A 60 Minutes exposé in 2024 revealed that microwave weapons attacked US diplomats. I've known this for 50 years! The cover-up is unraveling!
People who suffer with recurrent migraines may be able to prevent them with Aimovig, Ajovy or Emgality. This can be life changing.
Stimulating the vagus nerve can calm us down and reduce inflammation. It may have many applications in promoting health.
Have you ever had a headache? How about a migraine? FDA has approved drugs like Aimovig, Ajovy and Emgality. How good are these migraine meds?
Eating ice cream to induce brain freeze may stop a migraine cold. We think it is working through TRP channels on nerves that sense cool temperatures.
In this week's radio show, we interview a patient advocate and a headache specialist about new treatments for migraine headaches.
If you suffer frequent migraine headaches, following an elimination diet may help you avoid migraines. Better studies are sorely needed.
The medicinal herbs feverfew and butterbur can prevent migraine. Taking feverfew at the first sign of migraine stops the headache.
Boosting hormone intelligence can help women live better in every stage of life. Dr. Aviva Romm explains how to blend science and tradition.
A new study suggests that regular exercise–around half an hour a day–could help prevent migraines. Activity reduces stress and insomnia.
When your head hurts, it is hard to concentrate. Migraines are even worse. If doctors prescribe tramadol for headaches, they may be putting patients at risk.
Do you get whiplash from aspirin? One group of experts tells us to avoid aspirin. Too dangerous! Then another group says to prescribe aspirin for migraines.
In the hunt for migraine relief, some people shop in Canada for a brand name triptan and others try inducing brain freeze.
Why would anyone want to create brain freeze? Some people report that drinking something cold or eating ice cream can sometimes provide migraine relief.
The state legislature has approved a number of additional uses for medical marijuana in Connecticut, bringing the total to around 30.
The FDA recently approved a new medication, erenumab (Aimovig), to prevent migraine headaches in people who experience them frequently. Treatments and lifestyle changes can also make a difference.
What provokes your migraine pain? Finding out what sets your headaches off and arranging your life so you avoid the triggers can go a long way toward pain relief.
The antidepressant amitriptyline is prescribed for nerve pain, fibromyalgia, insomnia or migraines. Can amitriptyline cause memory problems?
The key to stopping a migraine as soon as it starts could be a cold mouth. Ice, ice cream, icy drinks like iced tea or iced coffee and milk shakes have all provided relief.
Drinking a cold chocolate milkshake quickly to trigger an ice cream headache can often mitigate a migraine headache.
One reader found that drinking tart cherry juice every night eliminated recurring headaches, perhaps due to the anti-inflammatory activity of cherries.
Did you know that there could be a scientific explanation for why ice packs work to overcome killer headaches? TRP ion channels respond to cold.
Can wrapping the head in ice put a halt to severe head pain? One reader says yes; others try causing brain freeze by drinking ice water.
Eating some spicy soup at the first hint of a migraine headache can stimulate TRP channels in the neurons and reverse the pain cascade.
One person finds that drinking icy CocaCola and eating some chocolate in the aftermath of a headache is a good way to ease a migraine hangover.
Caffeine can boost the effectiveness of pain relievers, especially when it comes to headaches. But stopping caffeine quickly can cause withdrawal headaches.
Researchers have found that people who get migraines have more oral bacteria that turn nitrate into nitrite. What about the microbes in your mouth?
A very cold drink to induce brain freeze might stop a migraine in its tracks. One reader says be sure it includes some caffeine.
Could following a gluten-free diet help a person avoid frequent migraine headaches? Those with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity benefit.
Cold drinks or ice cream can sometimes stop a headache or migraine before it takes hold. Find out why an iced cappuccino might work this magic.
It may seem strange to use chili peppers to combat migraines, but many people find this remedy works if used at the first sign of a headache.
It seems counterintuitive that causing brain freeze could stop a migraine cold. We have heard from lots of headache sufferers that it works really well.
How about an inexpensive and rapid remedy for really bad headaches? It could be as close as your freezer. Brain freeze can sometimes stop a migraine fast.
If you have ever eaten something really cold very quickly you know the agony of brain freeze. What if inducing an ice cream headache could stop a migraine?
Migraine headaches could be a symptom of celiac disease, an autoimmune condition triggered by the gluten in wheat, barley and rye.
Triggering brain freeze with ice water or a frozen beverage early in a migraine may help stop it before it takes hold.
A simple supplement, the B vitamin riboflavin, can often be effective at preventing migraine headaches or reducing the pain.
Sometimes ice cream or a milk shake can be used to stop a migraine headache in its tracks.
A bad headache can make it hard to function. That's why people turn to powerful pain relievers including opioids. How About brain freeze against migraines?
When it comes to vitamin B6, it is important to avoid vitamin overdose. Too much pyridoxine can lead to debilitating nerve damage that may take a lot of time to heal.
Serotonin syndrome can be life threatening but many health professionals are unaware of the drug combinations that can trigger it. Beware drug interactions!