Medical marijuana may have an unexpected economic benefit in states that have legalized it.
An Economic Benefit for Medicare:
A new study in the journal Health Affairs shows that in states where medical marijuana is legal, Medicare spent less for prescription drugs. The savings were projected at more than $165 million dollars in 2013. If all states legalized medical marijuana, Medicare might have saved nearly $500 million.
How Are Seniors Using Medical Marijuana?
The authors conclude that seniors are using marijuana as a substitute for prescription pain relievers or sleep aids. Other research suggests this is a credible hypothesis. Investigators in Ann Arbor, Michigan, found that chronic pain patients patronizing a medical marijuana dispensary reduced opioid use by 64 percent (Journal of Pain, June, 2016). An Israeli study also found people using less narcotic pain medicine when they had access to medical marijuana (Clinical Journal of Pain, online Feb. 17, 2016).
At last count, 25 states and the District of Columbia permit the use of marijuana for medical conditions. Regulations vary from state to state. This research suggests an economic benefit for Medicare in states where seniors have access to medical marijuana.