We are constantly amazed at the home remedies people think up using just a few common household products. Vicks VapoRub is one such versatile product that seems to help heal everything from paper cuts to toenail fungus to a troublesome nighttime cough that keeps everyone in the family awake.
Listerine for Everything:
Another perennial favorite is Listerine. The mouthwash has been used for dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, nail fungus, jock itch and even lice infestations.
Milk of Magnesia for Skin Troubles:
And then there is milk of magnesia. It is sold as a laxative, of course, but many people have found that it can be used as a lotion on the skin for problems as varied as underarm odor, seborrheic dermatitis, heat rash or acne. This reader has found that topical milk of magnesia seems to offer a reasonable alternative to swallowing magnesium supplements for preventing muscle cramps.
Escalating Leg Cramps:
Q. What started as bad leg cramps years ago escalated and moved up on my body. I get cramps underneath my breast (scary because it is so close to my heart) and have even had one in my neck. I had to hold my head with my hands; it felt like it was going to start spinning.
Easy Remedies for Cramps:
I have found two things that are effective.
Apple Cider Vinegar:
Taking apple cider vinegar (one teaspoon in some water with stevia) makes the cramp go away within a minute.
Milk of Magnesia:
This one is the real miracle: Milk of magnesia (used under my arm in place of deodorant) will stop cramping! If you get a cramp, grab some milk of magnesia and put a thick coat on the bottoms of your feet and put on some socks. Cramps gone within a minute!
A. We are intrigued by the idea of milk of magnesia on the soles of the feet. Some magnesium may be absorbed through the skin.
Benefits of Magnesium:
For people who are low in this vital mineral, providing additional magnesium can help muscles relax. Applying milk of magnesia on the soles of the feet is a very unusual way to use it, but we are glad to learn about it.
We are not quite sure why apple cider vinegar is helpful for muscle cramps, but we have heard from many people that pickle juice or apple cider vinegar can get rid of them promptly. There is even some research demonstrating that pickle juice works better that plain water to ease experimental muscle cramps (Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, May, 2010).