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Articles categorized as Indigestion

Article imageJoe Graedon - October 14, 2024
Article imageTerry Graedon - September 5, 2024
Article imageDennis Miller, RPh - March 13, 2025 - 14 comments

Is It Possible To Make America Healthy Again?

Dennis Miller, R.Ph., likes RFK, Jr.'s efforts to blame processed foods for chronic disease. Will his initiative make America healthy again?

Terry Graedon - August 8, 2024

Show 1395: Gut Check–How Digestive Health Influences Everything

Terry Graedon - February 22, 2024

Show 1375: The Science Supporting Home Remedies

Joe Graedon - November 6, 2023

PPIs are Safe! No, PPIs are Dangerous! What to Believe?

Terry Graedon - October 19, 2023

Show 1360: The Pros & Perils of OTC Drugs

Terry Graedon - October 16, 2023

Will Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Your Heartburn?

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Joe Graedon - June 12, 2023

Old-Fashioned Italian Antacids Ease Reflux

What do you turn to when you experience heartburn? PPIs like Nexium or H2 antagonists such as Tagamet? Antacids ease reflux. Why not Tums?

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Joe Graedon - June 8, 2023

Why Popular Heartburn Drugs PPIs Are Linked to Premature Deaths

Acid-suppressing drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are go-to drugs for heartburn. Should you be concerned that PPIs are linked to premature deaths?

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Terry Graedon - March 30, 2023

Show 1336: How the Antiviral Gut Tackles Pathogens from the Inside Out

Dr. Robynne Chutkan describes the importance of healthy gut microbes in helping the immune system control pathogens from the inside out.

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Terry Graedon - March 8, 2023

Show 1292: Natural Ways to Treat Heartburn (Archive)

Although PPIs like omeprazole are immensely popular, there are natural ways to treat heartburn. Tune in to the broadcast 3/11/23 to learn more.

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Terry Graedon - December 26, 2022

Can Taking a Probiotic Product Help You Sleep Better?

A reader found that taking a probiotic product for better digestion also improved sleep. Studies support this observation.

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Joe Graedon - April 18, 2022

Does Your Medicine Pose a Cancer Risk?

Establishing a drug-induced cancer risk may take 5 to 10 years or longer. The FDA rarely requires such long-term research. What can you do?

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Joe Graedon - December 16, 2021

Are Heartburn Drugs (PPIs) Linked to Stomach Cancer?

Heartburn drugs (PPIs) are hugely popular. Doctors prescribe them in enormous quantities and they are widely available over the counter. Is there a link with stomach cancer?

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Terry Graedon - October 28, 2021

Babies Fed Formula Have Less Healthy Gut Bacteria

Newborn babies fed formula have less diverse intestinal microbiota. Bacteria they host are more likely to have antibiotic resistance genes.

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Joe Graedon - July 26, 2021

The Zantac – Ranitidine Weirdness Just Got Stranger

What are we to make of FDA flip flop flips on ranitidine/Zantac? For many people the ranitidine weirdness is overwhelming. Now Zantac is BACK!

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Terry Graedon - July 8, 2021

Show 1224: What Is the Best Way to Manage Your Heartburn? (Archive)

Learn the best way to manage your heartburn without relying too heavily on PPI drugs like Nexium or Prilosec. Does diet help?

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Terry Graedon - May 27, 2021

Dr. Marvin Singh Tells You How to Establish Healthy Gut Balance

Dr. Marvin Singh, integrative gastroenterologist, offers insights on how to recover a healthy gut balance after it has been disrupted.

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Terry Graedon - April 1, 2021

Show 1179: What Should You Do About Digestive Distress? (Archive)

Listen to find out when your digestive distress might signal a serious problem and when you could manage it at home with simple remedies.

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Terry Graedon - September 14, 2020

How Does Baking Soda in Water Fight Swelling?

A dose of baking soda in water signals the spleen to produce anti-inflammatory immune cells. This may help reduce swelling.

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Joe Graedon - April 2, 2020

Ranitidine – Zantac is Going, Going Gone At Last!

Have you ever taken Zantac or ranitidine for acid stomach, indigestion or heartburn? Tens of millions of people did. Now, Zantac is going to disappear. Why?

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Terry Graedon - February 17, 2020

Can You Relieve Heartburn With Vinegar?

