People with type 2 diabetes are often exhorted to lose the extra pounds they may be carrying around. But a new study shows that a little extra weight is linked to a lower risk of premature death in people with this metabolic disorder.
Details of the Study:
The research followed more than 10,000 people with diabetes for 11 years. They had no heart disease at the start of the study.
Not surprisingly, those who were overweight or obese were more likely to develop heart problems, including heart failure, during the study. Obese people with diabetes were more likely to die of heart conditions.
Man Bites Dog:
But people who were merely overweight were less likely to die during the study. The most surprising statistic is that they were less likely to die even than people of normal weight.
In this study people who were underweight (body mass index below 18.5) were the most likely to die during the 11-year follow-up.