home haven't stopped the COVID-19 pandemic, but they have led to many fewer flu cases.
Public health officials have seen many fewer cases of the flu this year. Perhaps precautions against COVID-19 slow the spread of flu, too.
With COVID-19 cases on the rise, this is a good year to get vaccinated against flu. That reduces your risk of suffering both infections.
People in South Korea are concerned about influenza vaccinations this year. That's because flu shots linked to deaths have made headlines.
This year it is more important than ever to fight flu. Many of the same tactics that stop COVID-19 transmission also work against influenza.
A new H1N1 influenza virus from pigs can infect humans. Infectious disease specialists worry that this G4 virus could be a possible pandemic.
How are parents and grandparents keeping kids healthy when they can't go to school or the playground? Dr. Alan Greene has suggestions for families, 4/18/20.
If you have influenza, your doctor may prescribe Tamiflu to help you recover faster. What should you know about Tamiflu side effects?
How well did this year's flu shot work for you? Have you avoided influenza? If so, it may have been thanks to coincidence. Children did get good protection.
Have you had the flu this year? How would you distinguish between a bad cold and influenza? Can Tamiflu (oseltamivir) help if you do have influenza?
If you haven't yet had your flu shot, you might have waited too long. Ask your doctor about protecting yourself from the flu with an antiviral drug.
Wearing a face mask may help protect you from flu. What helps even more is for infected people to wear a mask if they can't stay at home.
Coronavirus is capturing headlines. The World Health Organization just declared it a global health emergency. Is the coronavirus freak out justified?
The FDA objects to unproven claims that Purell hand sanitizers can disable dangerous viruses.
Are you worried about the coronavirus? The headlines are scary. But what about influenza? You are far more likely to catch the flu this season. What to do?
The CDC states side effects from a flu shot are generally mild and go away within a few days. Some of our readers are left with long lasting shoulder pain.
Experts are predicting that the 2019/2020 flu season may be worse than usual. Consider getting a flu shot and keeping your immune system strong.
Flu season is off to a very fast start. Bad news, especially since there are concerns that there may be a mismatch between the H3N2 virus and the vaccine.
Flu is here! It will spread. What can you do to prevent influenza besides get a flu shot? You may be intrigued to learn how humidity fights flu.
Herbal treatments for cough can help avoid overuse of antibiotics and prevent antibiotic resistance. Have you tried sage for sore throat & thyme for cough?
Have you been wondering about KayaBiotics when you hear us mention this sponsor on the air? Listen to the CEO, Christian Ziegert, discuss the company.
Do you get your flu shot every fall? How effective is the influenza vaccine? Do you care? What can Australia tell us about the coming flu season in the US?
Public health authorities don't like to talk about flu vaccine failures. But the ability of the flu virus to mutate can lead to disappointing results.
We have been intrigued to read the controversy surrounding oral antiviral medications against influenza. Many doctors find oseltamivir (Tamiflu) unworthy.
CDC reports that a second wave of flu is sweeping the southeastern US. Instead of the milder H1N1 most common earlier this season, the new flu is H3N2.
What happens when a doctor doesn't read dosing instructions? These patients suffered when they took the new antiviral drug Xofluza for flu. How good is it?
A reader who remembers home remedies of long ago wonders what happened to cod liver oil. Although doctors no longer prescribe it, people still take it.
Xofluza side effects of diarrhea, nausea and bronchitis were only slightly more common than placebo side effects. Is it worth taking?
Dosage variation prompted a manufacturer to recall ibuprofen for treating infants' fevers.
To avoid the flu this year, consider getting a flu shot, wearing a face mask and gargling with green tea. Careful hand washing can also be helpful.
Have you had your flu shot yet? Will you get one soon? Will this year's flu season be as bad as last years? Find out what happened in Australia!
Trays in the security line at the airport may be handled by hundreds of people an hour. A study shows they are loaded with viruses, so wash your hands before and after screening.
Extra summer sunshine at the end of the season is associated with a less severe flu season afterwards. Perhaps that's because people have higher vitamin D levels.
Have you ever worn a surgical mask to avoid the flu? If not, why not? Do you wash your hands? Wearing a face mask AND washing your hands is your best protection.
