Skin tags are benign fleshy growths that frequently appear where the skin folds, such as the armpit, neck or groin. They are not dangerous, but they can be annoying. Dermatologists can remove them, but that could become costly if insurance won’t pay. Are there any home remedies that might help?
Liquid Bandage to Get Rid of Skin Tags:
Q. Thank you for your recent comment on liquid bandage for skin tags. It sure worked for me!
I had one on my forehead for years and it really bothered me. I kept rubbing it and it would get sore. I started using liquid bandage on it when I read your article and my skin tag is now gone!
A. Older people are more vulnerable to these growths, as are heavy individuals and patients with diabetes (StatPearls, Aug. 10, 2020). Dermatologists can cut them off, freeze them with liquid nitrogen or burn them with an electrical cautery device.
Insurance doesn’t always pay for such procedures, so we understand why people might want to try home remedies.
We first heard about liquid bandage 14 years ago from this reader:
“I have noticed quite a few skin tags appearing on my body. I have had one or two of the larger growths cut off by my doctor.
“I was fascinated to read in your column that a reader had success getting rid of these things by putting BAND-AID TRU-STAY Clear Spots over them. I tried this but could never get a bandage to stay on long enough.
“I was about to give up when I ran across some liquid bandage in my medicine cabinet. I had a large skin tag growing on my shoulder and put the New-Skin Liquid Bandage on it. Within a week the growth fell off.
“I put it on some smaller growths and they shriveled and fell off too. Have you heard of this before or have I discovered an alternate way to get rid of these unsightly skin growths?”
At the time, we had not heard of this unorthodox remedy. Since writing about that letter, however, we have heard from others that this approach can be helpful.
Q. I used to get skin tags removed by my doctor. Then my insurance stopped covering it, since they classified the problem as cosmetic. The collars on the shirts I am required to wear to work were irritating my skin tags, but that’s the insurance company for you.
I’m going to try liquid bandage, since I saw on your website it might work. I’ll see if this does the trick.
A. We have heard from a number of readers who have used liquid bandage successfully.
One woman wrote this testimonial:
“This is a note of thanks and appreciation. Several years ago I cut out your column regarding applying liquid bandage twice a day to make skin tags disappear. I never tried it until recently.
“One skin tag kept getting caught in my necklace. I remembered your article and bought the drugstore brand of liquid bandage. To my delight, within a week of applying it twice a day, the skin tag was gone. I’ve since tried this remedy on additional skin tags on my neck and once again, they have also gone. I can’t thank you enough.”
- Syed SYB et al, "Acrochordon." StatPearls, Aug. 10, 2020.