A lack of medications to lower it may have made Lp(a) the heart risk factor no one talks about. What should you know about it?
Can you sip your way to a healthier heart? Can caffeine from coffee and tea reduce your risk for heart attacks, strokes and type 2 diabetes?
Elevated Lp(a) levels are a leading cause of heart disease and strokes. Why aren't doctors measuring it? Have you been tested for Lp(a)?
A review of mobile phone use has concluded that a cellphone brain cancer risk does not exist. A different study found a link to heart disease.
What are sunlight's health benefits? People who get enough–not too much–sun are less likely to die prematurely.
You've been told to avoid the sun by wearing protective clothing and applying high SPF sunscreen. Is some sun exposure good for health?
How low should your blood pressure or cholesterol go? A controversy has erupted within the cardiology community about cholesterol guidelines.
Over 50 million Americans swallow statins daily, but heart disease remains our #1 killer. Why haven't statins stopped most heart attacks?
Medicare Part D will now pay for Wegovy (semaglutide) to help millions of overweight people reduce their risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Listen to this interview with two leading nutrition scientists to determine whether you are choosing real or fake foods. (Real is better.)
Should doctors prescribe produce? Can produce prescription programs really save $40 billion in medical bills? What about the health benefits?
Some people cannot stand statins. A recent research report puts the numbers between 7-29 percent. How do Nexletol side effects compare?
When people see the word Viagra they think sex. Could Viagra enhance health by relaxing blood vessels? Read the latest research on longevity!
Millions of Americans suffer with long illness. Conventional medicine doesn't always have treatments for these conditions.
A rigorously conducted, multi-year experiment with cocoa compounds vs placebo showed that they may reduce cardiovascular mortality.
Celebrate National Nutrition Month in March with a 15% discount on CocoaVia cocoa supplements, an easy way to get more flavanols.
Researchers seeking to discover could insomnia raise your risk for problems found an association with atherosclerosis and heart attacks.
Why do centenarians live so long? Hint: could their diet have something to do with it? The FDA dismisses food as medicine but rewards drugs.
There is a concerted effort to prove dietary supplements for heart health are worthless. What does the science actually reveal? Dig deeper!
In our Saturday broadcast, Dr. Tsimikas explains why lipoprotein a is the best-kept secret in heart disease. What can we do about Lp(a)?