Q. I suffered for years with stomach ulcers. On three occasions I had to be hospitalized because they turned into bleeding ulcers.
Once I was diagnosed with a Helicobacter pylori infection, I was treated with a combination of antibiotics and Pepto-Bismol for a month. This treatment worked for me and I haven’t had any stomach problems since.
I would love to write to the doctors who made the discovery about H. pylori causing ulcers to thank them. If you have their names and addresses please let me know.
A. Dr. Barry Marshall and his colleague, pathologist Dr. J. Robin Warren, received the 2005 Nobel Prize for their discovery that a bacterium (Helicobacter pylori) causes stomach ulcers. The recognition that an infection could cause gastritis and ulcers was an enormous change from earlier theories, which blamed stress and spicy foods.
We are delighted that you got such benefit by treating the infection. You can email your thanks to Dr. Marshall (bmarshall@hpylori.com.au) in Western Australia.
H. pylori infection is associated with a higher risk of stomach cancer. People who would like to know more about treating digestive symptoms and ulcers caused by H. pylori may find our Guide to Digestive Disorders helpful.