Q. A friend told me that Swedish bitters were used historically for digestion. For the past couple of months I’ve been using the bitters to relieve my indigestion.
Do you know about Swedish bitters? Is there any research on this product?
A. Swedish bitters is a traditional herbal preparation that has been used to treat digestive distress for centuries. It contains a number of different herbs, and recipes may vary slightly from one brand to another.
There is some research supporting its effectiveness for dyspepsia (Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Oct., 2002). Other types of bitters, such as Angostura bitters, might also help reduce flatulence or ease indigestion.
Bartenders also use bitters to impart a distinctive flavor to certain mixed drinks. But you don’t need to drink alcohol to get the benefits of bitters. Some forms of Swedish bitters are nonalcoholic and can simply be added to a glass of club soda or other sparkling water.