Compression stockings are frequently recommended (or even prescribed) to prevent serious health conditions such as a blood clot deep in the veins of the leg (deep vein thrombosis, or DVT). Such a clot could break loose and lodge in the lung, causing a potentially fatal pulmonary embolism.
Compression hose are also used as a preventive for venous stasis ulcers, skin sores that can result from poor circulation. Probably the most common reason to wear them, however, is to avoid the leg fatigue associated with varicose veins.
Prescription strength compression hose are pricey. One reader found a less expensive way to manage his varicose veins.
Support Pantyhose for Varicose Veins:
Q. I am a man, but I’ve been wearing women’s L’eggs Sheer Support Pantyhose for years for my varicose veins and bad circulation in my legs. They are far cheaper than the Jobst that the doctor initially recommended.
The pantyhose are very comfortable and my legs feel great in them. I choose the suntan color and wear them all the time with shorts, as it is very warm here in Arizona. Nobody comments.
A. When we checked prices, we could see the appeal of the pantyhose. The L’eggs brand offers several ranges of compression, and you have chosen the weakest. If it works for you, though, why not save 50 percent on the cost of pricey compression hose?