Gelatin has been around for a very long time. Charles B. Knox (of Knox Gelatine fame), came up with a process to granulate gelatine so it could be used in cooking. That was back around the end of the 19th century. When he died in 1908 he left a thriving business to his wife who developed hundreds of gelatine recipes that housewives across America cherished. We have heard from many readers that gelatin can be helpful for arthritis or brittle nails. What about using gelatin for hip pain?
Gelatine for Hip Pain:
Q. My husband has a lot of hip pain. The remedy we read in your column using gelatin sounds very helpful.
He would like to try it, but we need more information on how to use it. I assume we use plain gelatin but do you let it set or just drink it after it has been mixed with water?
A. We asked the reader who sent his testimonial to offer more details. He uses Knox Unflavored Gelatine. Usually he stirs a packet of powder into the yogurt he eats for breakfast. It could also be mixed into juice, though it takes a bit of stirring to get it dissolved.
He goes on:
“You can mix it into tea or coffee and it dissolves well but it gives the drink a slimy texture. Hot oatmeal or any hot cereal is a very good choice because it dissolves well and the texture issue is irrelevant. I’ve also mixed it into soup.”
He says the benefits still hold, but if his hip starts to act up he doubles the dose for a few days. Like any home remedy, there are no studies and no guarantees.
Another reader shares a gelatin success story:
Q. I’m writing to tell you about my excellent experience using gelatin for hip pain. I’ve had a chronic ache in my hip for several years. I’ve seen a chiropractor, whose ministrations were effective but temporary. Pilates helped for just a little while, and yoga had no effect. My doc took an X-ray and said she didn’t see any arthritis. The chiropractor said he did and told me to eat Jell-O.
I decided to give it a try on the theory that it was perfectly harmless even if it didn’t work. For about six weeks I ate roughly half a packet of Knox Gelatine a day (prepared, not dry). No effect. But in a fit of hunger and frustration one day I gobbled up the remaining half pan, about two packets worth. The next morning I awoke completely pain free.
I went online and found that people who use it recommend one packet a day. I’ve been doing that now for about two months, with only a very occasional twinge in my hip after driving for 12 hours. I don’t know why it started working, but since my hip doesn’t hurt, and it’s easy and cheap, I’m just doing it.
A. This remedy fits our favorite criteria: won’t hurt, might help, and doesn’t cost too much. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Anyone who is interested in other non-drug approaches for joint pain may be interested in our Guide to Alternatives for Arthritis or our book, The People’s Pharmacy Quick & Handy Home Remedies.