Q. My mother suffers a lot with cramps, not only in her legs. She had been on quinine but now her doctors won’t prescribe it and she has nothing to help with her daily pain.
The doctors don’t really seem to know what to do to help her with this and she is willing to try anything. What do you recommend?
A. Her doctors should review her medications to determine if any of her drugs may be contributing to her cramps. Some people report this problem is more common when they take cholesterol-lowering medicines or certain asthma drugs.
We often encourage people to get plenty of potassium and magnesium. One surprising remedy for muscle cramps is a spoonful of yellow mustard. Another is soap under the bottom sheet. It sounds very odd, but many readers find it helpful.
We have collected a range of remedies for muscle cramps and restless leg syndrome in our Guide to Leg Pain.