What do you call brain fog–confusion, forgetfulness or memory loss? It can be devastating! Do some drugs increase the risk of dementia?
While there are no guarantees, eating right and keeping our bodies and minds active may help us prevent dementia.
Have scientists ignored the data that hint HSV-1 infection increases the risk of dementia? Mini-brain research confirms the link.
The US has a large gap between healthspan (years free of disease and disability) and lifespan (total years lived). Exercise could improve it.
A personalized approach considering multiple factors may be helpful for changing the course of Alzheimer disease.
Researchers plan to find out if infections disrupting the brain microbiome are responsible for the devastation of dementia.
Existing medicines to calm people with Alzheimer's disease have very serious side effects. Could cannabis (nabilone) ease agitation of AD?
You don't have to live near the Mediterranean Sea to benefit from a traditional diet rich in vegetables, legumes, fruit and olive oil.
What if there was a connection between herpes virus infections and Alzheimer disease? New research is intriguing! Could antiviral drugs help?
An expose from the New York Times reveals that drug companies making anti-amyloid Alzheimer's drugs did NOT reveal a risk for brain bleeds.
A brand new type of drug for schizophrenia has been making headlines. Is Cobenfy a breakthrough? Learn the pros and cons of this medication.
Beets are not sexy, though they may improve your love life. Beet health benefits may also include lower blood pressure and brain protection.
This interview with Dr. Fekrat addresses your questions about how to keep your eyes healthy and protect your precious eyesight.
Including berries in your meals–blackberries, blueberries, raspberries or strawberries–should improve your chance of successful brain aging.
People who eat lots of vegetables and healthy fats like olive oil may avoid dementia better than those following a pro-inflammatory diet.
There is growing evidence that herpes viruses contribute to dementia. Could an antiviral nutrient or drug like Valtrex prevent Alzheimer's?
People with higher blood levels of DHA, a fat from fish, had lower levels of amyloid in the brain. APOE4 carriers benefit from fish oil.
To maintain your brain at its proper size and best function, eat a diet high in nutrients. That means plenty of veggies and not many cookies.
There's good news and bad news about benzos and Alzheimer disease. The risk of dementia seems small, but brain shrinkage could be a problem!
Increasing evidence links viral infection to a higher risk for dementia. LIsten for good news about vaccines and Alzheimer disease.
Scientists hope that a blood test for Alzheimer disease that measures a protein resulting from nerve cell breakdown will permit early diagnosis.
Could a flu shot reduce your risk of dying from a heart attack? What about Shingrix shingles vaccines against dementia? New data look good!
The FDA has just approved the anti-amyloid drug Kisunla (donanemab). Is this medication an important advance against Alzheimer's disease?
The Alzheimer's Association would like to change the criteria for diagnosing AD. Will biomarkers beat cognitive testing for assessing AD?
Staying fit with gardening, walking or other exercise does more than keep your heart healthy. It also reduces your risk of dementia.
We're pitting magnesium against aluminum for your armpit health. Which is safer, magnesium or aluminum? Should you care what's in your pits?
On June 10, 2024 an FDA panel of experts voted unanimously to support DONANEMAB for Alzheimer's disease. Does this drug deserve enthusiasm?
People taking anticholinergic drugs over a long period of time may be at greater risk of developing dementia.
Older people have a lower risk for dementia if they can address several risk factors such as sedentary habits, depression or hypertension.
Many doctors believe that FDA's standards for approving new drugs are very high. How come there are many ineffective drugs on the market?
You may have seen TV advertising for a dietary supplement called Prevagen to improve memory. Now the FTC has called the product into question.
Drug companies have left patients disappointed in their quest to prevent Alzheimer's disease. A new study suggests Viagra might work.
The COSMOS-MInd study show that seniors taking a daily multivitamin are more likely to stay sharp. A high-veggie diet might also help.
We have been losing the war against Alzheimer's disease for decades. If infection is contributing to Alzheimer’s, we can do better!
There is a suspicion that some infections may increase the risk for dementia. Could vaccines like BCG against TB protect against Alzheimer's?
When most people read about Viagra they think erectile dysfunction. But could Viagra help prevent dementia? A new study is intriguing!
The FDA approved 2 new anti-Alzheimer’s treatments. Leqembi is left. Will it approve donanemab? MABS may shrink the brain. Isn't that Bad?
The US pharmaceutical company behind the Alzheimer's drug aducanumab is pulling the plug. What's the back story on the Aduhelm boondoggle?
Randomized controlled trials answer the question: Could exercise save your brain? with yes. Following a DASH diet as well may help even more.
