Are there any dangers to indulging in potatoes? A new study suggests moderation is wise.
Harvard researchers have been following health professionals and their eating habits for years. Over 150,000 women from the Nurses’ Health Studies and more than 40,000 men from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study have been tracked for decades. Every few years they fill out questionnaires about their eating habits, lifestyle activities and their health.
Potatoes Linked to Type 2 Diabetes:
The latest analysis found that the more potatoes these individuals consumed, the greater the likelihood they would develop type 2 diabetes. People who ate potatoes every day increased their risk of this metabolic disorder by about 33 percent, regardless of whether the potatoes were baked, boiled or mashed. French fries were even more hazardous.
You might expect that this was due to weight gain among the potato eaters, but the statistical analysis showed the danger was independent of body mass index (BMI). This is a way of judging whether someone is over- or underweight.
What could be done? The investigators estimate that replacing three servings of potatoes a week with whole grains would modestly lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.