There are a surprising number of flu myths and misconceptions. Will washing your hands prevent influenza? What about the flu shot?
Studies suggest that drinking the fermented milk product kefir can benefit the immune system and help you recover from an infection more rapidly.
By all accounts this year's influenza epidemic is nasty. Hospital are overwhelmed. How does the flu kill otherwise healthy people? Is there anything to prevent flu complications?
Some people say Tamiflu helps them get over the flu. Others report that Tamiflu did not work. What's the real story here? What Tamiflu side effects should you watch out for?
You are told to get a flu shot. Even if the influenza vaccine won't prevent the flu it is supposed reduce the severity of symptoms. Is that really true?
A virulent strain of influenza, a weak vaccination and shortages of medication and equipment could contribute to making the flu worse this year.
Influenza is spreading across the country. Did you get the vaccine? What if the flu shot doesn't work? What else can you do to protect yourself from flu?
Don't accuse that guy of man flu as if he were malingering; men really don't fight off infection as well as women do.
Does Tamiflu (oseltamivir) work against the flu? How serious are the side effects? Why is one doctor so angry with us about our thoughts on antiviral drugs?
It is not clear if the flu shot will protect you from infection this year. Its performance in Australia was unimpressive, to say the least.
Although influenza vaccination is supposed to prevent flu in the most vulnerable groups, kids with leukemia got flu whether or not they were vaccinated.
If the coming flu season follows Australia's recent pattern, it could be quite severe. Take steps to protect yourself from the flu.
You will be urged to get your flu shot over the next several weeks. How well will it work? Are there any side effects? What about severe shoulder pain?
How effective were flu shots last year? What about in past years? You might be surprised to discover that vaccine effectiveness is often disappointing.
The vitamin wars continue. Many health professionals say vitamins are a waste of money. Is vitamin D good for colds? What does the latest research conclude?
If influenza strikes, you could ask the doctor about a prescription for Tamiflu to help you recover from the flu a bit more quickly.
Researchers have found that the first flu attack a child suffers helps them build lifelong resistance to that strain of flu. What about this year's flu?
Some people report severe shoulder pain that lasts for weeks or even months after getting their flu vaccination.
Parents and children were happy when a nasal spray flu vaccine (FluMist) offered an alternative to shots. This year the CDC did an about face on FluMist.
Although most OTC cold and flu medicines contain acetaminophen, a study from New Zealand suggests that the drug is no good against flu.
How good is this year's influenza vaccine? We won't have an answer to that question for months. Did you know that statins may reduce its effectiveness?
Totally unexpected reports in the Journal of Infectious Diseases suggest that people taking statins are less likely to respond strongly to the flu vaccine.
We have never received so many reports of persistent shoulder and arm pain from flu shots until the last year. Has something changed with the flu shot?
Despite weak evidence, experts encourage doctors to use flu medicines for hospitalized and other vulnerable patients who develop flu-like illness.
People have experienced long lasting severe shoulder pain and reduced range of motion after a flu shot. Did you know there is compensation for the injury?
This year's flu shot was disappointing because it was not very effective. More worrisome are reports that some people have been left with severe arm pain.
Antiviral drugs for influenza can speed recovery and reduce the severity of complications.
This year's H3N2 flu is hitting hard. What can you do to prevent infection or speed recovery? Read the scandalous history of antiviral medicines in the U.S.
This year's flu vaccine doesn't match up well with the flu viruses making people sick.
More cases of influenza are being reported in most parts of the country; CDC urges use of antiviral medications.
The FDA has approved an IV drug called Rapivab to treat adults with the flu.
The illness that the flu is producing this year may not be recognized, as it has little fever and not many respiratory symptoms.
Flu viruses put in an early appearance this season. Infections could be severe.
The dominant flu virus this year has mutated since last year, so the flu shot is not a great match.
A new injectable antiviral medicine shortens the duration of influenza infections.
How well do antiviral flu medicines work to prevent or treat influenza? The analysis published by BMJ was controversial.
The research connecting vitamin D supplementation with fewer infections is confusing, but you may want to consider a daily dose until spring.
It may come as a surprise to learn that there aren't good clinical trials measuring the benefits of lowering a fever when patients have influenza.