A new study from the UK reveals that some people did catch Alzheimer's disease from c-hGH injections. What are the implications?
Active people may improve their memories with a single exercise session. To make the benefits last, they need to keep exercising.
Lithium is prescribed for bipolar disorder. Side effects are scary! Could low-dose lithium be safer for mood disorders or Alzheimer's?
Could memory problems be due to drugs rather than aging or dementia? Meds turned one reader's memory to "garbage." Beware anticholinergics!
The FDA says that if it approves a drug, it's "SAFE and EFFECTIVE." Is that true? Have you lost faith in the FDA? Congress has new questions!
After dozens of drug trials and billions of dollars spent, we have another anti-amyloid drug failure: gantenerumab. Wake up FDA! No more.
What’s your resting heart rate? If it’s greater than 80 beats per minute you may be at a risk for dementia. Is there anything you can do?
The burden of dementia is heavy. Not only are there physical and emotional challenges that come with cognitive decline, medical costs soar.
Listen to this interview with two leading nutrition scientists to determine whether you are choosing real or fake foods. (Real is better.)
Find out how eye doctors can use the eyes as windows to the brain. Special retinal scans reveal early signs of neurological problems.
When middle-aged people participate in adult education courses, they maintain many aspects of intelligence and reduce the risk of dementia.
Americans trust nonprofit patient organizations educating about cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer disease. Beware Conflicts of Interest!
A physician survey and Congressional committee report are critical of the FDA's accelerated approval of Aduhelm for Alzheimer's disease. Why?
Memory loss is a terrible challenge. Might commonly prescribed medications or OTC antihistamines be to blame?
Is alcohol for longer life real or a myth? How many drinks count as moderate alcohol consumption? Does stress reduction increase longevity?
Fluorescent "flowers" in mouse brains give us a new look at Alzheimer disease. And laboratory mice given a dietary supplement run mazes well.
How good is Leqembi against Alzheimer's? Who can take it? What are the side effects? How much will it cost? Will Medicare pay for it?
A type of retina scan known as optical coherence tomography angiography, or OCTA, can detect changes indicative of Alzheimer Disease before symptoms appear.
The FDA granted "TRADITIONAL" approval to lecanemab for Alzheimer's. What's the back story? Reports of brain shrinkage are worrisome to us.
Older people with low vitamin D levels are more vulnerable to dementia. A new study shows that taking vitamin D may help prevent dementia.
In this episode, our expert guest says it's time to think different about Alzheimer disease. Look at it as an autoimmune disorder.
Millions of Americans suffer with long illness. Conventional medicine doesn't always have treatments for these conditions.
Donanemab is the latest anti-amyloid drug against Alzheimer's disease. Is it a breakthrough? Here's the back story.
People like aluminum. It's light and strong. Aluminum salts are in all antiperspirants. But is there an aluminum and Alzheimer's association.
Millions of people take OTC pain relievers to combat insomnia. Do they realize that these "PM" sleeping pills have anticholinergic activity?
Research shows that herpes infections might contribute to Alzheimer's. Could a shingles vax + antiviral herpes drugs help prevent dementia?
Another anti-amyloid drug just flamed out against dementia. Why won't drug companies think more creatively about developing Alzheimer's drugs?
Compounds in Lion's Mane mushrooms help nerve cells connect and boost memory in mice. Could they help slow cognitive decline in humans?
Avoiding dementia is high on most peoples' to do lists! Research shows that being overweight could increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Should the Food and Drug Administration be independent? If funding of FDA partly comes from the drug industry, is that a conflict of interest?
Staying mentally active and following a diet rich in colorful produce can help you keep your brain healthy. Having fun helps too!
Getting turmeric and its active ingredient curcumin into the bloodstream may require special formulations to maximize turmeric's benefits.
Researchers studying more than 119,000 people for decades found that those following any of several healthful diets live longer and better.
Several studies suggest that flu shots protect older adults from dementia as well as from infection. Regular immunizations seem to work best.
Medicines should NOT cause the problem they are supposed to treat! Surprisingly, though, the drug boomerang effect is far too common.
Are you experiencing more brain fog than usual? Did you catch COVID without even knowing it? Brain shrinkage and cognitive decline can result
This week, we speak with two scientists who are challenging dogma about how the brain works and how we can treat it.
Will some people who catch COVID-19 be at higher risk of Alzheimer's disease? Here is the latest research on this scary connection.
In studies that coupled step counters with coaching by health professionals, volunteers increased their physical activity.
Have you ever wondered how dangerous is aluminum? It is all around us and is used in everything from antacids to antiperspirants.
