Q. I am writing to you from Freiburg, Germany, because I cannot find any information about chaste tree berry here. Your Web site states that this herb may have antiandrogenic effects that could help reduce an overactive libido.
What dose would help reduce sex drive? I’m very unhappy with my strong libido because I feel aroused very often during the day in the wrong moments.
A. Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree berry) is prescribed in Germany to relieve symptoms of PMS and menstrual problems. The English name “chaste tree” implies that herbalists noticed an impact on sexual desire. The berries were also called “monk’s pepper” because they were said to help monks maintain celibacy.
There is no clinical data to verify that this herb will decrease sexual desire. The doses that women use to treat menstrual irregularities range from 20 mg to 100 mg daily, depending upon the formulation.