There are so many wart remedies it is hard to know where to start or stop. Castor oil applications are highly recommended by our readers. But one of the few treatments that have actually been tested is taking Tagamet (cimetidine).
This research has been published in numerous dermatological journals. We consider this a “home remedy” because it is a novel use for this popular heartburn medicine.
One study found that more than 80 percent of treated patients had a significant response, though it did take six to eight weeks to see improvement.* The dose was 30 mg/kg/day. To calculate weight in kg, divide the weight in pounds by 2.2.
Other studies have not had such success. Flat warts seem to respond better than raised ones.
How Tagamet might work remains elusive, though one theory has it the drug alerts the immune system so the body attacks the virus that causes warts.
Although a number of case studies and open label trials have produced quite positive results in children, traditional randomized controlled trials in which patients’ parents do not know whether the child is receiving cimetidine or placebo have been unimpressive.