A meta-analysis indicates that ADHD drugs like Ritalin or Strattera could help people with Alzheimer disease improve cognition.
Neurologists worry that SARS-CoV-2 infection may affect the brain and raise the possibility of later dementia as a consequence.
Are drug companies killing the golden goose? High drug prices are breaking the bank. It is almost impossible to figure out the pricing system
Should the FDA reconsider allowing PPIs to be sold OTC? There's growing evidence that PPIs are linked to dementia. A Swedish study shows how.
Studies suggest produce rich in flavonoids and folate are among the foods you should eat to reduce your risk for dementia.
Data linking herpes virus infections (HSV-1) with a higher risk of dementia offer hope that taking L-lysine might prevent Alzheimer disease.
Scientists tested dark roast and light roast coffee as well as decaf to see what components of coffee may prevent amyloid plaques.
Symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency may mimic senility, with poor concentration, constipation, balance problems and tingling or numbness in hands or feet.
Dr. Sharon Fekrat is a retinal specialist whose research shows what your eyes reveal about your brain and overall health.
Dr. Dale Bredesen has invited the first survivors of Alzheimer's to describe how they saved their brains with his protocol.
Does curry alleviate Alzheimer's disease? Studies in animals suggest that it might have a powerful protective effect.
A few simple measures could delay or reverse the aging process. Take care of your mental health, don't smoke, skip meals and sleep enough.
ACE inhibitors that can get into the brain may protect memory in older adults. ARBs that cross the blood-brain barrier also seem to work.
You rely on the FDA to guarantee the safety of your food and medicine. Do you trust the agency? FDA credibility is at an all time low.
What if there were an effective drug for dementia? The FDA has approved Aduhelm for Alzheimer's disease, but will it work? Can we afford it?
A study of 10,000 British civil servants shows that earlier diagnosis of type 2 diabetes increases the chance of developing dementia.
New research on brain tissue hints that drugs for diabetes may prevent genes relating to dementia from turning on. This could delay its development.
If you are like us you have been working from home over the last year. Why use an aluminum antiperspirant if all you need is a deodorant?
Scientists find that seniors who eat lots of veggies full of carotenoids are less likely to have plaques and tangles of Alzheimer disease.
Cheese and wine were identified as foods associated with better cognitive function over the long term. Will you indulge?
Dr. Paul Ewald describes how microbes evolve and interact with our immune systems to become more or less virulent.
Find out how women can reduce their risk for dementia with diet, exercise and the proper timing of hormone therapy.
A study among older Americans finds that moderate drinking is linked to cognitive benefits for white participants. Too much is not good!
Dr. Dale Bredesen describes how to boost your immune system to defend your brain from infection, toxins and inadequate nourishment.
In a new meta-analysis, the investigators found that people taking blood pressure medicines are slightly less likely to develop dementia.
Researchers have found that dementia genes are twice as common among hospitalized COVID-19 patients as in the general population.
Ask a doctor whether proton pump inhibitors have anticholinergic activity and you will hear no! But is there a link between PPIs and cognitive dysfunction?
Pharmaceutical scientists have been striving to get amyloid plaques out of the brain, but new research suggests that amyloid may be acting to protect the brain from microbes. What are the implications
Maintaining physical activity and consuming blueberries, turmeric and rosemary may help you stay sharp as you age. Which will you try?
Experts have been concerned that anesthesia for surgery might boost the risk of Alzheimer disease. Doctors from the Mayo Clinic have reassuring news.
If you want to lower your dementia risk with a drink or two, stick to just one or two a week. LIght drinking is linked to less plaque in the brain.
Rodent research shows that grape seed extract can slow cognitive decline and the development of dementia. How well will it work for humans?
Drug companies have long been thwarted in developing a cure for Alzheimer's disease. Now a Chinese firm is taking a different approach to the problem.
Soccer is a wonderful sport. It requires extraordinary stamina and great team play. Kids love it. But is there harm to the brain when players head the ball?
Doctors who use exercise as medicine offer personalized prescriptions for activity. This can be as powerful as medications for promoting health.
Determining the best treatment(s) for PCa is challenging. Hormone suppression is common. Is there a link between this prostate cancer therapy and dementia?
Older adults who show signs of falling for scams may be at risk for mental deterioration over the next several years.
Researchers have been trying to prove that statins protect the brain for years. An anti-Alzheimer's effect would be great news. How good are the data?
In this international research update, we consider studies of probiotics and how they influence the gut microbiota; also, are cold sores linked to dementia?
Some companies promoting products to treat Alzheimer's disease have received warning letters from the FDA: Don't sell dietary supplements for dementia!
