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Washing Hands a Lot? How About a Dry Rough Skin Solution?

Why did we develop The People's Pharmacy Urea Skin Relief moisturizer? You may be surprised by the answer. What's so great about urea anyway?

Just over a year ago, we launched The People’s Pharmacy Urea Skin Relief! This intensive skin therapy with 20% urea was years in development. Here at The People’s Pharmacy we move slowly and deliberately when it comes to product development. You can learn more about our natural product chemist, Charles (Chuck) Friedman at this link. Chuck developed our Aluminum-Free, Magnesium-Rich Roll-On Deodorant! We also wanted something wonderful to protect dry, rough skin, especially at this time of year!

Why Include Urea in Skin Care?

More than a decade ago, we were fascinated to read an article in one of the most highly regarded dermatology journals in the world, The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, June, 2012).

A team of international dermatology researchers wrote:

“In the present study we describe the mechanistic basis for unexpected, new properties of topical urea.”

These researchers found that topical urea is much more than a humectant that helps moisturize the skin. This natural product also enhances gene function in the skin:

“…leading to improved permeability barrier function and likely antimicrobial defense as well.

“Our results may explain the many anecdotal observations that patients with perturbed barrier function and increased susceptibility towards skin infections benefit from topical urea application.”

Goldilocks and the Three Bears?

Getting the formula just right took us many, many years. We fear that Chuck almost gave up on us. But eventually we found a formula that seemed right. As you will see in this video, I was fearful that some people, myself included, might find that urea might sting. Here’s a video shortly after we introduced the product.

Why Develop The People’s Pharmacy Urea Skin Relief?

First, we wanted to create a product that we liked! You can tell from our enthusiasm in the video that we are excited about this moisturizer. Second, we wanted something that that does not have paraben preservatives or phthalate plasticizers. You would be amazed at how many skin care products do have these endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

We just interviewed two experts from Consumer Reports about phthalates in our food. It will blow your mind to learn how many of the foods on supermarket shelves have substantial quantities of these chemicals. If you listen to Show 1381: How to Eat Less Plastic, you will learn why you do not want extra phthalates on your skin or in your food.

What Are People Saying About The People’s Pharmacy Urea Skin Relief?

We thought you would like to see what users of our brand new skin cream are saying about this product:

Here are Jim’s comments. We love skeptics!

“I was skeptical of this but I trusted Joe and Terry based on years of listening to them. Dry cracked skin has been a constant winter problem for me; this worked to stop the problem in a day or two. No greasy feel like many other ‘solutions’ I’ve tried. I’m buying a second 2 oz tube for another location where I spend a lot of time. Thank you both.”

Linda asks a crucial question about The People’s Pharmacy Urea Skin Relief:

“Can we have a list of ingredients before we buy it?”

As with all our products, the ingredient list is on every package and can be found in the store before you purchase. Here is a link.

Julie offers a little history about urea:

“Just received my first order and am very excited! I have had rosacea for years and no prescription ever worked. My sister-in-law recommended Prosacea which helped quite a bit and I’ve been using it ever since. You mentioned urea a number of years ago and when I looked at Prosacea’s ingredients, there it was! I have continued to have a few skin issues and am so happy that Chuck and my favorite couple have developed this! Just used it for the first time and loved the consistency and feel of it.”

Carolyn asks anothoer critical question that many people care about!

“Are there fragrances?”

Nope! No fragrances.

We created Magnesium-Rich Aluminum-Free Roll-on Deodorants with no fragrance (2 oz and 3.38 oz). But some people like a scent…so there is my personal favorite, Men’s MoM (milk of magnesia) Aluminum-Free Roll-On Deodorant! This roll-on deodorant has an appealing herbal aroma that is appropriate for use by men (although many women like it, too).

Final Words:

Why have we spent so much time and energy creating magnesium-based, aluminum-free deodorants and The People’s Pharmacy Urea Skin Relief Intensive Skin Therapy? The answer will surprise many people. To keep The People’s Pharmacy syndicated newspaper column, syndicated public radio show and podcast and this website going, we needed financial support.

None of those media outlets can do that on their own or collectively. We are an independent voice in the wilderness when it comes to patient safety, especially regarding medications. We also provide scientific documentation for many home remedies. Maybe you have tried one.

Big Pharma does not like us. And Google has made it hard for people to find our articles during a search. That’s why we rely on you to help us keep The People’s Pharmacy afloat.

And that’s where products like Pomegranate Natural Lip Care and Berry Natural Lip Care, (thanks to Chuck), and Bed Soap and Leg Soap (thanks to Chuck) and now The People’s Pharmacy Urea Skin Relief (2 oz) and The Peoople’s Pharmacy Urea Skin Relief (6 oz) (THANKS TO CHUCK!) come in.

We hope you will find something you like in the store. Please know that when you buy something from The People’s Pharmacy it enables us to write another article for this website and continue broadcasting our public radio show and podcast. Thank you!

  • Grether-Beck, S., et al, "Urea uptake enhances barrier function and antimicrobial defense in humans by regulating epidermal gene expression," Journal of Investigative Dermatology, June, 2012, doi: 10.1038/jid.2012.42
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About the Author
Joe Graedon is a pharmacologist who has dedicated his career to making drug information understandable to consumers. His best-selling book, The People’s Pharmacy, was published in 1976 and led to a syndicated newspaper column, syndicated public radio show and web site. In 2006, Long Island University awarded him an honorary doctorate as “one of the country's leading drug experts for the consumer.”.
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