Q. You have written about using cornmeal for toenail fungus. According to Bob Webster, a South Texas gardening expert, the reason ground cornmeal works against fungus (including grass fungus as well as foot fungus) is because a fungus called Trichoderma grows on cornmeal.
Trichoderma attacks and destroys other non-beneficial fungi. Bob Webster recommends covering the fungus-affected area with cornmeal paste for one hour each day for 7 to 10 days. It works!
A. We’ve always wondered why cornmeal might fight nail fungus and are grateful for the explanation. There are more than 80 species of Trichoderma; the one used to control fungi that attack plants is T. harzianum. It grows especially well on cornmeal.
We offer other home remedies for nail fungus in our Guide to Hair and Nail Care.