Many people have found they can ease heartburn with vinegar. When will scientists study this remedy so we will know whether or how it works?

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Terry Graedon - November 25, 2019

Apple Cider Vinegar Is a Weird Remedy for Heartburn

Taking a spoonful or two of apple cider vinegar mixed in water is a popular remedy for heartburn. While not everyone finds it helpful, many people do.

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Joe Graedon - November 18, 2019

Can Prelief Prevent Indigestion from Coffee?

Do acidic foods and drinks give you heartburn? We're talking about tomatoes, orange juice and wine. What can you take to prevent indigestion from coffee?

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Terry Graedon - November 14, 2019

Show 1189: What the Heck Should We Be Eating?

If you've ever wondered, "What should we be eating?" you'll want to listen to Dr. Mark Hyman tell why cooking tasty food doesn't have to take lots of time.

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Terry Graedon - November 4, 2019

Will Intermittent Fasting Give You Heartburn?

Some readers report that intermittent fasting reduces their symptoms of heartburn. For others, however, fasting triggers indigestion.

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Joe Graedon - September 23, 2019

Another BP Nitrosamine Drug Recall and Zantac (Ranitidine)

You won't believe this. There is a nitrosamine drug recall for the BP med losartan. Other countries are recalling ranitidine (Zantac) for heartburn. Why?

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Joe Graedon - September 19, 2019

European Drug Regulators Recalling Zantac (Ranitidine) – FDA Not Yet!

Why are drug regulators recalling Zantac in Canada and Europe? Why is the FDA biding its time? Is there a reason to worry about a carcinogen in ranitidine?

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Joe Graedon - August 26, 2019

Must You Take Acid Blockers For the Rest of Your Life?

Some people need acid-suppressing drugs forever. That would include those with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. But not everyone needs acid blockers for life.

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Joe Graedon - August 19, 2019

Viagra (Sildenafil) Triggers Both Erections and Heartburn

The erectile dysfunction drugs relax smooth muscle. The result is both erections and heartburn, helpful and undesirable effects.

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Joe Graedon - August 1, 2019

Do PPI-Type Acid-Suppressing Drugs Cause Allergies?

A new study from Austria suggests that acid-suppressing drugs cause allergies such as hives. There are even elegant explanations why it could be true.

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Terry Graedon - July 8, 2019

Thyroid Trouble Was Behind Stomach Problems

A reader describes how effective treatment for hypothyroidism reversed low stomach acid and overcame stomach problems and Barrett's esophagus.

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Joe Graedon - April 22, 2019

Falling Asleep with Zolpidem | Waking up with Heartburn

Millions of people have insomnia. Many try falling asleep with zolpidem. But the drug can cause indigestion. Waking up with heartburn at night is not nice.

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Joe Graedon - November 5, 2018

Aspirin and Ulcers: A Potentially Deadly Reaction

You've heard of Excedrin, right? Do you know what's in it? Aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine. Be alert for aspirin and ulcers. Hemorrhage is a risk.

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Terry Graedon - August 13, 2018

Will Getting to Sleep Wreck Your Digestion?

A popular sleeping pill, zolpidem, might wreck your digestion. Be sure to use it only short term to avoid serious problems.

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Joe Graedon - August 9, 2018

Yet Another PPI Complication | Acid-Suppressing Drugs and Liver Cancer?

Millions of people take powerful acid-suppressing drugs every day. They are thought to be so safe you can take them without medical supervision. A new PPI complication may have emerged.

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Terry Graedon - June 14, 2018

Can You Fight Bacteria with Viruses?

Bacteriophages, viruses that fight bacteria, may help physicians reduce the burden of antibiotic resistance by offering an alternative to overcome infection.

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Joe Graedon - May 28, 2018

Why Papaya for Heartburn Is Surprisingly Helpful

PPIs like Prilosec, Prevacid and Nexium are popular for indigestion. They have side effects, though. What about papaya for heartburn? Why was this remedy ignored for a century?

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Terry Graedon - April 9, 2018

Skimping on Magnesium May Mean Trouble Sleeping

When a medication leads to low magnesium levels, you might have trouble sleeping. Restoring magnesium with supplements could help.