A new study offers hints that aggressive blood pressure control with a goal of 120 for systolic pressure may reduce the chance of mild cognitive impairment.
Alzheimer's disease is devastating. No one knows what causes dementia. New research reveals that leaky blood vessels may be a key factor. What causes this?
People taking benzodiazepines like clonazepam for insomnia are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Could benzos increase the risk for dementia?
A new MRI technique, diffusion tensor imaging, may detect Alzheimer's disease before it damages cognitive function noticably.
New technology turns your eyes into the window to your brain. A non-invasive scan of the retina can tell who is headed for Alzheimer disease.
A long-running study suggests that people who eat fish and shellfish regularly are less prone to chronic disease as they age.
Is it possible that viruses like herpes could contribute to Alzheimer's disease? If so, would drugs that speed healing from cold sores or genital herpes help control Alzheimer's disease?
Can the active ingredient in marijuana ease some symptoms of Alzheimer's disease? A synthetic cannabinoid (Nabilone) eases agitation. What if dementia patients experience euphoria?
A study that put mice on aspirin found that they developed less plaque and fewer tangles in their brains. This condition is designed to mimic Alzheimer disease. Now we need trials in people.
A pilot study in Ireland suggests that supplementing with a mix of carotenoids and fish oil can slow deterioration from Alzheimer disease.
Many people with a terminal illness are willing to take almost any risk to improve their odds. Will the new right to try bill passed by Congress help? What are the downsides?
Although fish oil has a reputation for soothing dry eyes, a recent randomized controlled trial found that placebo capsules of olive oil worked just as well.
Coffee drinkers are less likely to develop dementia, but not everyone can drink it. Is decaf coffee just as good?
Antipsychotic medications are a mixed bag. They don't cure dementia. They are overprescribed. But sometimes they may be helpful for dealing with dementia.
Would you like to live into your 90s in good health? What are the key ingredients to successful aging? Could alcohol and coffee improve longevity?
Too many nursing home residents are being given highly sedating antipsychotic drugs, even though these medicines may hasten death in people with dementia.
Older people with mild memory problems improved their cognitive ability by taking curcumin every day for a year and a half.
Comprehensive reviews of research find no single intervention works for preventing dementia. Combining physical and mental training with diet might help.
One study of an older cohort found that people who eat a serving of leafy greens every day have much slower cognitive decline over the years.
Is the medical profession ready when baby boomers retire? No! A tidal wave is coming and modern medicine is not ready. How can you protect yourself?
The right amount of magnesium may help prevent dementia–not too much, not too little. Try to eat lots of green leafy vegetables, legumes and nuts.
Older people who spent less time in dream sleep were more likely to be diagnosed later with dementia.
Activity against a wide range of chronic diseases, from Alzheimer to cancer to fatty liver makes turmeric so wonderful that it is a very popular supplement.
Elderly people with highly variable blood pressure measurements at home were twice as likely to develop dementia as those with more stable blood pressure.
Older people may be less efficient at absorbing vitamin B12. A vitamin deficiency could cause cognitive difficulties that go away with supplementation.
Of course you have heard of the Mediterranean diet. We'll bet you haven't heard of the Nordic diet. It appears to be good for the brain and anticancer too.
Both people and mice getting extra-virgin olive oil in their diets had better cognitive function. It could protect your brain as well.
Do you know someone with Alzheimer's disease? Can anything be done to reverse the terrible toll on caregivers? Medicaid cutbacks could be disastrous.
An Australian meta-analysis finds that people over 50 who exercise regularly do better on cognitive tests: aerobic, weight-lifting & tai chi all work.
Researchers found that neither selenium nor vitamin E could prevent dementia among older men.
Medications with strong anticholinergic activity like amitriptyline, atropine and scopolamine have been linked to cognitive decline or even dementia.
The link between blood pressure and dementia changes with age. Hypertension in midlife increases the risk of cognitive decline, but older people do better with high blood pressure.
Older adults who usually sleep more than nine hours nightly appear to be at a greater risk for dementia in the next decade.
Finnish men who frequented a sauna several times a week for several decades were significantly less likely to develop dementia.
Have you ever had a sauna bath? You might be surprised to learn that sitting naked in a hot room and sweating might be good for your heart and your brain.
Dementia is horrific. Most people would do almost anything to avoid this memory-robbing condition. Could very old people benefit from higher blood pressure?
Millions of Americans worry about memory loss. They never think to link an OTC drug they take to get to sleep as contributing to brain fog. Is it a risk?
If we lower blood pressure in older people will it help the brain? That was the question of a big study. Did the results live up to expectations? Find out!
