Q. Is it true that lavender oil can increase female hormones in men and boys? If so, shouldn’t there be a warning on soaps, shampoos and shower gels? A lot of personal care products have lavender fragrance whether you notice it or not.
A. Lavender does not increase female hormone levels in the body. Nevertheless, this herbal oil may act like estrogen on its own.
The lavender link was brought to public attention in the New England Journal of Medicine (Feb. 1, 2007). Researchers reported that three boys developed enlarged breasts (gynecomastia) after using styling gel, shampoo, lotion, soap or salve containing lavender oil.
The investigators detected lavender oil’s estrogenic action in test tube experiments and cautioned physicians that repeated use of such products might lead to hormonal disruption.
Other scientists questioned the conclusion that lavender oil poses a potential risk to children. But the original researchers pointed out that the breast enlargement disappeared when the products were discontinued.