Moderate alcohol consumption has been shown to partially protect healthy people from dementia (Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, May, 2011). Some experts have pointed out that the Mediterranean diet, which appears to have protective effects for the brain, includes wine in moderate quantities. But how does drinking affect those with Alzheimer disease?
Light to Moderate Drinking May Help People with Alzheimer Disease:
A study from Denmark suggests that people with early-stage Alzheimer disease may also benefit from light to moderate drinking. This research included more than 300 Danish adults with mild Alzheimer disease. The study ran for one year and subjects were followed for an additional three years.
A Drink a Day Was Associated with a Lower Likelihood of Dying During the Study:
Those individuals who were in the habit of consuming one or two drinks a day in the form of a pint of beer or a glass or wine were less likely to die during the follow-up period than those who did not drink alcohol at all. Experts in the field caution that older people with dementia should not start consuming alcohol, but if they are already moderate drinkers, alcohol should not be prohibited.