The story on grapefruit juice and medicines can be confusing. The interaction is fairly long-lasting, but only certain drugs interact with grapefruit.
Do you have any idea how effective your medicine really is? Drug companies have a secret strategy: misleading drug stats can confuse doctors.
Many people take aspirin for granted. They recognize it can cause stomach upset, but they may not take bleeding ulcers from aspirin seriously. They must!
Pharmaceutical manufacturers have faigured out another way to make money. Are some drug companies making a killing by combining inexpensive OTC ingredients?
You've heard of Excedrin, right? Do you know what's in it? Aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine. Be alert for aspirin and ulcers. Hemorrhage is a risk.
A Danish study reviews the dangers of diclofenac and finds that it can harm the heart and digestive tract. Are topical NSAIDs like Voltaren Gel any safer?
With salsalate, you may be able to ease arthritis pain safely. It is far less likely to irritate the digestive tract or cause cardiovascular problems than most NSAID pain relievers.
Licorice seems like an innocuous indulgence. Too much can lead to life-threatening licorice side effects. What about DGL? Is deglycyrrhizinated licorice safe?
A new study suggests that long-term use of acid-suppressing drugs might pose a substantial risk for stomach cancer in patients treated for H. pylori.
For people who must take NSAID pain relievers such as aspirin or naproxen, Cytotec can help protect the digestive tract from damage and ease discomfort.
People should be warned about the potentially lethal side effects of OTC NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and naproxen.
Is licorice dangerous? This reader experienced very high blood pressure from too much licorice. Can you enjoy the health benefits from licorice with DGL?