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Joe Graedon - March 12, 2018

Licorice Side Effects Can Be Scary If Not Life Threatening

Licorice seems like an innocuous indulgence. Too much can lead to life-threatening licorice side effects. What about DGL? Is deglycyrrhizinated licorice safe?

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Joe Graedon - February 12, 2018

What Are the Most Dangerous Drugs for Older Adults?

Are you an older adult? Have you ever heard of the Beers list of PIMs (potentially inappropriate medications)? There are many dangerous drugs that should rarely be prescribed to older people.

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Joe Graedon - February 5, 2018

How To Choose Safe and Effective Over-The-Counter Medicines

Do you play doctor by medicating yourself or those you love with over-the-counter medicines? Do you understand the pros and cons of such drugs? Our faves and our fears on OTC meds!

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Joe Graedon - July 10, 2017

How to Use Baking Soda to Ease Indigestion:

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is a simple and inexpensive remedy for heartburn. But what about the sodium content? Is so much sodium bad for your health?

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Joe Graedon - June 19, 2017

Do Zolpidem (Ambien) Side Effects Include Horrible Heartburn?

If patients are warned about Zolpidem (Ambien) side effects they may be told about morning hangover or driving impairment. Indigestion may not be mentioned.

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Joe Graedon - May 22, 2017

Is Black Poop Something to Worry About?

If you are taking Pepto-Bismol for indigestion, nausea or "overindulgence" you can anticipate a black tongue and black stool. Do not freak out. It's common.

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Terry Graedon - January 5, 2017

Can Probiotics Reduce Inflammation and Improve Health?

Probiotics in foods and supplements may help protect the digestive tract from damage, reducing inflammation and improving health.

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Joe Graedon - December 19, 2016

Is the FDA Biased Against Dietary Supplements?

Why do health professionals and FDA officials seemingly downplay the dangers of drugs while warning people about dietary supplements? It's a mystery to us.

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Joe Graedon - December 8, 2016

Add Strokes to the Scary List of PPI Side Effects

The list of serious PPI side effects keeps expanding. Add strokes and heart attacks to several other complications like infections, fractures and dementia.

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Joe Graedon - September 19, 2016

How to Ease Indigestion Without PPIs

What is the safest way to ease indigestion? Many people pop PPIs or antacids without a second thought. Such OTC drugs seem super safe. Is long-term use OK?

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Terry Graedon - July 25, 2016

How to Improve Digestive Health with a Poop Transplant

A poop transplant that alters the disturbed microbiota of a diseased digestive tract can provide surprising relief from diarrhea, pain and other symptoms.

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Joe Graedon - April 28, 2016

Are PPIs Messing Up Your Kidney Function?

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Terry Graedon - March 28, 2016

How to Stop Prilosec by Taking Papaya

Could papaya enzymes help control the horrible heartburn associated with stopping a PPI medicine such as Prilosec?

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Joe Graedon - February 22, 2016

Why Are Americans Now Worried About New PPI Side Effects?

Millions loved acid suppressing drugs for decades. Reports of PPI side effects didn't daunt them. But a new German study about dementia has people worried.

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Joe Graedon - January 11, 2016

Are Your Kidneys in Danger from Heartburn Drugs?

People often take heartburn drugs for granted. But research confirms that powerful acid-suppressing drugs have unexpected consequences that can be serious.

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Joe Graedon - February 22, 2015

Bitters Are Not Just for the Bartender

Swedish bitters made from herbs have a long history of use for improving digestion.

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Terry Graedon - December 30, 2013

Treating Indigestion with Natural Products

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Terry Graedon - December 8, 2013

Great-Grandmother’s Indigestion Remedy with Vinegar and Honey Conquered Upset Stomach

Honey and cider vinegar mixed in water makes an old-fashioned indigestion remedy that saved the evening for a restaurant owner.

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Terry Graedon - January 4, 2012

Exotic Radish Alleviates Indigestion

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Terry Graedon - August 16, 2010

Almonds Worked against Indigestion

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Terry Graedon - April 30, 2009


You can manage occasional heartburn with home remedies or OTC medications. More frequent symptoms deserve medical attention.

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Joe Graedon - April 23, 2007

Ambien Can Cause Indigestion

Many people who have a hard time falling asleep turn to Ambien for help, but they may not realize that their sleeping pill could be causing indigestion.

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Joe Graedon - September 12, 2005

Cutting Carbs Controls Indigestion