In a pilot study, people who ate a cup of live-culture yogurt every day instead of drinking plain milk did better on cognitive tests instead of worse.
An elderly woman treated with the antibiotic levofloxacin had temporary improvement in her dementia symptoms. No one knows why.
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme taste great and are good for you. Scientists are rediscovering the healing power of many culinary herbs and spices.
A Chinese study show cognitive decline is worse in those with too little vitamin D, so anyone who wants to stay sharp needs vitamin D.
A multifactorial approach, looking at many lifestyle components and biochemical markers, may offer the best chance to prevent Alzheimer disease.
A meta-analysis of five controlled trials seems to indicate that acupuncture can help delay dementia. So can regular physical activity.
Computer brain training drills that improve speed of processing reduce the likelihood of developing dementia over 10 years by 48%.
Many doctors think the idea of medical marijuana is an oxymoron. How could a drug of abuse be beneficial? Surprisingly, the research suggests it could be.
Many health professionals may assume that marijuana is bad for the brain. But new data suggest that marijuana and Alzheimer's disease might be beneficial.
Although mice are not men, research on a nutritional supplement suggests that it may help slow brain aging and prevent Alzheimer disease.
Harvard researchers have come up with a novel hypothesis about the cause of Alzheimer's disease. A reader wonders if L-Lysine for cold sores could help?
Research in JAMA Neurology this week noted a link between popular drugs and Alzheimer's disease. What other kinds of medications may also raise this risk?
Are you taking a medicine that could affect your memory? New research confirms that anticholinergic drugs have negative impacts on the brain.
If your primary care doctor will not test you for nutrient levels, you may be able to order your own tests. Use the results as a guide for supplementation.
We've long heard that fish is brain food. A new meta-analysis shows that seafood lovers are less prone to dementia and cognitive decline.
A German study suggests a link between long-term use of a heartburn pill like omeprazole and dementia. How serious is the risk?
A study of dietary approaches to lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease found that older people with dangerous APOE-e4 benefited from eating fish weekly.
Dextromethorphan is the DM in cough medicine. Sadly this drug can be abused. But a new study suggests it may also help calm people with Alzheimer's disease.
People with early-stage Alzheimer disease were more likely to survive a four-year study period if they drank modest quantities of alcohol.
Drugs for blocking testosterone are helpful in fighting prostate cancer but they may increase the possibility of developing Alzheimer's disease.
If a bigger brain is a better brain then you will want to seriously consider adopting a Mediterranean Diet. But what does that mean? Learn the details!
Does aluminum pose a risk for Alzheimer's disease? Most neuroscientists say no way, but they haven't kept up with the literature. Read the latest research.
It can be very difficult to deal with the agitation of Alzheimer's disease, but combining quinidine and dextromethorphan has been shown to help.
A randomized controlled trial of high-dose resveratrol offers hints that this compound might slow the progress of Alzheimer's disease.
People with insulin resistance appear to be at higher risk for Alzheimer's disease diagnoses as they grow older; can this trend be reversed?
Common medications, both OTC and prescription can contribute to memory problems and confusion. Is someone you love taking an anticholinergic drug?
Trouble finding the right word or figuring out how to do a new task could be the first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, especially in people under 60.
For decades, the question about aluminum and Alzheimer's disease has remained controversial. Research research suggests there may indeed be a connection.
Can an affordable anti-seizure drug that has been available for 16 years offer hope for people with memory problems or early Alzheimer's disease?
Researchers have been arguing about the relationship between aluminum exposure and Alzheimer's disease for decades. We bring you up-to-date on new research.
Benzodiazepines are prescribed to millions of people but new research has linked long-term use of these anti-anxiety agents with development of Alzheimer's
Start your day with a high-protein brain-boosting smoothie rich in berries to improve cognitive function and flight inflammation.
Squirting insulin detemir into the nose every day helped memory and cognition in a three-week study.
Experiments on the giant neurons of a sea snail indicate that memory resides not in synapses, but in the neuron nucleus.
New research suggests that aluminum may be neurotoxic to the brain. In other words, this common chemical element may not be as safe as originally thought.
Epidemiologists have found an association between herpes virus infections and the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
Older people who drink moderately have better memories and less risk of Alzheimer's disease than teetotalers.
Excess exposure to aluminum may lead to the amyloid plaques typical of Alzheimer's disease.
During deep sleep, cerebrospinal fluid flows out of the brain, washing away some Alzheimer's disease proteins.
Cognitive dysfunction may have an unexpected cause: celiac disease may mimic Alzheimer's. Following a gluten-free diet can help restore the brain.